Disclaimer: If I do own Hellsing, Alucard and Integra will have been left for some tropical islands and spend their honeymoon there. Thank your god that I'm not!

It was really strange for Integra since the day Alucard had turned her. He hadn't just bit her like any other meal he ever had. He had kissed her neck, licked it, sucked it before buried his fangs into her delicate neck. She could feel how his body had reacted when he'd sucked her blood with his lips. She knew there will be no way for her to forget the way his tongue had nip her neck lustily…

And now, she was wondering, what her ancestors would do if they realize that the last heir of Hellsing was a vampire. She was a creature that she had to destroy. What an irony. But, it was worth for what will happen if she hadn't made her mind.

Back then, a group of well-organized freaks had succeeded breaking into the meeting building. Later, she will regret why she hadn't take Alucard or Ceras or Walter with her. Easily, those freaks had killed all the guards, and the evacuation hardly been protected. Although she her self had only carried her usual revolver, she had been able to join the guards and protect the rest of the Round Table members.

But a mere bullet had made its way to her chest. After that, she could hardly breathe. She'd known felt that the freaks were defeated, and people were taking her to somewhere –looked like ambulance –and they had treated her wound quickly. She couldn't tell how long it took before she'd been in a room with some kind of smell that gave her hint that she'd been in a hospital's room. But her eye sight had given her a very bad vision. Everything had been blurry.

"Sir Integra!"

She'd been able to hear Ceras, noisy as always. Oddly, it had seemed that her voice had come from a very far place. She must been had something in her ear or head. But she couldn't blame her for she must look so weak. She'd wished she could speak so she can order her self to calm down, but she hadn't.

"Milady, the nurse insists that there should be only one person allowed to see you, but I guess miss. Victoria can't even be described as a person…"

Walter had stopped talking as he'd cried a low sigh right when he'd found out how bad her condition had been. Strange, she couldn't hear his voice clearly too.

Suddenly they had been silent as Dr. Travelian had come in. He'd whispered something to Walter which had made the old butler's face even paler. Integra hadn't heard anything or feel anything. Her head had been dizzy, and she'd felt a little nauseous, and her body had been numb as hell.

Dr. Travelian had come near, saying something she hadn't understood or heard, and had took his leave. But she'd heard Ceras crying and sobbing from the corner. Walter hadn't left out any sound, but he'd touched his eyes with his sleeve for times.

What's up with them? She had been like to ask them and ask for some cup of tea if she had been able to speak. Suddenly, the temperature of the room had changed, and it'd gotten darker. Still in her blurry vision, she had been able to see her servant's shadows.

Integra, my master.

So he'd talked to her mind.

They couldn't stop your bleeding. The bullet stuck in your heart. They can't get you a new heart. It will kill you if they try to do anything to your body, and you will be dead in few hours.

Then he'd stopped for a while to enjoy her reaction for these facts.

In another words, you're dying. Dead end.

Dead end. Somehow, she hadn't agree with 'dead end' words.

But you still have my offer, master. Will you come with me and be the ruler with me by your side?

She hadn't seen his eyes, but she felt how red it was.

No, Alucard. I am who I am. I won't let it happen. I've decided it since your first offer, and it won't be changed.

Even it had been hard for her to speak mentally.

He then had been silent. And she'd felt weaker every minute passed. Walter had held her hand tightly, and at the other side Ceras had looked at her sadly. Her crimson tears had stained her uniform.

All the while, Alucard still had remained at the corner, around the darkness of his own shadows. He had still been offering the eternity. He had had offered her as usual at first, but as her breathe heavier, his offer had became pleas.

She'd felt her old pet vampire crying in silent as he'd shouted mentally to her.

You're stupid master, you let the eternity and power goes like this? Stay with me, master!


Don't foolish yourself. We both know that you want to stay. Just say yes!


Master, imagine all the things you could done for Hellsing, for the church, the queen, for England!


Master, please…


Crimson tears blended in his red suite, added more scarlet specs in the room. He was out of control.


It had surprised Walter and Ceras, but it had shocked Integra.

"You know, Master, no one can stop me, not even the Angel of Death or that poor Angel Dust. NO ONE, BUT YOU! Just die! And I'll ruin your every thing!"

Integra's eyes had become wide open. She'd tried to think of what had just Alucard say, but she couldn't.

How master? Will you choose eternity? Not to save your live, but to save the most important things in your life?

I will hate you for what I will ask you, servant! I will hate you from the bottom of my heart! Do you hear me, you bastard?

I'm okay with that as long as you're with me.

I will kill you until you can't regenerate your damn dead body, and you will regret every damn word you had said!

She'd yelled mentally to him. She had been hardly moved her body, but she'd bit her lip to hold her anger. No one ever threat her and success. No one threat her with her life and world existence in line. And to find out that it had been her own slave…

Do whatever you want, Master, for as long as you're with me I will be all right.

Integra smiled bitterly as she remembered how he had come closer to her and sank his fangs in her throat. And that's how it's all began.

A/N: Okay, here's the edited of the first chapter. I hope it's better now. Thanks for reading anyway, and it'll be great if you review. Have a good day, and may God bless you. (If you believe in God)