Author's Note: I started this chapter many times, but I was never happy with it. Hopefully this time I actually finish . . . oh, and when I started writing this chapter, Away from the Sun by 3 Doors Down came on. It goes with this very well, and helped give me ideas.

Disclaimer: I don't own Yu-Gi-Oh! GX or Away from the Sun.

And now again I've found myself

So far down, away from the sun

That shines into the darkest place

I'm so far down, away from the sun

That shines to light the way for me

To find my way back into the arms

That care about the ones like me

I'm so far down, away from the sun

~Away from the Sun by 3 Doors Down~

Marufuji Shō was standing in front of the bland hospital curtains covering the windows of his room. He missed feeling the sun shining on his face. He missed the light blue of the sky, and the white puffiness of the clouds. He missed breathing in fresh air. He missed the exhilarated feeling he got when he was in a duel. He missed his friends, and his brother. He missed living. If he could just pull open those curtains and see the outside world again, maybe, just maybe, he could begin the transition to returning to his old life; to being alive. That's what he wanted more than anything. He wanted to be alive again.

He took a deep breath and opened his eye, determination shining brightly in the grey for the first time since he had lost half of his vision. If he didn't do this now, he knew that he never would. It was time for him to stop hiding. He gripped each curtain as tightly as he could, his hands shaking from the internal struggle between his fear and his desire to live. This time, the fear was losing. He took one last breath and ripped open the curtains, letting sunlight into the room for the first time since he had arrived.

Had the world always been so beautiful? It was so bright, and full of colours that he hadn't even know existed before. The sun on his face felt more amazing than he remembered, and the blues of the sky breathtaking. Shō pushed the windows open to let the fresh air in. It was wonderful to breath in something other than the smelly hospital air. Joy was swelling in his heart, and he could feel a smile forming on his face.

What had he been so scared of? Yes, there were horrible people out there, but there was also a beauty that was taken for granted far too often. He wanted to go outside. He wanted to run as far as he could, leaving behind all of the pain and fear with each step. He wanted to spin around in circles as fast as he could, not in fear, but in joy. He wanted to call all his old friends and tell them he loved them (even if some of them would call him an idiot for it). Looking out into the world, he wanted to do so much.

Shō knew that it wouldn't be easy. He still had no where to live, no money, and no job; but he wasn't alone. There were people who cared about him, and who would help him get back on his feet. Maybe he could even find a way to fly to America to stay with his brother for awhile. There were numerous doors open for him, he had just been too blind to see them. He was now ready to open his eyes and put his life back together again.

Smiling brightly to himself, Shō turned away from the window knowing that he would be able to look at it whenever he wanted. There was someone who deserved an apology. After that, the sky was the limit. He was alive again.

Author's Note: It's short because I wanted it that way. I could have gone on about all the great stuff he was going to do, but I don't really like writing endings that are set in stone. Plus, if I wrote that, it'd be forced. Maybe when I manage to do some great things myself I'll be able to write something like that. For now, this is the best I can do. I feel like this story has been completely random . . . but I am a very random person, so it makes sense. Oh, and this is the last chapter. There will be no more. If feels over for me now. So . . . yeah. That's it, I guess.