Disclaimer: I do not own Star Trek or its characters; I'm just taking them on an adventure. We are explorers, after all. I do not own Bernadette Peters or her performance of Rose's Turn. Though I do wish I could sing half as well as she does.

AN: My very first attempt at fanfiction, so bear with me. =) Inspired by Rose's Turn from Gypsy as performed by Bernadette Peters. Many, many thanks to Singing Violin for the beta.

Kathryn's Turn

"Hello, everybody! This is Marianne Mayberry from the Federation Chronicles, here to get all of the juicy details on anything happening in in the Federation! Here we are, live at the parade landing grounds in San Francisco!" She ducked her head, her dyed blonde hair bouncing.

"Hold your hats and hallelujah, my viewers, the wayward crew of the starship Voyager have finally landed! I just can't believe it! How do you like them eggrolls, Admiral?" Her smile flashed as she said the words, revealing much-too-white teeth. "No one thought they would actually make it, but here they are!" As the crew began to disembark, she conntinued to ramble, throwing in a little gossip about the lost ship and her crew.

The lower ranks exited first, followed by the senior staff. Harry, as anxious as ever to get off the ship, stepped onto the ramp before the others.

"Looky here, we've got Ensign Harry Kim, who started the seven-year mission an ensign and ended the seven-year mission as an ensign. The infinite ensign, yes that's Harry Kim for you! Rumor has it that he had a fiancée when he left, but that was seven years ago. Girls, there might be hope for you yet!

"Next off, are Lieutenants B'Elanna Torres and Tom Paris with their little bundle of joy. Aw, how cute, look at her forehead ridges; she's going to look just like her mother. Hopefully she doesn't have the same kind of temper. I heard that B'Elanna broke someone's nose early on in the journey. I wonder how Tom keeps up with such a feisty woman!" Her eyes gleamed as she said the words.

Tuvok was halfway down the ramp before Mayberry acknowledged his presence. "Here's Lieutenant Tuvok, as calm and stoic as ever, but what else do you expect from a Vulcan?" she continued, stifling a small chuckle. She pushed the hair that had fallen in front of her eyes out of the way, then looked expectantly at the ramp.

There was a long pause as the crowd waited for the final two passengers to appear.

Finally, after a substantial amount of time had passed, the command team stepped off the ship.

Marianne quickly launched into another fast-paced speech. "Kathryn, here she is, boys! Here she is, world! Here's Kathryn Janeway!" The applause that followed would have made it impossible for any other reporter to continue, but Mayberry continued undeterred, completely confident of her ability to quiet a crowd.

"Do you see that new hairdo? Mm, yes, much better then the last time we saw her! That's for sure! I have it on good authority that Janeway, like Ensign Kim, had a fiancé before getting stranded in the Delta Quadrant, Mark something-or-other. But he dear Johned-no he dear Janed her! What a pity-or maybe not-seven years is a long time to be alone. Without a fiancé, our darling captain could enjoy all the comforts of a companion without feeling guilty." She snickered, winking at the camera.

"And right by her side, Commander Chakotay. Well, hello tall dark and handsome! I wouldn't mind being stuck on a ship with him for seven years! Do you see the way he has his hand on the small of her back? My, my, that seems a little possessive." She clicked her tongue. "If you ask me, there's more there than just friendship. After all, seven years is a very long time." She winked again, hungrily taking in the scene before her.

Mayberry then turned to face the camera, flashing a very eccentric smile. "Well, folks. I do believe that is all for this evening. Join me at this time tomorrow for the inside scoop on the romantic relationship between Janeway and her first officer."

"Computer, end display."

Janeway slowly grasped her coffee cup, breathing in its scent, hoping it would help calm her down and keep her from throttling someone.

Someone like Marianne Mayberry.

Someone like…him.