Um...hi everyone. This is my first I hope you like it...

Quick disclaimer: I don't own Yu-Gi-Oh! Or anything else lawyers might find.

Please enjoy and I will try to update it too.

Most people of today don't understand much, if anything at all. And when people can't comprehend something, they tend to fear it. Never is the case truer than with Yugi Mutou and his insane hair doo.

The curse Yugi endured because of his hair started the day he was born. His father was an extremely superstitious man and when he saw his son with his insane hair, he thought for sure he was a demon and even tried to kill him. His mother saved him, but not even she was quite comfortable with the child and his weird hair.

His mother asked for help from her own father Mr. Sugoroku Mutou, the proud owner of the Kame ("turtle") Game Shop. He was a retired archeologist and saw Yugi's hair as a sign of great things to come for the young boy. So, the old man took in his grandson, always allowing his parents to see him when they wished. His mom did visit on occasion, but Yugi's father wanted nothing to do with the boy except rid him from the world.

In essence, Yugi's father was not a bad man. He believed that he brought a demon into the world and that it was his duty to protect the world and get rid of it. That's not to say his conclusions and actions were just, they were definitely twisted in the idea that killing a helpless infant was good as long as the ends justified the means. But perhaps if we look at it from his point of view, we would see that good intentions were put behind warped actions.

One time, though, Yugi's father indeed went too far.

It was on Yugi's 1st birthday and his mother had shown up, but was always a bit farther from her son than most loving mothers would be. Guilt always welled up inside of her when she saw the young boy smile with pure happiness.

"Surely no boy with such a sweet smile could be a demon…could he?" she thought to herself.

If you're wondering why someone who had saved her son from being murdered the day he was born could ever consider the words the potential murderer said, then I'll tell you it's because Yugi's mother was one of those women who was full of insecurity; which is why Yugi's father liked to put words in her head and convince her to believe that only god was above him and that she was only his possession. Yeah, it ticks me off too.

Grandpa Mutou brought out the cake and presents and all in all it was a nice party. It took a lot out of little baby Yugi so Grandpa put him in his crib afterwards.

"He's such a well-behaved baby. Never cries, never whines, he just always smiles and giggles" Grandpa Mutou said to his daughter as they cleaned up the party.

"That's good…" Yugi's Mother said back a bit absent mindedly.

"I try to teach him all that I can, but there are some things I can't teach him. And with the shop I have to take care of as well…it would be much better if he had a mother around." Grandpa shot a guilty glance to his daughter, who quickly looked away.

"Not now father." She said, still not making eye contact.

"Then WHEN? That man you call your husband doesn't know what he's talking about when he says that child is a-"

That's when they heard a crash upstairs coming from the direction of Yugi's room.

"Yugi!" Grandpa Mutou exclaimed.

Grandpa Mutou looked to his daughter who showed little signs of concern as she stayed deep in her own guilty thoughts.

Giving up on his daughter, Grandpa Mutou ran upstairs as fast as an old man could (which was surprisingly fast) to his little grandson's room. Inside was a familiar shadowy figure holding a ancient looking book and lighting candles around the room while drawing a spiritual circle on the ground.

"What are you doing?" Grandpa Mutou asked in distress as he looked over to the silent baby that was looking up at wonder at the man.

"Stay away old man," The shadow hissed. "I'm doing what should have been done a long time ago."

The circle began to glow as the man chanted strange words out of his book in a language Grandpa Mutou didn't recognize. Yugi began to cry as if he were in some sort of pain.

"STOP!" Grandpa Mutou exclaimed.

"…and with these hands of a sinner I purify this world, one demon at a time…" the shadow man's words turned to English as he pulled a dagger out of his book. "Starting with this one!"

The man swung the dagger down to the baby, but Grandpa Mutou jumped just in time to knock the knife out of the man's hand and get him on the ground. They began to wrestle with each other on the ground as Yugi cried and cried. You couldn't blame Yugi for crying; what else was a baby, or anyone else, supposed to do when they're scared?

Grandpa Mutou finally got a grip on the man and pulled their faces together.

"Why? Why are you doing this to your own son?" Grandpa Mutou asked.

"That demon is NO son of mine." Yugi's father said heartlessly.

Grandpa Mutou threw Yugi's father to the ground and, with a glare, said

"Then you are NO step-son of mine."

Grandpa Mutou called the police and Yugi's father was put on trail and found guilty for attempted murder. He was sentenced to 15 years in jail with no chance of parole.

When Yugi's father was dragged out of the court room by 5 police officers it is said that he shouted out to Grandpa Mutou and 1½ year old Yugi


He was not heard from again for 15 years…

Ooooooooo. What will happen in 15 years?

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