Hello all. I'm up in Washington now, but I thought that I'd update and keep you all happy. I'm not too sure when the next update will be since I haven't written the chapter yet, but I'll try to write it eventually. So anyway, I hope that you enjoy this chapter.

Rating: M for later chapters.

Warnings: Incest, shonen-ai, implied sexual situations and a tiny bit of language.

Pairings: Itachi/Sasuke (established relationship), one-sided Kakashi/Sasuke

Disclaimer: I don't own Naruto.

Desolate Darkness

Onyx and Raven: Part Two

Training began again the same as every day, with the three students being told that they were going to do the same as the day before, to which both Naruto and Sakura simply sighed before laying back on the grass they had been sitting on, starting their chat back up from yesterday. Sasuke, though, was a little more concerned about just what was going to happen today once they were away from the other two, but still went along with Kakashi, since he had no other real choice.

"Sasuke," the boy nearly jumped, just nearly, when he heard his name said suddenly in his ear from behind. When had Kakashi even gotten behind him anyway? He didn't have much time to ponder the question as he suddenly felt arms slip around him, making him feel very uncomfortable and odd as he knew the only one that could be touching him would be his sensei. "...Kakashi-sensei...?" the man shushed him quietly as cloth rustled, concerning Sasuke very much and nearly making him turn himself around, though the one arm that remained around him held him where he was easily.

"Sasuke," Kakashi said again, this time in a more firm voice, "I'd like for you to tell me who you've been kissing." A raven eyebrow arched slightly. If this was all Kakashi wanted to know then why was he doing this? Sasuke got the answer just a moment later when he felt moist lips against his neck, ghosting over the same spots that Itachi had kissed before—kissing the all the exposed skin of his neck that wasn't for him to kiss. Though Sasuke wanted to elbow the man in the stomach or yell out for Naruto and Sakura, he was frozen—frozen solid to the spot where he stood from complete shock.

Kakashi's dark eye took in the pale skin that his lips just kissed mere seconds before as he pulled away from Sasuke, grimacing when he saw the hickey that still stood out, but was fading slowly. Quickly, but gently, he spun the teenager around and caught Sasuke's chin softly with his fingers, forcing the boy to look up at him a moment later. "Who have you been kissing, Sasuke?"

The need to cry out for his brother began pulsing through him even as he saw the narrow jaw-line and parted pink lips, which he knew, from having had them pressed against his skin moments ago, were as soft as a feather. "W...What?" Sasuke couldn't quite comprehend just what exactly was going on, as he was in a slight dazed state from how quickly things seemed to be happening, though he did know that he needed to move, and quickly, before something happened that someone would end up regretting later.

It was too late though; he tried to move at the wrong time and Kakashi only held him still, having expected the movement. It was too late for him as his sensei, the man he had looked up to for so long, leaned down and slowly, so slowly that Sasuke thought it had taken quite a few minutes, their lips connected. The amount of shock running through Sasuke's veins couldn't be put into accurate words, and it was only because of that shock, which he knew he shouldn't have felt, that he kissed back, slowly and hesitantly at first. Surprise clouded his judgment and so, for only a moment, he allowed himself to kiss and be kissed by his sensei.

The moment was gone quickly, though Kakashi didn't realize it, and Sasuke took the opportunity to push the man away from him and jump a good couple feet back, feeling his stomach knot up tightly from the knowledge of what he had just done. Kakashi wasn't fazed by Sasuke's sudden rejection and so took a step back toward the boy, only to have Sasuke shake his head and bite his lip. "Go away..." he tried to order the man, though he knew he had no authority to do so, but his voice came out so weak. A small smile passed over Kakashi's lips before he crossed the space between them and touched Sasuke's cheek with his fingertips. "Tell me, Sasuke, who has kissed you?" it was no longer much of a question but more of a demand for an answer, yet Sasuke stayed quiet.

Kakashi watched his young student for moments more before letting his fingers slide down the teen's skin, coming to a rest over the hickey as he leaned forward once again, letting their lips dance dangerously close. Sasuke's shock was gone, which he was thankful for, though he was fearing just what Kakashi would do to him. He let his fear go for a single second as Kakashi moved to connect their lips once again, "Itachi," it was a nearly inaudible whisper between the two of them. It froze Kakashi to his core; Sasuke's stomach knotted tighter.

The man was silent, so completely and utterly silent that Sasuke was beginning to think the worst, but then he backed away, allowing Sasuke to breathe a tiny bit easier for only a moment. "Sasuke," he began, moving forward once again to restore their closeness and cut off the greater part of Sasuke's air supply. He had to know. "Sasuke, tell me..." his hand came up and caressed the boy's jaw-line; he tried not to notice that Sasuke flinched when he touched him. "Tell me that you don't love him." Silence.

Silence was the only thing around them for minutes. Kakashi pursed his lips, closed his eye, but still...silence. "...Six months..." Sasuke said quietly and Kakashi opened his eye back up to look at the boy, his curiosity and hurt showing through just slightly. "We've been together," he added in a whisper. That still didn't answer Kakashi's question, but Sasuke knew that his silence already had. "...I love him..." the words that he thought would make his sensei stop all this madness only seemed to fuel some unseen fire as the man leaned back down and placed his lips against Sasuke's.

The way that the lips stayed unresponsive caused Kakashi to break away. "I love you," he confessed so quietly that Sasuke nearly had to read his lips. Again, the silence played around them. Kakashi stared into his students eyes, trying to find any kind of emotion toward him in the dark pools. Moments full of nothing were all that Kakashi gained from his useless search. His eye closed and his hand dropped from Sasuke's skin. All he could do was listen as the boy walked away, knowing that he didn't bother to look back at the man who had just confessed his love.


The world seemed almost like it had stopped moving. The heart in his chest seemed to beat with an uncharacteristic pain. The knot in his stomach tightened with every step that he took. He felt like he needed to vomit; he felt like he needed to die. He had just cheated on his brother. "Sasuke!" there was no way that he could hear the shouts of his name coming from the two teenager's as he passed by them, stumbling slightly and looking utterly sick. "Sasuke..." all he could do was wonder about what he had just done.

Naruto and Sakura both stood up, both looking seriously concerned about their friend, and both feeling the need to run to him and see if he was all right. Neither moved an inch toward the raven-haired boy though as he continued to walk and stumble down the path toward his home, not really being able to see where he was going, but knowing just where he was heading because he had been there so many times.

The shouts and concerned looks, all meant for him, were left behind as his pace quickened slightly, only to come to a stop a moment later as he bent over and retched on the ground. The most he could do was stand there for a minute, feeling slightly better but still nowhere near wonderful. When he straightened himself up a couple moments later he closed his eyes. ...What am I going to do? It was the only thing that he could think to ask himself as he again began on his way home, to see his brother, the man he had just cheated on.


The person in the mirror...looked so different now. The boy that was staring back at him made him angry—reminded him nothing of himself. Sasuke's toothbrush dropped to the floor, sprinkling his foot with just a little bit of water, which made him jump as he thought that his brother was home. When he looked down and saw his toothbrush he sighed, running his hands over his face a moment later and forgetting about the small object on the floor that had just helped him to get the taste of vomit out of his mouth.

"I'm home," he didn't hear the words, which was pretty amazing since he had been jumping at every little sound for the past ten minutes since he had arrived him. Sasuke could only hear his own thoughts, the thoughts that were telling him that Itachi was going to hate him—going to break everything off with him—going to tell him that he was a whore and that he didn't love him.

"Sasuke, what's wrong?" again, he didn't hear his brother speak. The only thing that snapped him from his thought were the lips on his neck, lips that reminded him of how Kakashi had kissed him, lips that scared him to death but comforted him at the same time. "What's wrong?" Sasuke's hands fell from his face and he looked up at the mirror, seeing Itachi standing right behind him with a small smile on his face. "...Nothing..." he knew Itachi didn't believe the words but the man didn't let it bother him it seemed.

Itachi spun Sasuke around after a second and looked down at the boy, kissing his forehead just a moment later before he brought his other hand out from around his back. "I know it's a little silly," he began, holding out the velvety rectangular box, "but I saw it...and thought of you." Sasuke took the box in his hands gently and looked at it, just simply, outrightly, stared at the thing. "Since we've officially been together six months now...I thought that I could get you something."

Suddenly, and for no real good reason, the need to cry grabbed Sasuke by the throat, trying to strangle him while telling him that he'd best come clean right now before he accepted this gift. "Itachi..." he tried to just blurt it out but got no further than the man's name as he blinked back his tears. "Go ahead and open it." Sasuke didn't. He looked up into his brother's eyes and bit the inside of his cheek. "Itachi... I need to talk to you," Itachi merely smiled, not really concerned about anything right now other than seeing his brother's reaction to his gift.

"We can talk once you open that, so go on," he urged once more and finally Sasuke sighed, looking back down at the box a moment later. Shaky hands gripped the top of the box and slowly raised it on its hinges. Those same shaky hands nearly dropped the box the moment Sasuke's onyx eyes fell upon the bracelet inside. "I know you're not big on jewelry, but I thought that you'd like it." Sasuke completely forgot about the piece of silver jewelry with the black stones embedded throughout it as he looked back up at his brother, closing the box. "I love you," the words came out broken near the end as Sasuke hugged Itachi tightly.

The elder looked down at his brother a little confused before kissing the top of the teen's head gently. "...Now, what did you need to talk about?" he could feel Sasuke freeze for a moment in his arms before pulling away from him. The boy walked out of the room a moment later, "...It's nothing...we can talk about it later..." Itachi gave a confused look to the doorway before heading out himself, hoping to figure out what happened to be wrong with the teenager.


Kabuto sighed, in a very soft and calm manner, as he waited, yet again, for the boy to show himself, though neither one of them wanted to see the other, especially since they had spoken not even twelve hours before. "What the hell do you want now?" he attempted, so very hard, to completely ignore the teenager, but knew that he wouldn't be able to do so for long. His eyes turned before his body decided to follow, but after a moment he saw the silhouette of the sixteen-year-old. "I've come to inform you that Orochimaru-sama—"

"Fucking bastard," Kabuto closed his open mouth, feeling the need to reprimand himself for speaking his lord's name in the presence of the boy once again. But, like every time before, he ignored the interruption and continued on, "will no longer be needing you for the primary stage." For a single moment Kabuto believed he saw a small smile on the boy's lips, but if it had been there then it was gone a millisecond later. "Why?" a silver eyebrow raised slightly from the unexpected question. He had thought, that surely, the boy would have given him a "whatever" and simply left.

"He's found another way," was all he offered, knowing that the child didn't care if he elaborated or not. After a moment those green eyes turned away from him, leaving him in the darkness. "Whatever," he was gone a second later.


Vividly was how he could remember it, though now it had been many hours since it had even happened, and since then he had forgotten about the tingle in his lips and the tightening knot in his stomach, although the latter was beginning to come back. The knot again began to curl deep within his insides, tightening so much that he felt he needed to flinch from the pain. It seemed to want him to know that he was a horrible person; he felt that it wanted him to know that he didn't deserve the man that was currently looking down at him with concern written over his features.

"Sasuke," Itachi's voice was barely able to crawl over a whisper, "You've barely spoken to me since you've been home... Did something happen today?" Sasuke's eyes closed as he began to remember once again, not really having stopped from moments before. Silence was the only thing that answer Itachi and he blinked slowly, trying to find a way to force at least a word from his brother. Slowly, he leaned down, having found a way.

Sasuke's eyes opened the moment that he heard the bed covers rustle, and he found, quite a bit to his surprise, that his brother was looking as if he was about to kiss him. "Please..." he sounded desperate and that was the only reason that Itachi paused, just millimeters from his brothers lips. "Please don't kiss me..." The request, of all the ones that Itachi had heard in the past six months, was so odd that it froze him in place, though he felt very much like sitting up and staring oddly at the young boy. "...What? Don't kiss you? ...Sasuke, what's wrong?" his lips ghosted lightly against his brother's with each word he spoke.

The dark onyx eyes Itachi was staring into closed and he knew then that there was something deeply troubling his brother. "Itachi..." Sasuke shook his head, not wanting to say another word, but knowing that he had to. "Please don't hate me." Those words, by themselves, on any given day, would have worried Itachi more than a small animal knowing it was being stalked by a lion in the heat of the day. Hearing the words now though, while knowing that something was indeed troubling his brother, caused him to think that only something worse could be said, or that their relationship was in jeopardy, though he attempted not to think too much on that one. "Never, Sasuke. I would never hate you."

The words did nothing to ease Sasuke, or his frantic mind, but he was finally able to just say it, "Kakashi-sensei...kissed me today," his voice was quiet as he opened his eyes to look into the half-lidded ones of his brother, the ones that didn't show any emotion yet because the man knew he wasn't finished speaking. "...I kissed him back..." the words were breathed out shakily. Itachi's eyes were the ones that closed this time. "I didn't like it," now Sasuke was trying to explain, "he kissed me and I was just so stunned that...I don't even know..." he felt himself near tears, but forced them away.

"I didn't like it," it was reassurance that Itachi was his one and only.

Itachi, for moments, didn't know exactly what to think. He was in a state of mind where he didn't even want to think, simply because he didn't want to believe the words he had just heard escape his brother's lips. "...I...I don't even want to remember it..." Itachi heard the words but didn't respond to them as he finally brought himself to open his eyes and look back down upon his brother's face, the same face he would love no matter what. "I'm so—" Sasuke's apology got no further as Itachi's lips came down upon his quickly.

"Where did he kiss you?—where did he touch you?"

Itachi proceeded to make his brother completely forget the other man's touch upon his body.


A/N: And there you go. I do hope that you like this chapter, I think my favorite thing about it is the Kakashi/Sasuke scene...though I'm not sure why. Anywho, I hope that you review and tell me what you think. Thank you.
