Dear God, It's Me Winry


Winry tossed and turned in her bed all night and all day, clenching her abdomen for dear life. She had never had pains like this before and never this long. The pain pill she had taken didn't help to much effect, leaving her to roll in agony, hope something wasn't wrong with her and that the throbbing in her lower belly would eventually pass. Tears built up in her eyes and she gritted her teeth when another pang shot through her constricted body. She grabbed the pillow and squeezed it to relieve some of the discomfort, praying that Ed and Al would return from Central Headquarters soon because she needed comfort and needed to know she was going to be alright. "Hurry guys."


The hallways in the hotel were quiet and everyone seemed to be inside enjoying the early evening, that is, until Ed and Al entered the building.

"That Mustang makes me wanna choke someone!" Ed yelled strangling the air, making Al a bit nervous. The boy obviously had a bad day at work and was glad to be coming home. (God knows he needed some rest, and that the rest of the tenants wanted him to shut up.)

"You will do no such thing Ed! Someone's going to lock you up for good if you keep spurting out threats like that." Al poked his finger into Ed's chest for emphasis.

"Haha. Once Al. I was in jail once. That guy had it coming, acting all suspicious and then running when I kicked him in the balls." Ed spoke as if he enjoyed his time in the slammer...and kicking that innocent man. "Assault my ass!"

"Pfft...People tend to run when you kick them, idiot!" ...I'm surprised if that man can still have kids after the way Ed kicked him...with the automail leg... Al thought unlocking the door to theirroom and ushering Ed to behave. "Now be quiet. If Winry heard you've done hard time, she'd kill you in a heartbeat."

"...I know." The older Elric sighed. "I'm just glad to be away from that bastard Mustang and back to my loving friend who has an early dinner waiting for me!" Ed yelled as if expecting someone to hear him. No reply. The brothers stepped inside to see all the lights out and no sound. "Winry we're back." Still silence.

"Did she go somewhere, brother?" Al turned on the lights to search the living area. No Winry.

"Is she still asleep? Check her bedroom Al." Ed said going to check the bathroom.

Al walked to his friend's bedroom and quietly knocked on the door. "Winry, are you in there?"

Al?... Winry thought. The girl tried to get up but pain overwhelmed her. "Ngh..." Was all she could muster up to say.

"Winry?" Alphonsewent to open the door but was surprised to find it locked. "Are you okay? Winry." All he could hear was a painful groaning sound.

"Ed, Winry is in her room but she sounds hurt." Al said panicked as he attempted to break down the door.

"Is it locked?" Ed rushed over to the door, now very worried from Al's tone. "We're coming in Winry!" The brother's combined weight opened the door and they rushed into the bedroom. "Winry?" The girl was in a very crippled looking position on her bed. She tried to sit up and acknowledge them but once again the pains filled her body.

"It hurts..." She whispered trying to reach for Ed.

"What does Winry?" He quickly rushed to her side. "Touch where it hurts." Winry put her hands on her lower abdomen. Is that bad? Ed thought as he quickly felt the spot of Winry's discomfort.

"I've been this way all...ugh...night and morning. I've even...taken pain pills." The teen squeezed Ed's hand for alleviation. "I can't even get up."

"Al, I think we need to get her to a doctor." Edward picked up Winry piggyback style and headed toward the door.

"I'm...fine...and I'm still in my...ngh...pajamas." She struggled to release herself from his grasp but to no avail.

"No, Win. You don't look okay. I can tell you're hurting and need help." He adjusted his hold on her. "Besides, I promised that nothing will ever hurt you and I intend to keep it that way." The brothers rushed out the door to the nearest elevator.

"Come on!" Al yelled as he pressed the down button.

"Dammit, hurry up!" The boy kicked the elevator repeatedly until the doors opened. "Finally!" Ed shoved the man coming out of the elevator to get to the switchboard. "We're on our way Win."

"I'm not guys." The girl tightened her grip on Ed's shoulders. "You're going through to much troub-"

"-I don't care!" Ed suddenly interrupted. "I cannot bare to see you in pain and I sure as hell am not going to sit around and do nothing."

The elevator doors opened and the trio sped out of the hotel and into the streets causing a big commotion. The few unlucky people, still on the streets, had to jumped out of the way as they barreled through. "Move!" Ed yelled pushing people out of the way.

We must look like a sight. Winry thought to herself as she laid her head on Ed's shoulder. ...And causing all this ruckus for me.

"We're getting closer." The young alchemist panted as he rounded another corner. Edward remember when Winry had taked care of him after automail surgery. She was there for him night and day and gave him anything he needed whether it troubled her or not. He wanted to be there for hernight and day and make sure she got everything she needed. He wanted to carry her everywhere he went and comfort her every time she was down or alone. He wanted to feel pain with her and be scared with her...and in the pit of his heart he knew that he loved her, not just as a childhood friend or mechanic, even though he would never admit it. After ten minutes of not stop running they arrived at the hospital. "We're here!" Ed rushed through the doors and demanded a doctor see Winry right away. "My friend here, Winry, Winry Rockbell is in much pain and need medical attention right now!" Ed heavily panted as he slowly put Winry on her feet.

"Yes sir, right away. Please fill out these forms and we will get Miss Rockbell to a doctor as soon as possible." The lady at the registration desk handed the forms to Edward and asked if he and his metal friend could wait while Winry went with the nurses.

"Yes ma'am." Ed and Al took their seats and started filling out Winry's forms.

"Okay, Name...duh, Winry Rockbell...Parent or Guardian's name...Pinako Rockbell...the old bat..., Check male or female...female...obviously...age 15. height...5'3..."


"Fine...5'5. Weight...about 110?...Blood idea..." ...I know her bra size if that helps... "Is Winry allergic to anything, Al?" Ed said racking his brain for more answers.

"I think she's allergic to penicillin." Al vaguely remembered Winry having a reaction when taking it after a cold. She had been swollen for 3 days.

"Next...symptoms of attending physician's...What is this 20 questions? pains in lower abdomen...shouldn't the doctor figure that out?...blah, hell no...yes...I don't know, 3?...Why would anyone want to know that?...yes...okay done!" Ed sighed in relief when they were finished and returned the sheets to the secretary. He never liked filling out papers...especially his weekly reports the Colonel gave him. Ed walked back to Al and plopped in his seat.

"She'll be fine." Al said, putting his hand on Ed's shoulder to calm him.

"Yeah, she's tough."


Ed and Al patiently waited for the status on their friend. Twenty, painfully slow, minutes had passed since they last saw her. Al read a magazine while Ed, who was extremely bored, counted the floor tiles. He tried to keep his mind off of disturbing and grim thoughts that crept in his head and reminded himself that his girl was stubborn and strong. The brothers jumped when they saw the doctor leave the examining room and walk towards them.

"Hey doc! I she going to be okay?" Ed accidentally yelled.

"Haha. Don't worry she's fine, she's fine." The doctor raised her hands to settle the boy down. "But there is something I need to discuss with you fine young gentlemen. Would you please sit down." She flashed them a friendly smile and motioned for the boys to sit.

"No problem." Ed and Al sat down, relieved that Winry wasn't in any real danger.

"Do you know what's wrong with our friend, Miss?" Al said politely. He wasn't going to yell at the poor lady like Ed did.

"Yes, I do. From your description of her symptoms, what your lovely young friend has told me, and my personal opinion, I believe Miss Rockbell is experiencing some severe pre-menstrual cramps. One of the many symptoms of PMS."

"Oh thats goo-"

"-What?" Ed and Al screamed in unison. Ed face was bright red and Al, even though not able to make facial expression, looked more nervous then a sinner in church. (Excuse the expression. ^^)

The doctor giggled at the boys outburst. She new the topic embarrassed most men but had to address it in a professional manner. "Now boys, I can tell that this isn't something you're comfortable discussing, but this is a serious matter. Can I trust you to be mature and listen?" She took off her glasses and tucked them into her pocket.

"...Yes ma'am." The boys mumbled.

"As I was saying, your friend is having serious pre-menstrual cramps. I assume from your yelling that you know what that means."

"...Yeah..." Ed said twirling his fingers nervously.

"Most women experience some type of pain on, or in Winry's case, right before their period, ranging from mild to extreme. Winry is one of the unlucky women who have very heavy cramping and ,although it might seem harmful, is completely natural. Mother Nature isn't always fair when it comes to things of that category."

"But what can we do about it?...I mean, we can't just watch while she rolls around in pain. It's just..." Ed looked away from the doctor. "I can't stand to see her this way."

"There are some remedies that could help if Winry starts having cramps again. First get her a heating pad or a warm washcloth to put over her belly to increase the flow of circulation to the uterus to lessen her pain. If that doesn't work then give her one of these pills to take with some water or herbal tea." The doctor pulled a pill bottle out of her other pocket and handed it to Ed."

"Okay doctor." It felt like a weight had been lifted off the boys shoulder and they could finally breathe easy. Winry was okay and that was all that mattered.

"Your friend is in that room if you want to see her." The doctor said pointing to the first door in the hall. "And if Winry starts getting irritated or moody in the next few days, its perfectly normal." She winked at the boys as she got up to leave.

"Thanks for warning us..." Ed said nervously rubbing the back of his head. Winry is always moody...

"And remind her of how lucky she is to have friends like you."

"Thanks, we will." Ed and Al waved goodbye and went to go see Winry in the next room.

Winry was sitting on the patient's table with her knees tucked under her chin. The pill the doctor had gaven her was taking affect and she was relieved to be okay...although she wasn't looking forward to the week ahead. Thank goodness Ed and Al care so much. She thought to herself.

"Winry." There was a knock on the door. "We're coming in." They entered the room slowly and without word, staring at their female friend.

"...So...the doc says your okay...that's good..." Winry could tell just by looking at them both, that they heard what was wrong with her.

"Yeah it is." Winry said with a awkward smile.


"Thanks for caring so much and being there for me." The girl stretched out her arms to signal she wanted to hug. "What would I do without you guys?"

"More than you think." Al said running into her hug.

"Yeah..." Ed joined the two in the intimate moment.

"You guys are so great!"

As the brothers were embracing their friend, they realized how nice she was being, not Winry-ish. Was this the beginning of the god forsaken mood swings?

"...And I never tell you this but I love you two." Winry said squeezing her grip on them.

...Where did that come from? Was that the hormones?

"Especially you Ed." The girl then kissed her unsuspecting friend on the cheek.


Lol this whole story is screwed up lol anyway thanks for reading! I know how she feels in this chapter...I've had worse... Cramps are of the devil! Can I get an Amen from a sista (or a mista...I don't know your life) ? XD Just for the record, pain pills do not really help...thank God for midol.