disclaimer: i don't own kuroshitsuji.
dedication: uhh…idk.
notes1: this came to me while i was falling asleep. then proceeded to write while friends were over.
summary: Grell sighed, and pulled the covers back over his head. Because things were always like this with them.
pairing(s): grellsebastian, hinted cielsebastian.




Grell's eyelids fluttered, his bright green eyes appearing from underneath them.

"Eh? Sebastian? Where're you going?"

The black-haired man was putting on his clothes, which had been discarded onto the floor from the night before. He stared at his shirt, frowning distastefully at the wrinkles in it.


He turned his head to look at the red-head. "I have work to do."

And he abruptly slipped on his shoes, and walked out the door.

Grell frowned, sighed, and pulled the covers back over his head.

Because things were always like that with him, and he always should expect it.

After all, he cared more about that "Young Master" of his then he ever would of him.





ending note: three one-shots/drabbles in a day and a half…damn you plot bunny.