Chapter Twelve

As Jim and Spock adjusted to their new life as parents aboard the enterprise, Jim couldn't help but think that his good friends needed to be just as happy as he was. Having decided that a much needed coop would be enacted to adjust the state of his dear friend Scotty's relationship with a certain sexy green Orion engineer, he began to plot. If he were correct, and Jim was the majority of the time, Chekov's eighteenth birthday was on the horizon. Four days away, if I'm not mistaken, Jim thought mischievously.

"Thy'la, what are planning now?" Spock asked, and Jim gave him a dopey smile.

"I love communicating with you this way."

"Yes, Love, I am aware that you do." Spock answered.

"I have plans for one Montgomery Scott and Adir Vro, this weekend." Jim told him mysteriously.

"Then I shall leave you to your plotting and wait to hear of the aftermath."

Jim chuckled wickedly and sent a wave of love toward his husband.

The night of the party came, and Adir was unsure of what to do. He had spent so much time suppressing his nature and focusing on his intellect that it was staggering to realize that he had indeed been celibate for eight years. Longer he was certain than most Orions in their life times. As he walked into the rec room and watched his crew mates mingle and flirt, Adir was desperately hoping his suppressant worked overtime tonight. The moment he set his eyes on Commander Scott, however, Addie was certain that he was done for. He made his way toward the refreshment table when he was accosted by one Nyota Uhura.

"Addie," She gushed, "I'm so glad you're here."

He nodded, and tried to remove himself from contact with her.

"Would you dance with me?" She asked almost desperately.

"Yes, but...but...never mind," he said conceding defeat. He looked around as Ny waved begrudgingly towards the refreshments table before strutting confidently across the room winking at Bones as she passed. Bones, recoiling in horror, stumbled back into T'sai who tripped and tumbled backwards to the floor, Leonard landing in his lap.

"What do you think you are doing!" Nyota snapped as she eyed T'sai spread eagled on the floor with Bone's face in his crotch. T'sai was flushing bright red as he tried to scrabble away.

Bones was scrabbling after him frantically trying to avoid the stares of everyone around him. T'sai who managed to right himself much quicker reached out a hand to the shock of his peers and helped Leonard to his feet. Once standing, the usually quiet Vulcan pressed himself closely to his doctor's back.

"You know, " he purred, "I would very much prefer a private evening with you to this loud affair."

Bones grinned as he suppressed a shiver. "You seem to have many hidden talents, the way you make me so nervous."

"Very well hidden," Jim commented dryly, "Back away from the good doctor, Bones. I can't have you accosting brand new staff." Pouting in a very un-McCoyish manner he nevertheless complied and peeled himself away from a disconcerted T'sai.

"I have my eye on you," Jim warned them mockingly as he watched them retreat from the room. "Don't think you can go lunging for him when my back is turned, because I'll know!" He called after them.

Nyota watched the proceedings from the dance floor where she grooved with Addie and grinned over his blindingly obvious ogling of Mr. Scott.

"So when are you going to put the moves on our resident engineer?"

"What are you talking about?"

"Please, I can see the way you look at him," She teased. "Why do you think I asked you to dance? I want to help you make him jealous. Besides it's helping me too."

"I fail to see that?" Addie replied, but Nyota simply wrapped her arms around him and spun him to that he was facing the opposite wall.

"Do you see the girl over there, tall, long black hair amazing body?"

"There is an incredibly attractive woman across the room yes," Addie agreed.

"She's Veenan."

"An empath?" Addie asked.

"Yep, and I'm going to bag her if it's the last thing I do." She replied before kissing his cheek and walking away leaving Addie behind, alone, on the dance floor.

Scotty however was now lying on the floor behind a long white sofa cackling to himself about the moonshine he had spiked Chekov's punch with.

"So, Montgomery," Addie drawled peering over the back of the sofa, "Pleased are we?"

Scotty froze.


This was not good.

"Or not," Addie remarked as the chuckles were silenced by his discovery. "Off with it Mr. Scott I am already aware that you poured a solution into the punch meant to cause rather high and swift amounts of inebriation." Scotty was surprised by the authority his normally nervous and overly excitable Orion colleague was using.

"I believe you should remove yourself from the room before his lover finds you on the wrong end of a Samurai sword." Acknowledging Addie's suggestion, Scotty sat up and watched as Adir slipped off the sofa and began to walk away, only to whip his head around as he realized Scotty was not following obediently behind. "Stay if you wish," he sneered, "Though I will not be responsible for any injuries you incur at the hands of you peers having thusly warned you of the probable outcome." Addie then stalked swiftly towards a corridor as Scotty sluggishly stumbled to his feet. Should he follow the sexy man?

Scotty followed.

Unwittingly, he was about to enter a world he knew not of.

Scotty trailed Addie down a veritable honeycomb of corridors walking toward the housing quarters. He shivered involuntarily as a wave of lust swept across him. Addie's suppressant must be wearing off due to the alcohol. Maybe this had not been such a good idea after all, he was pissed drunk and Addie was horny as hell. Shit he'd be mad not to, but where would it all lead? Eventually they reached a narrow offshoot of winding white hallways. Finally they came to a stop. Addie was fiddling around in front of him with the key pad on the wall.

"You have greatly inconvenienced me this evening," he drawled, seemingly confident now that he was in familiar territory. "I went out of my way to exclude you from my mind, and yet still you see fit to make a nuisance of yourself." Addie continued as slowly he began to unbutton his dress shirt. "In which case I shall make use of you and shall take what I am owed," the sexy Orion informed Scotty as he threw the garment across the back of a nearby chair.

There was something in Addie's tone that Scotty didn't like, something in the sharp way he observed him that set him on edge. This was an Adir he hadn't seen before, predatory and dangerous. He wasn't sure that he entirely disliked it, if the tightening in his pants were any indication.

"What...what do you mean?" Scotty demanded licking his lips as Addie advanced

"Words would fail to accurately express what I mean," the Orion responded as Scotty nervously began to swipe his tongue across his lower lip in repetitive anticipation, while Addie stalked straight past Scotty and into another room, leaving the door open as a surprised Scotty blinked. He had been so close, he had been leaning in so close when he spoke that the words were gusting across his lips and he'd thought, he had thought he was going to- not that he wanted him to or anything because that would be breaking all kinds of regulations- and then Addie hadn't! What a tease!

Frustrated, though he didn't know why, Scotty spun around and followed Addie into the room into which he had disappeared. Scotty froze as he realized he had walked straight into a trap. This was Addie's bedroom. There was his bed and...and he'd just locked the door and...what did he think he was playing at?

"Huh? What?" Scotty exclaimed. "I dunna know what you think yer doin' but we canna just hop into bed together like this." The Scotsman told him while remaining by the door desperately seeking a way out.

"You ruined my entertainment for this evening," Addie drawled lazily.

"There was no way I could enjoy such a function with you so close addling my brain by spiking the punch, therefore you must take responsibility," the other man crooned as Scotty eyed him suspiciously.

"I don't know what you're talking about," he denied as Addie rolled his eyes in response, stealthily making his way towards the wary engineer.

"Oh but you do," Addie purred. "When you spiked that punch I drank from it, and the alcohol has negated my pheromone inhibitors and thus allowed me to lose control over my lust."

Scotty for his part couldn't help taking one step backwards for every step the other took forward and soon found him chased, with a thud, into the heavy door.

"Oh I think you do and I think I've finally worked it out," Addie replied smug with satisfaction "You want me, but you've never been with another man before have you?" observed as he angled an arm above Scotty's head leaned in close towering above him as Potter shrunk down evasively.

"No!" Scotty confirmed, turning his head away as Addie pressed in closer. "I don't care if you're...if you...whatever it is that you...but...but I'm not!" Scotty exploded.

Addie shook his head a long of his long russet hair brushed against Scotty's cheek with the motion.

"Oh but you are," he asserted certainly "You very much are," lurched forwards edging a knee in between Scotty's locked legs urging them open.

"I don't know how I didn't see it before, but it's obvious now when I come to think of it." Addie slowly began to grind up against the burgeoning bulge at the front of Scotty's trousers as the man gasped treacherously.

"Ha, you, jealous, and of Nyota no less! Who knew it would be this easy?" Addie murmured as Scotty arched trying to free himself from the persuasive friction at his groin.

"What are you wittering on about, Addie?" muttered unsteadily as Addie pressed against him harder.

"Wittering? Oh I'm not wittering Montgomery," Addie confided as he brushed his lips against Scotty's neck, "You want me, and I know you want me. I understand now he whispered then pulled fine skin taut between his teeth as Scotty resisted.

"What the hell? I'm not...I'm not...g...guh," he groaned as Addie nibbled down on his neck and then arched giving him better access as he scrabbled against the wall hoping to balance against the leg kneading into his groin. Scotty was trembling as Addie pinned him in place.

"I'm going to prove to you that every word I say is true," he informed as he slowly slid away, reaching only to catch Scotty by the shoulders before he slumped to the floor.

"I'm going to engrain the reality into your very flesh and you will learn to live with it, just as I have," Addie intoned as he dragged Scotty across the floor to his bed. With little difficulty, due to his own alien strength, Addie slung him with a soft 'oof' onto the bed amidst a tangle of red satin sheets. Scotty was now sprawling stunned on his back as Addie gracefully climbed up next to him.

"Huh? Is this revenge? Did I give you a bad review on a paper? Are you unhappy with the work you've been doing in engineering? Is that what this is all about?" he snapped, appalled, as with distance out of a haze he came to his senses. Scotty then squawked as Addie reached down and began to unbutton the fly of his jeans wriggled his hips trying to avoid those persistent graceful fingers which promised to undo him.

"Yes, of course Montgomery that's exactly my plan," the Orion sneered as he lowered the zip, "I'm plotting your downfall, that's why I'm going to put my mouth around your cock, because I hate you." Addie scowled. "I'm in love with you, you damnable idiot," he snapped under his breath as he scooped his hands underneath the flustered Scotty and began to peel off his slacks.

"I know you must what? You're going to put your mouth where?" Scotty stumbled haltingly in his words as Addie took him in hand, removed his uncoiling hardness and began to stroke him into stiffness.

"Shut up," he ordered, "You're beginning to annoy me and I might just change my mind," Addie shrugged down the still resisting, twisting limbs until he was head on with Montgomery's throbbing prick. Scotty observing him wide eyed, panicking as he saw a flash of sharp, gleaming white teeth.

"Bloody hell!" Scotty groaned, as with a salacious smirk Addie cut off his protests by swallowing his head and sucking tentatively at the apex as he swirled his tongue around the curve of his flesh.

"Huh? Ohhhhhh shit!" the engineer wailed confused for a moment, and then completely aware of what he was doing and with whom he was doing it.

" Oh bugger!" he moaned and bucked as Addie licked him, tongue probing and teasing, and "Oh... fuck!" he squealed as Addie swallowed him again and again. He was...he was...tor...oh...tor...tor...torturing him! Ggggit! Snee...sneaked him...nnn...into...guh!...his room...ttto...torture him! Was...gods!...awful...doing him...with his tongue...and...and so hot and..."Fuck!" Scotty exclaimed as Addie took him deeper.

Addie grinned to himself.

Who knew his commanding officer would be this easy to seduce?

"I don't...I'm not...ggg...uh...fff...oh!" Scotty protested weaking as his cock slid slick out of Addie's mouth the blond replacing warm wetness with the dry friction of his hand as he arched over the juddering wizard, nudged into his ear a mocking

"Hmm? Something to say, Commander?"

Scotty, flicking his head around, glowered at him, eyelids fluttering then scrunching closed tight his mouth parting into a betraying 'o' as Addie squeezed him tight. He then remained silent but for a steady stream of heady moans as Addie fisted quickly along his length canting his hips in even thrusts all denial vanished as the grinding contractions of Addie's hand became his sole focus.

"Muh...more!" he whispered a hot gust of air against Addie's quirking lips "Please, more!" pleaded as the sexy Orion began to speed up.

"Nugggh!" groaned short sharp stuttering breaths attacking his chest as he crested waves of climax flowing through him as sputtered into Addie's hand, up his chest, onto the clean sheets.

"You couldn't handle more yet, Commander," Addie whispered as he pressed up close against his thigh the hot, hard length of his prick burning into Montgomery's bare skin through the smooth fabric of his trousers. Addie pulled away, smoothing down his clothes as Scotty lay back completely and utterly dazed.

"I...I...could" he admitted eventually as he regained some semblance of composure "I could handle you any day Addie!"

"Wishful thinking," Addie dismissed as he shuffled off the bed "I am Orion after all, these are exactly the types of activities for which I would have once been a slave." Addie intoned as Scotty's jaw dropped.

"I...we...that wasn't..." spluttered as the blond challenged

"Wasn't what? Gay? Allowing another man to suck your cock, and jerk you off? Coming in his hand? Of course not Montgomery, all heterosexuals do that, I'm sure you even indulge in a friendly wank with Dr. McCoy on occasion..."

Scotty was dazed by that answer. Yes, he'd been more than attracted to Addie, had wanted him desperately but faced with the reality of it; Scotty was sure what to do. He looked over at the gorgeous Orion now stripped naked and walking toward the bathroom his perfect ass a sight to behold. Bloody hell, he was done for, Scotty thought as he got up from the bed and followed him into the bathroom. Maybe, just a bit more research.