Heyy! So, this is my first fan fic for Sonic ;o I just wanted to try it out, y'know. So here we goo


Just so you know, this is a high school story, but there will be stuff that is the same. You'll see what I mean.


No one knew the pain I was feeling. Not even Cream or Rouge. Not even Shadow or Sonic. He didn't want anyone to know so I hid my 'Big Secret'. Day after day I'd be getting twice of many bruises on my body and still no one knew. Who was 'He'? Jet. Jet the Hawk.

I met him while walking back to my house. All the guys were checking me out. It was really annoying. Years ago I'd would of hit 'em with my Piko Piko Hammer, but that was the old me. I grew up to be a 17 year old that actually could keep a temper and wasn't obsessed with Sonic. That went away when I turned 13. Anyway, you would have thought that Sonic would have saved me right? Well, he was busy. Whom with? None other than Sally Acorn. Even though I didn't like him like that I hated her.

I tried walking away from on particular guy but that didn't turn out so well. Jet was walking home too and saw what happened. He beat them up. From that day I thought he was sort of heroic. I was half right and wrong..

Days after days we spent more time together. We ended up going out. Everyone thought we were the cutest couple, I guess we were. It didn't matter. I liked him alot. One year later; I had just turned 17 and I had a party. (Well Rouge planned it..) It was fun. After the party when everybody left he was still there. He told me he had a special present for me, therefore he couldn't give it to me during the party. We went to the couch and started kissing. A few minutes later it became intense, I didn't mind until I felt my bra unclip. I pushed him off saying that I did love him but I surely wasn't going to give up my virginity to him. He took it the wrong way..

"You're saying that you wouldn't give it up for me? Amy, I love you."

"I love you too..I just can't"

He shook his head. "No."


"No. You don't love me. This was all a fucking game wasn't it? After all I gave you this is my thanks?"

"What? You're-"

"Don't talk back to me!" I felt my face hot a few seconds later. He slapped me.

That was the first time he ever hit me. He felt guilty so he left. After what happened he took me out to dinner to apologize. I forgave him and ended up in a hotel. I refused again and he punched me. From that day on, I hated him for making me fall in love with me.

That routine came often. He told me that if I broke up with him or even tell anyone (especially Sonic since he knew we were close) he'd kill me. I don't know why he became an abuser. Just because I chose not to give up my virginity was not the real reason I'm sure of it. I'm afraid to ask and get beaten to death. Oh how I wish I never had this problem to begin with.

Who am I? Gee, well all these hints I think you already know but if you don't...I'm Amy. Amy Rose. A girl who can't explain her problems to the world.

So what do you think? should I continue? Review please(: No flames, I tried my best on this.