Jessie stretched and went downstairs towards the smell of bacon and eggs. She smiled, they were her breakfast favorites. Hoping Randy and Summer were downstairs she slowly made her way downstairs toward the heavenly smell. Walking as quietly as she could muster Jessie turned the corner and peeked into the kitchen. She quickly spun back towards the stairs when she saw Vikki standing there alone. "I see you." Jessie looked frantically around, how could she have seen her? "Come here we need to talk." Jessie sighed and quietly walked into the kitchen. She was hoping to avoid being alone with her at all costs…no such luck.

"Morning," she said lowly. Vikki turned around and smiled at Jessie with such twisted features that she couldn't help but to cringe. Jessie sat down at the table in the far corner of the kitchen hoping that Vikki would leave her alone.

"I think we got off on the wrong foot." Jessie's eyebrows rose. "I'm sorry that I told you that Randy wouldn't need you, when it's clear that he does. He loves you very much." Jessie exhaled and smiled.

"I love him too," she paused "and Summer—" Vikki cut her off.

"No see that's not what I mean, Randy loves you but he can't focus at work if he always has to worry about you. We need that money." Jessie was shocked and utterly confused.

"I work all day, he doesn't have to worry about me." Vikki turned to face her.

"Oh, and you just happen to love spending time with Summer. She loves you just so much." Jessie looked at her incredulously, what was she getting at?

"Of course I love her, she's my niece." Vikki laughed evilly.

"Yeah, you would want me to think that. I know you're in love with Randy and want to replace me." Jessie stared at her amazed, this chick was sick.

"What? No! He's my brother perv." Vikki laughed and went back to chopping vegetables to put into Randy's omelet. Jessie shook her head and went to leave the kitchen only to be grabbed by Vikki. Jessie felt herself be slammed into a wall.

"No look here, you won't ruin this family." Jessie gulped as she felt the knife break her flesh. "You stay away from my daughter and my husband in this house." Jessie tried to struggle only to find the knife further into her arm. "Not smart little girl, we're having friends over today. I don't want to see you, I don't want to hear you, I don't even want to know you exist, got it?" Jessie nodded feeling the tears well in her eyes. "Good," Vikki said straightening up and turning back to her vegetables. Jessie glared at her and went to speak only to be cut off yet again. "And don't think to tell Randy about our little conversation, after all I am the love of his life. So get what you're thinking out of your head because the next time I get him to leave your life, it will be forever." Jessie shot daggers into Vikki and exited the room only to run into Randy holding Summer walking down the stairs. She quickly hid her slightly bleeding arm behind her back hoping he wouldn't notice.

"Morning Jess," he said brightly. She glanced up at him and nodded out of breath.

"Um morning Randy, Summer." Jessie put her head down and quickly brushed past him, he grabbed her arm.

"What's wrong Jess?" She shook her head, then he noticed the blood. "What happened?" she shrugged.

"I wasn't looking where I was going and there was a knife on the counter. I'm gonna go and clean it up now." Randy nodded, he was glad that it was only a small cut. He looked intently at Jessie as she avoided his eyes. She looked as spooked as she did when they watched Freddy Krueger the first time. Slowly he walked towards her and pulled her close.

"Jess, why are you so pale? Are you ok?" She shook her head trying to think on her feet.

"Um, I'm just not feeling well. I'm going to go and lie down, ok?" He raised his eyebrows knowing she was lying but didn't push the issue.

"Ok, we'll see you around lunch time?" Jessie really wanted to see his friends again, but she saw Vikki standing in the doorway glaring and shook her head.

"Um no, I'm just gonna try and sleep whatever this is that I'm catching off. See you," she said quickly before flying up the stairs before he could stop her. Randy shook his head, something was up. He walked into the kitchen and kissed Vikki.

"Hey Babe." She smiled at him and placed the omelet down in front of him.

"Enjoy," she said grabbing Summer.

"Babe, do you know what's wrong with Jessie, she seemed kinda off." Vikki grunted.

"You know she's off, she's probably just going through teenage hormones." Randy sighed she was probably right.


Finally it calmed down around the Orton household. Randy's parents had Summer, so the party downstairs had seemingly moved outside. From Jessie's window she could see them swimming and enjoying the barbeque. She sighed, her stomach was growling. Randy had brought her up a turkey sandwich for lunch and it was now nearing seven thirty. She contemplated for a few minutes whether to go downstairs or not, being in this room all day was driving her insane. With every ounce of gumption she had she opened the door and quietly she walked down the stairs. "Jessie!" She gasped and saw all of the party members sitting in the living room.

"Hi," she said lowly. Jessie glanced around the room and saw Vikki glaring at her and shaking her head. This was going to be bad. Randy waved her over towards him.

"Guys you remember my sister, Jessie." They all smiled and said hello. Jessie took a deep breath, she was really uneasy right now, she didn't know what Vikki would do. "Jess, we were just about to watch a movie, wanna join us?" Without looking at Vikki she shook her head vigorously.

"No, no see um I was just coming to get something to eat and go back upstairs. I'm still feeling weird." Randy raised his eyebrows.

"You're not sick Jessie and you haven't been once in the five years that I've known you. What's wrong?" Glancing quickly at Vikki, Jessie jumped off Randy's lap.

"Nothing's wrong, I'm sick ok? Just sick." She walked into the kitchen taking deep breaths hoping that would stave Vikki off. Meanwhile in the living room Randy was still confused. She was so lying to him, but why? Vikki got off her seat on the floor.

"I'm going to go help her." Randy looked at her curiously, knowing she didn't like her, but nodded. Jessie was in the kitchen making another turkey sandwich except this time she added ham and chips to the main course. She jumped when she saw Vikki standing behind the fridge.

"I thought I told you to disappear." Jessie shook her head.

"I um, I didn't know you were in there. I'll just grab this and go back upstairs." Jessie was silently cursing herself for being such a stooge and giving into Vikki like this, but dealing with an angry woman is one thing, but a homicidal angry wife with a kitchen full of knives was another. Vikki smiled sinisterly.

"I warned you what would happen if you crossed me." Jessie shook her head.

"No, I didn't cross you, I had no choice." Vikki laughed.

"No choice, eh?" Jessie watched in horror as Vikki took her sandwich and threw it against the wall. "What are you doing," she yelled. Then she grabbed the plate and smashed it over her head falling to the floor. Jessie stood there in disbelief still holding the knife that she was going to use to cut the sandwich. "No, please don't!" She screamed as Randy and the others came into the room. Randy's eyes scanned the scene and then at Jessie. He stormed over to her and grabbed the knife out of her hand.

"How could you? She's pregnant!" He was screaming in her face. Jessie just stood there shaking her head.

"I-I didn't do anything," she stammered. Randy shook his head while the rest of his body trembled in sheer rage. He grabbed her and started shaking her.

"She's carrying my baby!" Jessie found her voice.

"Randy I didn't do anything!"

"Shut up!" He screamed. Still holding her shoulders with his hands he said. "Don't worry about calling Troy this time, I'm calling him because you're going on the first plane back to West Virginia tonight. I want you out of my life forever." Each word seemed to punch Jessie as she gasped several times shaking her head incredulously, this can't be happening.

"No, I didn't do anything." Randy gave her arms one last squeeze and then pushed her against the counter as he turned to check on Vikki. Jessie couldn't take it anymore and ran up to her room crying frantically. She couldn't believe this.


Jessie was still lying face down on her bed. Her bags were in the corner packed. She decided if Randy didn't want her, then fine she didn't want him. Yeah right who was she kidding, she was heartbroken all over again. Tears were still openly streaming down her face, but the sobs turned into silence as her voice gave out. After just getting him back, he was now gone forever. Between her sobs she had heard an ambulance pull up and assumed they had come to take Vikki to the hospital, at least she wouldn't have to deal with her anymore tonight. There was a knock at the door. It was Randy. "You're flight leaves at three in the morning, you should be home by seven. I'll come get you in forty-five minutes." Jessie opened her mouth but Randy put his hand up. "Save it." He turned and walked out. His sheer coldness was enough to send her spiraling back into her pit of sadness. Never in her life had she felt pain this bad before.

Before she knew it, she fell asleep wallowing in her own self pity. She woke up to a gentle hand shaking her awake. As she rolled over she was horrified…Vikki. There she was with a bandage on her forehead smiling victoriously. Jessie quickly scooted away causing Vikki to laugh that evil sinister laugh. "Told you that I'd get you away." Jessie shook her head, she really hated this chick and now she really wanted to cut her. Jessie rolled out of the bed and stood up. "He hates you now," she was smiling happily. "Now my life is complete." Jessie shook her head.

"One day he'll realize how evil you are." Vikki laughed.

"Yeah right, I'm the mother of his children and his love. I told you not to mess with me little girl, have fun packing. Oh and don't throw anymore lizards," she laughed evilly as she walked towards the door. Vikki turned one last glance. "By the way you better say goodbye to the baby because, you'll never see Summer again." Jessie's eyes lowered and she knew she was right, this was the end.

"No, you'll never see Summer again." Jessie's head shot up as she saw a very angry Randy standing in the doorway. Vikki walked close to him and tried to wrap her arms around his neck. He held them up and took a step back. "How could you? She's a little girl!" Vikki shook her head in disbelief.

"Baby," she said before he silenced her.

"No save it for someone who cares. Look," he said pinching the bridge of his nose. "You are the mother of my children and some part of me will always love you, but this is low. I didn't think human beings could sink this low." He shook his head. "Grab your clothes and get out. Summer stays with me." Vikki shook her head venomously.

"I'm taking my child." Randy smiled.

"Oh really? What judge will ever give you custody of a child when they hear about the stunt you just pulled?" Vikki narrowed her eyes and flounced of the room. Jessie was still in the corner staring in disbelief when Randy walked over to her. He reached out his hand and stroked her face. "I'm so sorry. I'm going to go cancel that ticket." When Jessie didn't respond he turned to leave.

"Randy!" He turned around. "Leave the ticket, I'm still going home." Randy shook his head.

"What? Why?" Jessie rolled her eyes, she was back.

"You didn't believe me. I've never ever lied to you before today and you didn't believe me. I mean I know I've done some bad things in my life, but hit a pregnant woman?" Jessie shook her head as the pain started to once again rise to her eyes. Randy took a deep breath and rushed to her. He wrapped his arms around her small frame.

"Sweetie, I'm so so sorry. I don't know if you could ever forgive me for this." Jessie sighed. "Can we fix this?" She shook her head allowing her long brown hair to bounce behind her.

"I don't know if we can. I let her treat me like crap, she cut me, and starved me to death. You were supposed to protect me, but instead you let all that happen. How can I ever trust you again?" Randy stared at the floor not wanting to cry, he ground his teeth together.

"I didn't know, I never would have let that happen." Jessie shook her head.

"I tried to tell you," she paused, "but once again I was left abandoned and alone. You said that you'd never turn your back on me again. But you did, I don't think I can do this anymore." Randy sighed and took a deep breath.

"If that's what you want, but you and I know it isn't. One last try, please?" Jessie sighed and looked out the window.

"I just need time." Randy nodded and walked towards Summer's room. At least this little girl still loved him. She cooed loudly upon seeing him and he nuzzled his nose into her belly causing her to laugh loudly.

"You're daddy's special angel." Summer smiled. "I'll never let anyone hurt you." Jessie smiled from the doorway. She walked into the room and took Summer from Randy's arms. He looked at her curiously.

"What?" Randy raised his eyebrow. "Who said it had to be a long time?" Randy laughed and shook his head before pulling her into a hug.

"With my two girls by my side, who can stop me?" Jessie rolled her eyes.


Jessie quickly sprinted across the front lawn noticing a Black Jeep before quietly running to the back of her large Victorian home. She was half and hour late for her curfew and her dad was going to be pissed. He had this thing about being on time, and once again her date with Luke had long later than anticipated. Her eighteenth birthday was tomorrow and she had just pretty much guaranteed herself to be grounded. She looked around and noticed all the lights were on in living room. I'm so screwed she thought. Quietly as possible Jessie slipped into the back door and closed it ever so slightly. Tiptoeing down towards the back stairs she heard, "Jessie Skye, living room now!" She groaned and took a deep breath and started walking towards the living room.

"Daddy, I'm really sorry—" Before she could finish, 'surprise' rang out! Jessie looked around in shock as the living room was filled with her family. Randy was holding now three year old Summer while Jeff held eight month old Tanner who was the spitting image of Randy yet again. Jessie smiled broadly as Troy pulled her into a hug.

"Happy birthday, Bugs." Jessie smiled.

"Thanks Daddy." Troy was smiling ear to ear as he realized that the in the last six years he had come full circle. He was no longer, Troy but now Daddy, her rock. He loved that, and loved her with everything he had. Jessie felt a tap on her shoulder she turned around.

"Deadman, lookin' good." Mark shook his head and pulled her into a hug.

"Happy birthday Baby." Jessie smiled.

"Thanks Uncle Mark." Mark smiled at her, she was utterly stunning a far cry from the shy girl who stumbled into his locker room all those years ago. He didn't think he could ever love again after losing his third wife to leukemia, but this child had opened his heart in ways he never knew possible. Jessie didn't wait for Randy to come around she ran to him.

"Thanks for coming, bro." Randy smiled and kissed her forehead.

"You think I would miss my kid sister's 'I'm officially an adult' party? Come on, you should know me better than that." Jessie smiled. Randy loved it when she smiled. It always took him back to all those years ago when he had finally gained her trust. His heart leapt with bounds. Even through their highs and tremendously deep lows they had made it through together. He couldn't help but think, someone upstairs must really love him. He wasn't worthy.

Troy pulled out the cake and had her blow out the candles. She smiled widely as the gifts were carried in by John who had been previously on the phone with his fiancé. "Yay," she said clapping like she was five. They all laughed and admired the young woman that she had become, carrying a piece of their hearts. Slowly and happily Jessie went through her gifts, coming with clothes, money, gift cards to Outback and Pac Sun of course, along with…keys? She looked up at Jeff confused. "Dude, what'd I do to deserve keys?" Jeff rolled his eyes as everybody else laughed. He walked over to her in all his rainbow haired glory.

"Well, if you don't want your new Jeep then I will just take it back." Jessie's eyes popped out of her head as she ran out front.

"Oh my gosh, thank you so much!" Jeff gasped as she hugged the daylights out of him.

"Can't breathe," he gasped out. Jessie chuckled.

"Whoops, sorry," she said holding in a laugh. Everyone rolled their eyes.

"Alright, back into the house, Troy said. They turned to follow as Troy pulled Jeff aside. "I thought we agreed no cars?" Jeff smiled.

"Dads say no, big brothers say yes." Troy smiled and shook his head as much as John, Jeff, and Randy drove him crazy, they were Jessie's family which meant they were his family too.

"Ok man, let's eat." Jeff smiled back and walked inside.

After all the festivities were over and everyone was simmering down, Jessie stood on a chair. "Can everyone stop b.s.'ing for a minute?" Troy shot her a glare and she smiled. "It's my birthday," she said as an excuse. He smiled and shook his head, Jessie took a deep breath. "I want to thank everyone for coming. I also want to say, now I'm eighteen, none of you can boss me around anymore." They all about died laughing, causing Jessie to glare. She took a deep breath. "Well, getting to the point, I um I hate these things, but I gotta let you guys know. Each one of you has a special place in my heart, as do I, I'm sure in your hearts," she said smiling. Literally, everyone rolled their eyes. "Anyway, I just want to say thank you for giving me what I always wanted." She stepped down and everyone stared at her. "What?" she said confused. They smiled.

"What did you always want?" Jessie rolled her eyes and shook her head shooting them a 'duh' look.

"A family," she said simply. They smiled and hugged her as they all except for Mark walked out the front door towards their cars. Jessie yawned and followed Mark up the stairs.

"Have a good sleep baby," he said kissing her forehead before going into the guest room. Jessie nodded.

"You too." As soon as she walked into her room she quickly changed and collapsed onto the bed. This was a great day. Troy knocked on the door.

"Sleep Bugs?" She shook her head.

"Not yet." Troy was smiling with a small box in his hand. Jessie smiled as he handed it to her. "I guess you forgot one," he said slyly. Jessie laughed and opened it. It was a picture of her Randy, Mark, Jeff, John, Frank, and Troy at her black belt test a few months ago. She smiled as the bottom of the frame read 'My family'. Jessie sat up and hugged Troy.

"Thanks Daddy." He smiled and kissed her forehead.

"Sleep well Bugs." Jessie nodded and placed her picture on her nightstand. She fell asleep looking at all the people who had helped her on her journey…a journey to find a family.

Alright guys…THE END!

As always tell me whatcha think! Oh btw, you guys want an epilogue or no?

Also be on the lookout for a possible new story starring Jessie, ideas for that one will be welcome as well. Thanks guys for following and reviewing. :D