I Thought He Was the One
The bell rang for dismissal.
Sakura quickly packed her things and dashed out. She smiled brightly, seeing Naruto waiting at the school gates for her. Sakura ran to him and hugged him tightly. "So? Where are you taking me today?" She asked, eagerly.
Today was their1 year anniversary of dating. Sakura couldn't wait to see what he's going to do this time. Last time, he took her to the amusement park and gave her a real diamond ring. He also bought her a new camera, and he even wrote a song for her. Sakura looked at him and her smile disappeared, seeing his expression. "What's wrong?" She asked, worriedly.
"Oh, nothing…um…listen, I need to talk to you once we get there, ok?" Naruto flashed a quick smile at her.
"Ok…" Sakura raised an eyebrow at him. 'Why is he acting so distant?'
Sakura sighed, getting impatient. For the past 30 minutes, they've been driving…and all she could see were school parks, houses, and apartments. "Where exactly are you taking me?" Sakura crossed her arms.
Naruto didn't reply, but instead stopped the car. He looked down at his feet, avoiding her gaze.
"Naruto, what exactly is going on? You've been so distant lately…are you ok?" She gently put her hand on his.
"I…I need to talk to you about something, Sakura," Naruto murmured.
"What is it?" Sakura smiled warmly at him.
"You know I love you, don't you?" Naruto looked into her eyes.
"Of course…and I love you, too. So what's wrong?" Sakura shook her head, confused.
Naruto let out a deep sigh and Sakura noticed his eyes help so much sadness and guilt. "Sakura…you're very special to me, and…and I know we've been through a lot of things together. I love you a lot and I care about you so much…but…I think…" He paused, and Sakura felt her tears coming, because she knew exactly what he was going to say.
"…I think we should…break up…" Naruto replied softly, looking at her with eyes that were begging her not to cry.
Sakura took her hand off of his and swallowed hard to prevent her tears from coming. "…why…?" She whispered.
"I'm sorry. It's just…something is missing," Naruto murmured, hesitantly.
"What's missing? We've been so happy together, and I even thought…" Sakura paused, sniffing a bit. "…I thought…you were really the one for me…"
Naruto took her hand in his and squeezed it. "Sakura, I'm really sorry. I just…well…I don't really know how to tell you this, but…Hinata…
" Sakura's eyes widened. Hinata? What about Hinata? Hinata was her best friend and she and Naruto barely spoke to each other.
"…Hinata and I…have been dating behind your back…" Naruto averted his eyes down, unable to look at her expression.
Sakura's tears finally fell. She slid her hand away from his. "…you…you cheated on me…with my best friend…?" Sakura couldn't believe it. Hinata had always been so loyal, innocent, and she was so honest. How could Hinata and Naruto be dating behind her back!
"Sakura, I'm-,"
"How long?" Sakura asked.
Naruto looked at her, confused.
"How long have you guys been dating?" Sakura repeated.
"That day when you introduced me to her, I just felt something inside of me. And seeing her eyes, I knew she felt the same way…and we…we just started to go out the next day…I'm really sorry, Sakura…" Naruto's voice was filled with guilt.
Sakura opened the car door and stepped out. She slammed it shut and began to walk away.
Naruto quickly opened his door and ran to her. He grabbed her wrist and pulled her in to an embrace. "Sakura…please understand this! We never intended to hurt you! It just…kind of fell into place…so please, don't think that we wanted to make you feel like this on purpose. Hinata told me to tell you this because she didn't want to lie behind your back, any-,"
"Lie behind my back?" Sakura pushed him away. "You two have been lying to me for over a fucking year, and you tell me, now?" She glared at him with teary eyes.
"Please, Sakura…we can all still be friends," Naruto stared at her sadly.
"No…" Sakura shook her head. "How can I be friends with someone who cheated on me, and how can I still say that Hinata is my best friend when she did this to me? I can't…I can't do this, anymore…" She slowly stepped back away from him. "From now on…you and I…have nothing more to do with each other. And since you're with Hinata…tell her that we're no longer best friends…" Sakura cried and ran ahead before Naruto could reply.
Naruto stood there, with tears at the corner of his eyes. "I really did love you, though, Sakura…I'm sorry…I'm so sorry…."
Sakura kept running until her legs felt numb. She wanted to erase those memories of when she and Naruto were together. She wanted to erase her friendship with Hinata. She wanted to run away from all of it. Sakura's eyes were blurry from crying and she couldn't see where she was going.
Without noticing, she bumped into someone. Sakura winced, feeling her arm hitting the cement, harshly. "Ow…" She groaned.
"Watch where you're going!"
Sakura turned to see a boy, around her age (17-18), who was also on the floor, glaring at her. "Sorry…" She mumbled.
The boy stood up and turned to walk away.
"Hey! You're not even going to help me up?" Sakura exclaimed.
"Of course not. You're the one who bumped into me," The boy glared back at her.
"Excuse me?" Sakura stood up and put her hands on her hips.
"Look, I have more important things to do right now, so I don't have time to listen to a pink-haired, lowly, person like you," He sighed in annoyance.
"Wha….how can you call me that? Who do you think you are?" Sakura gaped.
"I am Sasuke Uchiha." Sasuke smirked.
Sakura raised an eyebrow. "So? That doesn't mean you're like a prince or something. You say your name like you rule the world."
Sasuke sighed and turned to go. "Well, I need to go, pink haired-brat," Sakura twitched. "My name is SAKURA!"
Sasuke shrugged. "I don't care…" He replied and ran ahead.
Sakura let out a deep sigh. "I don't even know him, so why should I care, either?" She rolled her eyes and stomped away. She had quickly forgotten all about Naruto and Hinata.
Sasuke sat down on the couch, in front of his parents.
"Sasuke, your father's company…" Mikoto(Sasuke's mom) paused a bit, looking at Fugaku(Sasuke's dad). "…is going to go bankrupt."
Sasuke's eyes widened. "What? How can it go bankrupt? Father, your company was processing so well! The mall was selling thousands of products each day."
Fugaku sighed and shook his head. "It seems…my time has come. The council said I need to either resign my place as the president of the company and let everything I had done to be wasted…or…" Sasuke saw hesitation in Fugaku's eyes. Fugaku looked at him, sadly. "Or…in order to maintain the company's power and money, I must marry you with one of our relatives."
Sasuke nearly gaped. "W…what? How the hell does that solve the problem?"
Mikoto put her hands gently on Sasuke's arm. "Our relatives have a wealthy background. If we marry you to one of their daughters, then their own company will combine with ours. Their products, as well as ours, together, will sell rapidly and your father's company will not lose everything. Please, think about this. I know that your own happiness counts, but…but this company is everything to your father. If you cannot do it, in the end, we'll understand…" She replied gently.
Sasuke looked down at the ground, unable to speak. "How can I just get married with someone I don't know? Besides, you know I'm dating Karin, already," he glared.
"Sasuke, I understand your feelings. If you don't want to do this, you don't have to." Fugaku replied
. Silence filled the room for a moment. 'I don't want to be married off to one of those boring, rich women…' Sasuke sighed. He stared at his dad for a while, silently. His hands clenched into fists. "I'll do it, father…I won't let your hard work go to waste."
Fugaku smiled faintly at him.
"Thank you, Sasuke…" Mikoto put her hand on Sasuke's. "It'll be fine. The girls from our relatives are around your age, and they seem really fit to be the wife of a successor."
Sasuke didn't reply and stared at the ground. "How much time do you need, father, before I need to pick a bride?" He asked.
"They said they'll give me 3 more weeks to work as the president of the company. However, tomorrow, you must pick a girl and make the engagement. The wedding will be in 1 more week..." Fugaku explained.
"Fine…" Sasuke stood up and walked away without another word.
Sasuke glared at the ground and put his hands into his pockets. "Damn…I can't believe I'm doing this. I have to explain things Karin. But…" His father flashed into his mind.
"…I have to do it. Father, you have made everything successful over the years, and I won't let your work go into failure…"
Sakura opened the door and saw her parents sitting at the diner table, with bothered expressions. "Dad? Mom? Is something wrong?" She closed the door behind her and walked over to them.
Sakura's mom didn't even respond, but just started to cry. Her dad looked up at her sadly. "Sakura...we're sorry..." He muttered.
"Eh? About what? You guys didn't do anything wrong," Sakura blinked at them in confusion.
"...you know how I told you that we came from a wealthy family?"
Sakura nodded.
"Um...well...that family was the most successful company in Japan, and the president of it was my great-grandfather. However, the power of the Haruno family was passed onto our distant relatives, the Uchiha family. And now...in order to still maintain the power over Japan..." Sakura's father looked at her with guilty eyes. "...we must hand you over to them..."
Sakura dropped her hand-bag and stood in shock. "W...what do you mean, hand me over to them!" She glared at him.
"You are the only daughter in this family. The Uchiha's family has a son who has to take over the company, and...and they chose you to be on of the candidates to be his bride..."
Sakura gasped. "B...bride?" She walked over to her mom and knelt beside her. "Mom, please tell me this isn't real! I can't get married to some rich, boring, guy who cares only about himself and his money! I...I can't live with someone like that for the rest of my life! If he chooses me, I'm just going to live in misery!"
But her mom only shook her head and whispered, "It's true...I'm so sorry..."
Sakura shook her head, unable to believe it.
"Sakura, don't lost hope, yet. There are many other girls that are candidates for the Uchiha's bride...you don't need to worry just yet. After tomorrow, we'll be taking you to the company, where all the other girls are. The Uchiha's son will choose either you, or the many others...you are just one girl, so don't worry so much about it, Sakura," Her father replied softly, while trying to calm down Sakura's mom.
"Yea...I guess..." Sakura sighed, but somehow, she felt an uneasy feeling in her.
So...I deleted my 2 stories, "I Promise" and "I'll Make You Love Me" because I didn't know what else to write anymore. As soon as I can come up with some ideas to continue the two stories, then I'll post them back up!
And as for this story, I hope you guys enjoyed the first chapter. Yea, my first chappies are always a little bit short and rushed, but that's just the way I write. So review, and the next chapter is already typed up. It'll be up soon!