Ch. 4) New Obsession!


I had unpacked everything. My dad's clothing, the ones that he always wore still sat in my suit case. I didn't know what to really do with it. I wasn't sure where to put it. So, I left it there. I don't think I could do it right now anyways. I took a deep breath as I sat at the edge of the bed.

It was a pretty large queen sized bed with rods at either end and a canopy draped half way down. It was burgundy, like the house door. The covers were red and white, silk, I think. Not that I would really know what that would feel like.

I wasn't use to this kind of…luxury. It was all a little too new. This all was happening way too fast.

Knock, knock, knock…

I looked at the door and pushed myself off the bed. I opened it to find Jeremy. He smiled brightly at me, not a care in the world. He was such a sweet boy.

"Hi, Jeremy." it was strange, he was like a ray of sunshine. I couldn't help but smile just as brightly as him.

"Hey." he said, his mouth slightly ajar as he looked at me. I wasn't even paying much attention to where his eyes wondered. I guess it wasn't the smartest idea to were a tank top and shorts, huh?

"so, what did you need?" I asked, not only was I curious, but I kind of wanted his eyes to be on my face and not my body. Unlike with Damon it didn't unnerve me as much.

He seemed to also notice where his eyes had wondered because instead of looking at me, he looked at the wall beside me, he sheepishly sighed before attempting to smile again.

"Actually, I was wondering if…you'd like to come to the Grille with me?" his voice was a little hopeful. I couldn't help but smile at his childlike demeanors. He was too cute.

"Sure, Jeremy, I'd love to." I sounded so gitty, it was a little weird. I don't know why, but, I just felt like it would be best to get away from the three in the other room, this room, at least for a while. Maybe hang with someone who didn't have some secret, weird tension between them.

Jeremy seemed a little in disbelief as he looked at me straight in the eye before moving from the door way, gesturing for me to walk. I did, stopping at Elena's door for a quick second before knocking softly.

"Come in." Elena said from the other side. I held up a finger for Jeremy to wait for a minute. He nodded as I walked through the door. Everyone was still there. That was a little strange. I'd figured everyone, at least Damon, would have left by now.

What was it, and hour or so since I'd left? Elena smiled at me, a little nervous. She looked like she thought she did something wrong.

I couldn't help but smile at that, she was so worried about the wrong thing.

"Hey Elena, I'm going to the grille with Jeremy…" I trailed of as I gestured with my thumb at the door behind me.

Elena's eyes were surprised to say the least. She looked at the door. As she did she nodded and stood from the bed.

"Why don't we come with you?" Elena had a hopeful expression in her eyes. Almost, pleading. Did she really want to go that bad?

"if you want." I said with a shrug. At that she smiled wide and walked to the door, telling Jeremy that we were all going, to which I heard a groan from him.

I shook my head with a smile on my lips. It was cute, Jeremy. If I didn't know any better I would think he had a small crush. But, surely someone like Jeremy must have a girlfriend.

With that, we all left. It was the first time at the grille. It went, okay, you could say. Though it definitely wasn't the last!



Elena ordered a round of drinks, cokes of course, for everyone. She told them it was on her. To which everyone applauded and didn't try and say otherwise.

"So, how'd you find out about Elena?" asked Jeremy. He was completely oblivious to Rayne's story. She couldn't be mad at him for that.

Jeremy sat closely next to Rayne, keeping his eyes only on her. She didn't even shy away from it, like she would with anyone else. She wasn't completely sure why that was, but, she liked it.

On the other hand, Damon sat on the other side of Rayne, looking at Jeremy. He wasn't sure why or how it happened, but he couldn't stop the feeling of protectiveness, should we say, possessiveness towards the girl. He wasn't 100% sure if it was because she was Elena's sister, little sister we might add, or if it was just herself in general.

Damon wasn't sure why, but, he didn't feel like sharing. He never was very good at that. He wasn't even sure what there was to share with her, but, that didn't stop him from feeling that way. He kept his eyes glued on every movement the Gilbert boy made, making sure he kept his distance.

This not going unbeknownst to Stefan, or Elena. Though they were snuggled up closely, to which Damon usually scowled them for, they still watched the three.

Elena could see that Damon was annoyed, as well as almost ready to rip someone's head off. She knew he would if he could, but, Damon had promised and didn't want to go back on it. He never went back on his promises.

Not even when that bitch-witch-Emily double crossed him. In the end he found out the hard way that what she had done was probably for the best, though, he wasn't sure he'd like being the dark any longer than he had for one hundred forty-five years, he still didn't enjoy feeling the heart ache it all brought.

Elena wasn't completely sure why Damon was acting the way he was, but wrote it off as something she and Stefan were doing.

Stefan on the other hand, knew exactly what Damon was thinking. He knew that look. He knew nothing good could come of it either. Though it might get Damon off Elena and his backs' he didn't want to condemn the poor girl to put up with the likes of Damon.

Especially after all that she's been through. He knew exactly what she's been through, even if she didn't…


"Do you really think it was-" Elena said, she couldn't believe that this could be happening, not to her sister, not to anyone. The fairy tales weren't suppose to follow us all around!

Damon cut her off before she could even think about trying to write this off as just another coincidence.

"no way in hell. It was a vampire that killed her father." he couldn't help the seething feeling override him.

He was pissed. Beyond it! The worst part, he wasn't even sure why!

Lots of people lose their parent's to supposed 'animal attacks' why was she any different? He shouldn't care. He shouldn't even be bothering with this useless conversation.

But he was.

He felt like protecting her. He didn't like seeing her cry. She was so young, so fragile, and broken. He wasn't sure why that made him just want to keep her from being shattered completely.

He couldn't even control the feeling of wanting to put the pieces back together. It pissed him off. Not only the whole situation, but him feeling! This whole humanity bullshit ticked him off to no end.

After so long without it he wasn't sure how to deal with all of these…'feelings.' he couldn't help but to shutter at the thought.

Damon Salvatore having feelings? That was a laugh riot! Impossible! Unobtainable! Unheard of!

That may be, but, not now. It was official. Damon had…'emotion.'

Worst yet, they were directed not only towards Elena, aka Kathrine's doppelganger, but also her sudden sister! He was completely lost, confused, and just wanted it all to stop!

Stefan watched as his brother had an inner battle with himself. He knew the humanity bit must be getting to him. It had only been a few weeks since he began seeing the change in his brother, from heartless, to semi-heartless.

Albeit a small change, so he thought, it was a change none the less. Anything would top the old, sinister, evil Damon.

"I didn't think so." Elena said in a defeated tone. She sighed in defeat and looked at Stefan for comfort, which he was more than happy to oblige.

Damon wasn't paying much attention. If he would have he would have been even more pissed at the way the two were so openly affectionate with each other right in front of him!

"what can we do?" Elena asked into Stefan's broad chest.

"we can protect her." Stefan said assuringly as he rubbed soft circles on Elena's back. She just nodded, relaxing into Stefan's soft touch, until…

"What about the tomb Vampires?" she asked, her eyes wide as she pushed away from Stefan, her voice almost frantic as she said, "we can't let anything happen to Rayne." she said determinedly, but there was more worry in her voice for her sister than she'd ever had before.

She almost pleaded as she looked deep into Stefan's eyes. He had to do anything in his power to keep her safe, Elena and Rayne. He vowed to give his life, if that's what it took!

That caught Damon's attention. A plan! That should get his mind off of this whole human, new 'feelings.', confusion bit!

Damon stood tall as he thought about what they could do. Damon wasn't apposed to staying outside Rayne's window, following around town, anywhere…

That's when they both, Stefan and Damon, heard his voice.


Was he…

"Actually, I was wondering if…you'd like to come to the Grille with me?"

That did it! Damon almost got to the door before Stefan got in his way. They glared at each other.

Almost having a silent conversation.

That was when Stefan knew.

This was Damon's new obsession.



"My dad, died a month ago.." Rayne said nervously doing her hand motions again. She was so done with this whole conversation about why she was here and having to explain it.

All it did was bring back memories. Ones that made her smile as well as hurt and want to double over and just cry.

Jeremy's eyes widened. He looked sympathetic, like Stefan had been. He didn't even notice his hand was on her shoulder, squeezing softly, reassuringly. Rayne wasn't unnerved by this, surprising herself and Jeremy.

He wasn't sure if it would even be okay to touch her let alone have her even smile at him doing so. He wasn't really sure what was coming over him. He was with Anna, wasn't he?

Yeah, he was!

Damon's jaw was clenched so tight, had he been human he would have broken it. It took all of his power to not snap that kids arm off. He glared at the teen boy, going completely unnoticed by him.

The boy was lucky that he took his hands off his property.

Wait, what the hell? Since when was she even his? He knew it was the vampire side coming out, he wasn't sure if that was such a good thing anymore.

He couldn't say he liked having feelings or whatever, but, he was never very in control of him temper when her was more vampire than not at times. He didn't want to risk hurting Rayne…and Elena, he supposed.

Rayne remembered the day she first came here. It was only two weeks ago. Though it felt so fresh. The day she met the gang.


"Whose this Elena?" a perky blonde walked up behind Elena, staring at the other dark haired girl that sat across from her friend. She couldn't help but look at her and feel a little envious at her beauty. It was much like Elena, almost, eerie like. But shrugged it off as she looked at the girl.

"Oh, Caroline…" Elena was nervous, and it showed. She wasn't sure what to say to Care. She wasn't aware of her adoption. She wasn't even aware of Vampires, well, anymore. Nor was Rayne. Hesitantly, and carefully she chose her words, "she's a friend, Rayne, from out of town, like a sister." she smiled reassuringly at Rayne

Rayne couldn't help the pang of sadness as she was introduced, not as truthfully as she'd wished. Was it because Rayne was only he half-sister, or because she just walked into her life and hadn't given Elena time to adjust. Or maybe she just was ashamed to admit that.

Damon watched Rayne, almost as if reading her thoughts. He couldn't help but give Elena a disappointed look. He wasn't very fond of the way she introduced Rayne like she was just some other unimportant girl from out of town. Sure she worded it in a way he knew as trying to be soft, but for Rayne it was different.

He clenched his jaw tight from blurting out that she was lying and just tell Blondie that said girl was her actual sister, not just like one.

He couldn't help the feeling of wanting to reassure her that it was all done for a good reason. Though he couldn't bring himself to do so. What could he do anyways? He wasn't the soothing comforting type. That was reserved for him ever brooding brother.

He'd been so out of practice for so long that he wouldn't even know what to do about comforting someone. It just wasn't him. Or, who it was now.

"oh!" the blonde, that Rayne recognized from the picture on Elena's desk, as Caroline. She was just as beautiful in person.

Caroline couldn't help but give the girl a fake smile before introducing herself, pointedly ignoring Damon. "I'm Caroline."

Instead of saying what she wanted an 'I know, I saw you in the photograph that made me jealous of you before we even met', Rayne settled for just nodding and giving her a soft, "hello."

Damon was already annoyed with the blonde. The moment he smelt her come through the door he wanted to avoid her. But, no way in hell was he going to leave Rayne here alone. Not with the annoying blonde one and the touchy feely Gilbert.

No way in hell!

"so, how come you came to this town?" Caroline asked, only half wanting to know. All she knew is she wanted her to leave. She already had plenty of competition with Elena not to mention Bonnie. She wasn't going to have more!

Rayne stopped herself from rolling her eyes. She'd already told this same story at least twelve times today. For a second, as she looked down at her drink trying to find the best and less painful way of saying this, she almost wished this was alcohol so she could drown away her sorrows.

That was how they did it wasn't it? That was why people drank wasn't it, other than the obvious, to have fun and let loose.

She sighed again, readying herself for answering. "my dad, died, so I came here." Rayne's voice was low, loud enough to be heard over the music, but low. She really didn't want to repeat this over and over and keep having the attention set on her.

She already got enough from this small group, she didn't need, nor want anymore!

Caroline's eyes widened, a hint of sympathy as she looked around, as if making sure no one was looking at her. Though they weren't she still looked. "I'm sorry." she said unsure. She wasn't the sympathetic, cry on my shoulder type.

At least not with anyone but her friends. And this girl was definitely not her friend.

Damon watched Rayne as she muttered a 'thanks' and continued looking down. He would throttle Caroline if it would shut her up. Not only was she making Rayne uncomfortable, but she also had the most annoying voice!

"Anyway!" Caroline perked up, drawing all eyes', even Rayne's to her. "I'm gonna get Matt and bring him over here." she said as she stood up and walked to the bar. A confidence in every step that Rayne couldn't help but wish she could obtain.

A few moments later, Matt, and some other boy with dark black hair and chiseled features came to the table. The one with black hair, that seemed vaguely familiar, smiled at her. Raising his eye brows suggestively.

That not going unknown to Damon. He had to think of a way to get the creep's eyes off of his property.

Again with the crazy possessiveness. It was even annoying him. He looked between Rayne and the creep.

Damon cleared his throat, directing it clearly at the learer. He seemed to snap out of it, all eyes seemed to look from Damon to the boy. The two said men kept their eye's glued to one another.

A staring contest? Really kid? Damon thought as he held it, happily.

"Hi, I'm Matt." a blonde hair boy held out his hand towards the beautiful new brunette. He seemed just as sweet and genuine as Stefan. She smiled at him just as genuinely before the boy, now known as Matt looked to the dark haired boy that stood next to him and Caroline. "that's Tyler." he said.

That seemed to stop the staring contest, at least on Tyler's part. He smiled at the girl, again, pissing Damon off to no end. "Hey." Tyler smirked at the beauty.

A growl reverted from Damon, he was unfazed, though everyone else stared. Even Rayne. She was probably more shocked then confused, unlike everyone else. He never once took his gaze away from Tyler. He definatly didn't trust him around his Rayne.

What was this? He really needed to stop with the possesiveness. But, it was just so damn hard when he'd already vowed to keep her safe.

Whether that be from some vampires seeking revenge, or some hormonal teenager who can't keep his eyes away from her. Either way, he won't hesitate next time to rip either's heads' off.

Screw his promise!


"Rayne." Damon said, turning to face said girl, she turned and managed a small smile. In the two weeks she'd been here, she seemed to like Damon.

He wasn't as bad as he once was. Not that he wasn't still a little too playful, cocky, and assholish at times. She couldn't help her growing warmth for the dark haired man.

"yes?" she asked, a small hint of hesitance in her voice, as she narrowed her eyes playfully. She actually liked how Damon could bring out her old self. The one that use to be witty and fun.

"would you like to get your ass kicked at pool?" he laughed light heartedly as that smirk, the one Rayne had secretly grown to love, sat firm on his lips. He was so charming at times she wasn't sure how she kept herself from stopping and just staring. "again?" he cocked his head as he wiggled his eye brows.

She noticed he does that a lot. Not that she was complaining.

"oh." she said plastered her own smirk, one especially for Damon. "well, in that case…" she said, pretending to think about it, "nope." she said popping the 'p'

Damon was about to protest until she stood and placed her hands on her hips playfully. "because, your going to be the one that gets his ass kicked this time!." she said, mock determination in her voice as she let a small giggle escape.

She gave him a light-hearted shrug before walking over to the pool table.

Damon followed her, admiringly as he shook his head and stood. Looking back at the questioning eyes of Stefan and Elena, he did as she had, and shrugged before joining Rayne in a game of pool.

But, while everyone was in their own little world, a dark haired figure stood in the corner of the Grille, watching, studying. That was when she came up with a plan. One that with will get her exactly what she came back for.

The Salvatore brothers…

AN: can you guess who it could possibly be? Idk, anyways. Tell me what you think! I time skipped because otherwise this would be a very long story and the feelings and emotion would feel too sudden. So, I'm going by the show time-line. The next few chapters will follow the season final, with of course a few tweaks to my liking. Also, so I can have Rayne be apart of it all! Anyways, tell me what you think. Feel free to give me ideas if you'd like to see something happen. Something you want changed from the final, or kept. I want reviews, and if there are suggestions I'm going to wait to write the next one until you tell me if I should change some things around or not, or just do as I have planned. Which to tell you isn't much lol.