It was in the height of the evening then, Yuki heard Kyohei and Sunako arguing again in that little Chibi's room. "Heck those two is it again…when will they stop? I thought they like each other."

In the room…

"You light creature, why don't you just leave me alone!" Sunako yelled.

"What's wrong of me being here? I 'm not doing anything wrong…I just want to spend time in your big dark room. And it creeps me out thinking that you're just alone here with your toys." Kyohei answered.

Sunako immediately spoke, "Hey don't call them toys..Josephine and my other friends, they are the ones who make me happy. When you're here, my world becomes a total chaos. My movie time is disturbed, my times for my friends are lessening, and….it's really uncomfortable that a creature of light is present in my own world!"

"You know Sunako, what you said seems just nothing for me. Do you think, I just came here almost every night just to disturb you? Or to annoy you?" he said angrily. "Well if this is what you want, then so be it. Have your alone time with this dark world of yours."

"Yes! Finally you gave up" she said grimly. "Just go out now…you know where the door is."

As Kyohei was approaching the door he said, "Do you want to know why I like coming here in your room?"

Sunako stayed silent after hearing the question.

"I just want to spend my time with you." Then he shut the door.

Yuki thought, It seems to be quiet now. I hope they are both finished bickering again.

Then he saw Kyohei leaving the mansion, "Kyohei where are you going? Hey! It's almost midnight" Yuki called.

Sunako heard Yuki, then she looked out on her window. Where is that creature of light going at this point in time? Were my words really hurt him? He said he just want to spend time with me. Why?