At a meeting of the gods
The all fearsome greek gods, the 11 top Olympians (Zeus is not present, and hasn't been for 19 years) were sitting in their thrones, as if waiting for someone.
"Where is Tonto already, I want to get cracking!" Ares, a rather imposing biker dude smirked, rubbing his palms together in a sort of disturbing manner. "That gift of his sounds just perfect!" a silver arrow from Artemis then impacted near Ares's head.
"Hey, calm down sis" Apollo, a blond teenager, tried to calm the girl down. Artemis, a young looking 12 year old auburn haired girl in silver cloths. The girl was not alone, she had brought one of her hunters, a girl with blond hair, silver cloths and moonlight pale eyes. Her name was Diana.
"Do you really want someone like Ares to get a hold of it?"
"Well, no"
"HEY!" Artemis stared at the complaining god of war.
"Why do you even want to use it anyway?"
"Because cloning sounds so perfect, I could raise myself a army of all powerful clones and burn something down, I'm thinking of Boston myself"
"Really, this cloning machine is not to be used like that, its supposed to be more like a offering to the services, of certain Olympians, and as a measure of good faith to help bury the animosity Tonto has with some of you" she and her hunter's gaze went from Ares to Hera, a older looking motherly type of woman, to Aphroditewho had a stunning appearence enviable by any woman and desired by any man, to Demeter whose hair was tied up in something that resembled a wicker basket somewhat, to Dionycus who was looking a little pudgy, but seemed a little more optomistic with his time at camp down to 10 years remaining.
"Well well little Arty, your starting to care for that idiot a bit more, I see" Aphrodite laughed. Diana tensed.
"He's done so much, you can't help but be a little kind to him, I mean he did do a lot to help take out Kronos" Athena, a regal looking woman with curly dark hair and gray eyes, commented.
"Yeah, after accidently releasing him in the first place, and he was highly responisble for getting rid of Zeus" Hera cried out in anger.
"Yeah, it was bad that he got rid of him, he was getting a little, well very, evil, and when someone is attacked, they do have a right to defend themselves in any way they choose" hermes, a young athletic man with winged shoes, brought up.
"And even worse, he created, that!" Hera growled, looking at Diana in pure hate.
"You will not talk to any of my hunters like that!" Artemis yelled right back.
"That, thing is not a hunter, but Tonto's little messed up experiment child!" Aphrodite joined in. Diana was looking down sadly.
"Hey, I'm not a thing, I'm Diana, the only descendent of Artemis, distant descendent of Loki and Sasalonius..."
"Yeah, and the pretty much a prototype of what Tonto's cloning machine can do" Diana was a clone, created by mistake when some of Tonto's younger friends were messing with the first cloner 39 years ago. Her DNA had been mixed, as that was the cloners main effect, instead of just making copies of a person, it could randomly combine DNA of two beings, in this case Artemis, and Tonto. She also had a friend who was also likewise made, and created by mistake at the same time, Leia Grace, who was also a hunter whose DNA was a combination of Thalia's and Luke's. No one but a select few had any idea the girls identities for many years, until the end of the last great war, when Kronos was free again, because he not only had to wait until the girls were old enough to comprehend it mentally (Physically they're about 12, as they are hunters) and until Artemis and Thalia were in a good enough mood to listen to Tonto, as back then Tonto and Artemis did not get along that well. It was also on caution for the girls, as Tonto feared that Artemis might take it out on them.
Luckily Artemis and Thalia definatly showed themselves to care about the girls a lot, and while initally shocked about the revelation, they quickly accepted that they had children somehow, and also started to become much more friendly towards Tonto himself. Tonto was given the freedom to visit Diana once a week, enough to keep a god eye on her, but not enough to offend the other hunters.
Just then, a explosion occured outside on Olympus, a loud bomb like explosion.
"TONTO!" Artemis and Diana cried out, as the gods warped towards the explosion.
Where the Explosion took place
They warped onto a edge lying walkway of Olympus, with a large burn mark in the pavement. A old man, who had paling blond hair, lay immobolized against the ground.
"Dad" Diana shook the aged man (She's biologically 39, and her father's about 59).
"Urg, ow what hit me" he looked around.
"The cloners gone!" he started to panic.
"WHAT!" the gods said in shock.
"Yes, and I have it!" they looked around for the voice who said it, and turning around, they spotted a hovering car like thing, with a black machine, the cloner, stashed in the back seat. Driving it was a gray haired man in shabby cloths.
"I'd love to stay and chat immortals, but I have my fortunes to be made elsewhere" his car flew off, as it seemed the space in front of it had been shot by a gun, and it was glass, as a hole sort of like that formed in front of the car.
"You have a anomaly projecter!" Tonto gasped. Anomalies were random portals across time and space! It was then that Diana jumped off from Olympus and landed on the car.
"Diana!" one thing she inherited from her "Father" was a certain, forget to look where you leap sort of behavior. It was then that the car, and Diana, were sucked into a portal across time and space.
In the portal
"Get off you hunter!" the man started to drive the car sharply. Diana was then knocked off, and while he made his intended destination, Diana got thrown into the same dimmension the man had come from, but 12 years later...