A/N alright guys here it is the prequel to Team 7 the Ki wielding ninjas. So some info that you need to know before you go on a read the story. Now some people will know about Sakura's mother being an alien such as her dad and Naruto's parents. And a few others also later on you will see a bit of a dark side to Sakura to her thanks to the kids that were bullying her. The last is Sakura's mother will not fight the nine tailed fox/Kyuubi Sorry. Now let's get this show on the road shall we one last thing I do not own DBZ or Naruto.

Legend "Talking"


"Inner Sakura"

"Jutsu/Ki attack name/ Demon or summon speaking"

Chapter 1 Bardock's warning

To the Saiyans on Planet Vegeta none of the low class knew that this was the day that was were their race would come to an end. Only a few Saiyans knew what Frieza was about to do one of them was Bardock who had just lost his friends to Dodoria's elites and who was al most killed by Dodoria.

Bardock had managed to get back home in time before Frieza could reach Planet Vegeta first. Once he was close to his home his own space pod went right past Kakarot's pod that was on it way to Earth. It didn't take to long for Bardock to land on Vegeta and he knew that he has to warn everyone about Frieza planed on doing to them. So slowly he walked to where some of his comrades were eating and drinking away not knowing of the danger that was coming to destroy them all. But a young female Saiyan was talking to Planthorr and Malaka who both wanted to see her.

"Aaahhh Vanera I'm glade that you could come on such short notice." Planthorr said to her as she walked in.

She was not like most female she had her hair in a pig tail, and her skin was that of a pale complexion to other Saiyans. She also had the same armour that her prince would one day have on.

She only huffed at them angry she had more important thing to do right now. "This better be good Planthorr King Vegeta said that all powerful Saiyan elites to meet him within the hour." She told him and was about to walk off when Planthorr stopped her.

"This is something that the King wanted us to tell you about you power that even shocked him and your parents when you were born." Planthorr said.

Once Vanera heard this she looked back at him wondering what he was on about. "What about my power level Planthorr?" She asked with curiosity in her eyes.

Vanera only watched as Planthorr and Malaka brought up some date on her family records. She only smiled as she saw some of her brothers and sisters name come on the screen as all of them were low class fighters from what her farther told her. Even her parents were low class Saiyans but when she was born instead of a low level like a five or lower like the rest of her family. She had a power level of 700 when she was born and now her power level was at 16,000 thanks to all the fight that she has done.

"Well go on Planthorr I don't have all day!" She said getting frustrated.

Planthorr just went back to the computer that he was on. "Well my dear from all the data that I have and from what Malaka has theorised. Sine you were born we such a high power level we think that if you ever had a child she or he would be the strongest Saiyan ever to live right next to Kakarot!" Planthorr said to her only for Malaka to laugh.

"Your not still going on about that are you Planthorr?" Malaka asked.

Planthorr just smiled at this. "You just wait Malaka one day he will be the strongest fighter off all the Saiyans that anyone has ever seen!" Planthorr said to him.

When Vanera heard this she just laughed at what she had heard some of the other Saiyans said about Kakarot. Who only had a power level of 2 how can he be so grate and Planthorr thought that Kakarot will be strong she just laughed at the thought of it. Even if she did decide to have a brat he or she would be stronger then him by a large margin that if Planthorr was right about the data.

"As fun as having a little brat sounds! I don't think that I don't want to be a mother yet Planthorr. After all I'm only sixteen and having kids is not my style! Even if they will be strong which I think they will not!" Vanera said walking out of the medical room.

"You see Planthorr I told you that she wouldn't believe your data!" Malaka said.

This only went on as Vanera went off to the bar to get drink before she would meet the king. Once she had gone to the bar Vanera had ordered her drink and relaxed for a bit that was until Bardock came into the room.

He was going on about how Frieza's men killed his crew and that Frieza was now on his way to kill them all. While every one of the Saiyans just laughed at this and him while Vanera was shocked by the news. As she remembered what King Vegeta had said to her and Zorn not to long ago just after Frieza and meet with him?

She remembered the meeting they had along with other Saiyan elites what her king had told only them. How Frieza had his son on bored his ship and King Vegeta knew that sooner or later Frieza would kill them all.


It was only a few months ago that King Vegeta had all of his Elite Saiyans with him as well as his Royal guard. All of them were waiting for their king to come out and talk to them about Frieza they all know what this was about. For a long time the Elite Saiyans knew that sooner or later Frieza would kill them all after even the low class ranks were growing stronger with each fight they had.

While most of them were taking Vanera was out in the front waiting for her king to come and talk to them. As she looked around she saw some other female Saiyan Elites but there was only a few of them as having Elite females was rare for them.

Jut then all of them had stopped talking as they saw their king come in to the room once he walked up to the stand. He got ready to talk to them about most knew was true and what they should before it was too late.

"As most of you know for some time now Frieza has been sending more of us away from are Planet. And we know that it will only be a matter of time before Frieza decides to kill all of us." King Vegeta said to them while most who didn't know were shock others were angry at this news.

But that was not all he had to say to his people. "Now some of you know that my son Prince Vegeta will be going with Frieza. I know from what Vanera has told me she thinks Frieza only want two Saiyans my son and Nappa and no one else."

"Now in a few weeks Frieza will come back to our Planet." King Vegeta said to them.

He knew what most of them were thinking they wanted to kill Frieza and he agreed with them. But Vanera was different a part knew that fighting Frieza was suicide and in doing this would be pointless. But that still would not stop her from fight Frieza but right now they had to make plans in case Frieza did destroy them.

This only went on for a few hours while they talked about what they should do in case Frieza won. It was decided that they would send some of their low class out to some planets were Frieza would not find them. They were lucky that they had some of their people already out there on some of the planets which were very good for them. As the meeting went on King Vegeta decided to choose who he would have with him when Frieza would come back to Planet Vegeta. The king had already chosen his best solders to come with him when Frieza got here and one of them was Vanera.

But this was stopped when Planthorr came in to see the king about Vanera as he told him what he thought. The king was shocked by this and looked at Vanera who he knew was the youngest one here King Vegeta decided to change his plans.

*If Planthorr is right then if she has a child then she would be very strong! And even if Frieza dose kill us all we need at least a few female Saiyan to survive this.* He thought to him self.

He then looked over at Planthorr. "Alright but I hope you are right about this Planthorr!" He told him. With that Vanera went off with Planthorr so he could tell her what he had told the King.

End flashback

As she looked at Bardock she knew that the time was now to do something she gave one last look at Bardock left the bar. And she went after him along the way she made contact with her king with her scouter.

"My king I have just learned from Bardock that Frieza is on his way here now. Also sir from what Bardock has told me all the men that Frieza has sent us on was all nothing but traps to kill the strongest of us." She told him.

Vanera could here her king give a sigh on the other side. "What is it sir?" She asked him.

"I thought as much right now I'm on his ship ready to take my son back. Now this is very important I don't want you to come up to the ship, I need you to get into a space pod and run and if you can tell some of our people too. But I doubt they will believe you as from what you told me about this Bardock." He told her.

"Yes I understand my king I will do as you say my King." She told him before turning her scouter off.

She knew that going back to the bar would be pointless as they would not listing to her like they did with Bardock. All they would do will just laugh at her like they did to him so she went after Bardock instead.

She then pushed the button on her scouter. "Now where are you Bardock?" She asked her self.

It took some time to find him as she was picking up so many others power levels on her scouter. But she did find him and as fast as she could she went to go and talk to him about what he was going to do.

She then found him looking at the sky. "I thought I'd find you here Bardock." She said to him as Bardock turned around.

As Bardock just looked at her as once again he started to see vision of the future of a 12 year old girl who had a tail with pink hair. Bardock could tell that that this was Vanera's daughter as she looked just like her only that she had pink hair and green eyes. But that was not all he saw three other people with her the first had white hair who had a mask over his face while another had blond hair and an orange jump suit on him. The last was a kid who had black hair and the look of hatred in his eyes.

Just then he saw a flash of something that were not only did he see his son but Vanera's daughter and her friends. Bardock also his two sons talking and he was shocked at what he was watching. *Is this what will happen to Vanera's daughter and my sons?* He thought to him self.

"Are you excited? You should be. I've come to take you back into the fold." Goku was in front of Bulma and Gohan in a defensive stance. Gohan was whimpering in fear.

"I've had enough!" Goku yelled. Naruto jumped in front of Gohan as well to help them, soon followed by Sakura, Sasuke and Kakashi. "You don't have to worry about that! The answer is no!"

"You got that right so why don't you get the hell out of here!" Naruto shouted.

"His right not while we're here so get lost!" Sakura shouted too.

Raditz scouter bleeped slightly at Sakura. "What's this? Well it seems like the girl has Saiyan blood in her." Naruto was shocked, as was Sasuke and even Kakashi's eyes widened.

Bardock just shock his head as the vision had passed away. *What was that all about? And why did I see her have a tail one moment and it gone the next? What dose this all mean?* He thought to him self.

After a while of watching Bardock Vanera was confused at the look he had on his face like he could see something. But she just ignored this thinking that this was nothing to do with her.

Once Bardock was brought back to reality he saw that Vanera was about to fly to the space pods. He wanted to know why she had come to find him and maybe he could get Vanera to help him out in fighting Frieza.

Slowly Bardock put his hand on Vanera right shoulder and looked down at her. "What is it Bardock?" She asked as she looked up at him. Right now all she wanted to do was get out of here as fast as she could.

As she looked at him she could tell just by looking at him he was not happy about her running off like this. But she didn't care what he thought about wanting to run away as a small part of didn't want to do like this.

Vanera just gave a small laugh to him. "Let me guess this is where you ask me to come and fight Frieza with you?" She asked him. As she looked at him she was not happy at him with at all.

"Look Vanera we need to take Frieza down now! With both you and I we would win now problem." He said to her.

But Vanera was not convinced at all by this and she knew that if she did this she would die. As much as she wanted to help out her people this was a fight she knew that she and any other Saiyan couldn't win. So slowly she once again stepped away from him and just shock her head from right to lest and looked right at him.

"No Bardock doing this will only get us killed! I for one am not going to die like this." She said to him.

With her last words said she fly's off to the space pod leaving Bardock to face Frieza alone. She knew that this was not a Saiyan thing to do but this is what her King told her to do and she would do it. As much as she hated it running away this was something she had to do.

When she got to the space pods she quickly went to one of them but took one last look back to where Bardock was. He was already flying towards Frieza space ship to fight the tyrant head on.

Once she was inside the pod she just punched in any co-ordinates to any Planet the Frieza didn't own. With one last push off a button her space pod took off at high speed and just in time too as she as she saw the light from her home being destroyed.

Vanera was angry with what Frieza had done. *One day Frieza you will pay for what you have done.* She thought to her self.

But all she could do right now was hiding and waiting until the time was right to act and to take her revenge. Not just for her family that was still on the Planet but for her king too she would do this no matter how long it took her.

As the weeks went by and while Vanera was asleep in her pod until her pod came upon a something only the Kai's new about. A G-hole something that takes you out of this unnerves dimension and into another one. Her pod was slowly sucked in to the G-hole making her ship shack violently waking Vanera up from her sleep.

"What the hell is going on? Computer what the fuck is going on computer respond?" She yelled.

The computer was having a hard time in complying with her. "Unable to comply system error! I repeat system error!" The computer said.

This only made Vanera more pissed off at her space pod and also pissed that she didn't know what was wrong. She just looked at of her window and saw some strange colours out side that amazed even her.

"Well at least I get a good view." She said to self.

After about five minutes just looking at the lights and trying to find out something. That was where was she now and if she was alive or not. She came out of the G-hole while it closed behind her Vanera still didn't know that she was in a new universe. Or that there was no way for her to ever get back to her home universe.

Vanera could tell something was different just by looking at the stars even the Planets looked different. Vanera then started to scan for any Planet that could she could stay on until she knew where she was at least.

"There we go as nice class M Planet. Let's see nice water food everything I'll need to survive on this mud ball!" she said to her self as she typed the co-ordinates in.

Meanwhile on the Planet that Vanera was going to be landing on everything was quit as people were walking about with the daily lives. It was early night time when a half moon was out some of the people were going home for their dinner. But this was not any ordinary world this world had ninjas that could do amazing things and some who were very powerful.

Two of these ninjas were on a date and they were Minato Namikaze and Kushina Uzumaki. The two were just walking back to their apartment when they heard people shouting and some looking at the sky.

Kushina just looked up at the sky and saw what they were all looking at a ball that was on fire heading right for the ground not too fare from there village. She looked over at Minato wondering if he was as shocked as her right now and he was.

"What is that thing?" One man asked his friend.

"I don't know! But it could be anything for all we know there is one thing I do know and that is we may not be the only ones who can see this." The other said.

But they went the only ones who had see the ball of fire as they called it some who didn't care about it while others did. One of them was the traitor of the hidden leaf Orochimaru who knew that this was no space rock.

"Well what do we have here then?" Orochimaru said with a smile as he licked his lips.

But he was not the only one who had there eye on this pod one of that was the leader of the Akatsuki Pain. He only smiled as both he and Konan looked at the ball and they could tell that someone was inside it and fell her power that only high ranking ninjas could do. They both knew that Orochimaru would also be able to fell this power and he would use it for his own.

The last to see the strange ball of fire and that was Madara Uchiha like the rest had an interest with the person in there. And he knew that the leaf ninja would soon go there like everyone would and he had to get there first.

A/N and so the race is on to who can reach Vanera's pod first while none of them know what's in side. Well I hope you all like this first chapter now I want your help in having a name for Sakura's father. Since I can't come up with one at all just make it sound like a Naruto kind of name

Also just so you know this takes place after the third ninja war so Obito is dead while Rin is still alive. Since I do not know when she died and Minato and Kushina are dating.

Now I am not sure on some of the thing that I said such as Orochimaru in the Akatsuki or if it is even set up yet. And if some of the things I did say are not right with the whole time line then please tell me kindly.

Also I will find a way to add Kushina as the nine tailed Jinjuriki in my story thanks to the latest chapters of the Naruto manga. So until next time please review and see ya.