Good Luck Holly

This is like Good Luck Charlie but my version of it.

Teddy: Christella Trinda Mar (me)

Bob (Charlie's dad): Jak Mar

Amy (Charlie's mom): Keira Mar

Spencer: Jake Spencer Bright(not boyfriend but Chris's best friend)

Chapter 1

"Hi Holly, it's your aunt Chris! I don't have enough money to buy my own house so I'm living with you,your dad and mom. Now, it's February so your 2 months old!" Said Chris in the video camera. "Now, what you may see might effect your whole 'My mom is my hero' thing!" She opened the door to the kitchen.

"Hi Holly! Who's the cutest baby? Who is? You are, you are!" Said Keira in a baby voice. Chris turned the camera to face her, her face had a disgust look.

"Ever since you where born on Christmas Eve or Christmas since you popped out at 12 o'clock midnight! They've been acting like that since! Now if they don't stop telling you how cute you are, your going to turn ugly! Hey, Jak!" Jak turned around.

"What?" He said looking at Chris.

"Is there something you want to say to Holly?" She asked. She alway hated Keira so she said "Maybe that Keira ruined your life?"

"No, Holly next time you get juice, don't throw it at Chris!" He said.

"Sorry, daddy is crazy wazy!" Said Chris doing a gesture of craziness. She closed the video camera. "What was that about?" Asked Chris.

"Cause I wanted to!" He yelled at Chris, Keira was walking by and Chris grabbed her shirt collar. "And you married him?" Said Chris and

Keira laugh at her. "When you love someone, you just say no to there cute face! " She answered.

"So that's why you said yes!" Jak said furious. Holly watched them, to her all the words where nothing. She let out a bunch of useless words. She sounded so cute. Holly crawled out her seat and crawled near Chris's legs as she argued with her brother and sister-in-law.

"Okay,okay, BE QUIET!" She yelled. "I'll just go to the other room and you two...get...along." She moved 2 steps and fell, luckily Holly moved and didn't get hurt. Keira ran to pick her daughter up. Jak ran to help Chris up.

"Are you okay,baby?" Asked Keira. Holly looked at her with her green-blue eyes.

"Are you okay, Chris?" He asked.

"Well, ever since that thing came here, she's trying to kill me!" She said pointing to Holly. Holly pointing her finger at her than looking at her mom.

"How can Holly want to kill you?" He said pointing to Holly. "She'll turn to a blond-hair, blue-green eyed little monster!" She said walked out the room. Jake walked in.

"Okay, that little demon got hold of my favorite book!" He said showing Chris the damaged book. It was red with gold writing saying 'The Big Book Of Haven History' now it's all broken.

"She hates us, I can feel it!" She said as Jake took a seat next to her.

"How are we going to show them? Your brother and sister-in-law don't believe us!" Wondered Jake."I'll think of something, so the baby is to stay with us while they go out." He said trying not to barf at the word 'baby'.

"Sadly yes!" Said Chris letting out a deep sigh, putting a piece of blond hair that had a red highlight out of her face.

"Chris, can I talk to you?" Yelled a voice from the kitchen. "I better go see what he wants!" Called Chris.

"Chris, Holly is in there!" Jake reminded her.

"Your right!" Answered Chris, she grabbed a metal baseball bat. She walked in the room with the bat in a way like a batter.

"Chris, Why do you have a bat?" Said Jak holding Holly, bouncing up and down. "Chris, I'm thinking you should take Holly to Italy with you, Jake and Rosy." Said Keira.

"What? Do you know how long I had to work to make that much money? Now where am I'm going to get the money? " Asked Chris get super mad. "We'll pay, besides babies under 2 years get in for free!" Said Jak.

"Hold on, I need to talk to Jake." She said walking near the door grabbing the bat. After 8 minutes they heard "No way, Chris! We're not taking Holly!" Called Jake.

"Jake if we do, you can go out meet cute italian girls! I mean, really I was born there and I came cute!" She said. He crossed his arms and said "Fine! But only to meet cute italian girls!" He said "So I can say ... how do you say 'you look cute' in italian?" He asked.

"Your an idiot!" She said turning away. She ran into the kitchen. "We'll take her!" She said with a smile.

"Thanks Chris! But your taking care of her!" He said after hugging her. "Fine! Pack her bag, we're leaving tomorrow!" Said Chris.