Story: The Keeper.
Due to a malfunctioned summoning scroll, Sakura finds herself back in a time where Sasuke still looked to his older brother with fondness. As she tries to undue her mistake her reason for returning grows less every day she spends in a life where everything was simple and innocent. ItachixSakuraxKakashi. AU-ish.
Chapter name: The sideways pull.
Word count: 792.
{A/n;; Oh jeebus a new story and "Smolder," is no yet finished. The plot bunnies made me post this I swear. This story will be told in drabble and shorts all under 1000 word count, so expect lotsa chapter for viewing pleasure. This story stays true to the manga up until now with a few notable changes.
1.)Sakura has long hair. Why? Because I demand it be so. 3
2.) She is slightly older around 17ish to make this story flow better.
& now story commencement. Please enjoy.
Sakura Haruno paused to wipe a spare bit of dust from her eyes to sigh mournfully over the heaps of unsorted scrolls that had truly seen better days. During a lull from mission due to the prolonged training absence of a certain blonde Sakura had become a workaholic. She worked a 72 hour week on average not including the countless spare time she spent pouring over medical journals. Anything to find an answer to end the fighting peacefully.
She had seen the suffering Sasuke had caused Naruto when he had left with Madara. It had to end, but she herself was to week to stop the Uchiha survivor herself. Did she still love the man who constantly tortured her very best friend? The obvious answer was too painful to acknowledge.
Tsunade had not turned a blind eye to Sakura's tiring plight, even though she was not fully rested herself. For five months Sakura worked like a maniac at the hospital till Tsunade had thought to steer Sakura away from her work. Men didn't work, even friends were ignored. So Sakura was given a A-class mission all by herself. The mission? Archive sorting.
Scrolls since the dawn of the first ninja's collected dust in the catacombs of the Hokage's tower, thus weren't useful to the Hokage. The dungeon as the pinkette called it gave her the creeps. The dank musty smell of aging scrolls combing with the constant drip of water was enough to Sakura to get goosebumps. The task at hand had taken her nearly nine hours just to re-roll the scrolls let alone organize them.
It was busy work. Plain and simple, Thought Sakura moodily. She was not getting any closer to saving Sasuke or Naruto just by sitting around sorting worthless scrolls that nobody really cared about. Letting loose a frustrated growl, Sakura angrily kicked out at a unsuspecting scroll at the bottom of a pile of already sorted ones. Even without chakra, the papaers fell away scattering back into the wasteland of messy scrolls. Even more enraged at her stupid mistake Sakura looked for another victim to blow off steam on. Her jade eyes caught sight of the innocent bystander one of the few rolled scrolls. It too was prey for her berserker foot.
Upon contact the scroll rolled out a few feet away. Inside the markings were crimson in color, and most of the symbols foreign to her. Curiosity piqued, the pinkette kneeled down on the cold floor next to the strange scroll. Muttering aloud she read some of the few symbols she make out, "To summon, a token must be paid by the user." A token? Like a coin or something, she thought to herself. But that just seemed simple, it was a summoning scroll right maybe she just needed a little blood? Her kunai lay forgotten in the heat of intentment as she bite down on her thumb harshly.
Careful with the small drop of blood she placed the injured digit into the center of the scroll. "I always wanted a summon creature!" Inner Sakura was quick to voice her thought on the events taking place. Sakura almost agreed but really she'd be happy enough to summon Sasuke here so she could slap some good ol sense into the misguided boy. And that was her last coherent thought as saw the walls around her fade away as her body began to jerk back and force as though it were being pulled in two completely different directions and unsure where to go.
When Sakura woke up it was light outside and she was lying facedown in a forest. Hadn't it been night when she last looked at her watch? Where did the archives room go? How come her head hurt so much? All these questions ricocheted off of her brain till she decided to stand up and find some answers for herself. Turning in a random direction she began walking along the forest path.
Upon reaching a clearing Sakura paused to take in her surrounding. In the center of the clearing she watched a small boy throw kunai towards a wooden dummy. Each shot veered dramatically the right and the kunai embedded themselves in a nearby tree far away from the intended target. Seeing a possible tantrum gearing up Sakura approached the young boy, her voice gentle, "Maybe if you stepped just slightly to the left, you might find success."
The boy turned at her voice, his younger voice softer but still clearly recognizable,
"But Itachi-oniisan doesn't have to move, he never misses!"
At these simple words, Sakura felt th weight of the world come crashing down around her, her legs buckled underneath her, and the ground rose up to meet her as the world went black.
{A/n;;Sakura back in the past with little Sasuke…oh how the plot thickens xD..