I hope you guys LOVE this, because I really do!

Disclaimer: I do not own All Time Low or any other name brand I use in this story


Dani POV

5 Years Later

"I love you," I said, leaning in to kiss him.

"Love you, too," he replied, then he pressed his lips to mine.

"And cut!" The director yelled.

I laughed and pulled away from Ashton, "I hate that scene."

"Me too," he replied, grimacing, "it's like kissing my sister."

"Ew!" Libby yelled, running on set, "Ashton, never think that, just the thought," she shuddered.

I rolled my eyes at my best friend, "can we change the topic, please?" I asked, walking off set and heading to my trailer.

"Yeah," Ashton replied, wrapping his arms around Libby's and mine shoulders. "So, I'm thinking about getting neon green highlights, what do you think?"

I laughed and ran my hand through his straight, brown hair, "sorry sweetie, I just don't think that'll work for you."

"Yeah, and mom would kill you," Libby said, opening the door to my trailer.

"Thanks," I replied, sitting on my wrap-around couch. "Hey, has anyone seen Jimmy?" I asked, surprised I hadn't seen my other best friend.

"Right here," a blond guy said, walking out of my bedroom.

"Why were you in my room?" I asked him, hoping he didn't see my pictures of me and Alex.

Speaking of Alex, I haven't seen or talked to him in five years. All I know is that after I left, he called me a hundred times and I never picked up. I haven't dated anyone seriously either, because I was still in love with him.

"I got bored, and you were all working," Jimmy grumbled, sitting beside me.

"Your supposed to be working as well," Libby replied, shaking her blond hair out of her eyes.

I had met Libby when I started working on my first movie, which was four years ago. She's the typical California surfer girl, and my best friend. She's also the only one who knows I dated Alex, and that I was still in love with him.

I met Aston through Libby, who were brother and sister. They didn't look like it, though, because Ashton was a typical punk. He had brown hair, wore skinny jeans, and went to concerts every chance he got. He reminded me a lot of Alex, and some part of me hurt every time I looked at him.

All three of us met Jimmy a year ago, while we were working on a movie together. Jimmy is a stylist, and begged to get a job for this movie, because Libby, Ashton and I are staring in it. Ever since he's been working on the movie he's only needed in the morning, so normally he just waits in our trailers until we got off set.

"Are you okay, Dani? You've been quiet," Libby observed, arching her eyebrow.

"Oh, yeah I'm fine, just bored," I said, yawning.

"Well I have a solution," Jimmy stated, "there's a huge party on the beach tonight, are we up for it?"

"Who's going?" Ashton asked, and I smiled, Ashton was a total party boy.

"I don't know, all I heard was that the bands on the Bambozzle Road Show were in town, and they were hosting a party," Jimmy replied.

"Sounds like fun, who's on the tour this year?" I asked Ashton, who of all people, would know.

"I actually don't know," he confessed, "I've been to busy working to check it out."

"Well I don't care, we're going," Libby said, getting up. "And I gotta go do an interview, see you later!"

"Wait up! I'll walk with you, I wanna go get something to eat," Jimmy mumbled, running after Libby.

"So, what do you wanna do?" I asked Ashton.

"I don't know, I'm going to go for a walk, wanna come?" He asked, getting up and walking to my door.

"No, I'll see you at seven," I said, walking into my bedroom and closing my door.

I opened my secret box, that was hidden under my bed, and I started to look through the pictures. There were several dozen pictures of me and the guys of All Time Low, but I flipped through those until I found the ones with me and Alex alone. I laughed at our Halloween pictures, and teared up when I found the ones with me and Alex hugging or kissing each other.

I sighed and shoved the photographs back in the box, wishing I could just get over this guy.


"Ready?" Libby asked me, walking into my bedroom.

"Yeah," I replied, "you look good."

"Thanks," she blushed, straitening out her pink halter dress. "So do you."

I smiled and looked at my reflection, I did look good. My hair was straightened, as usual, but I was wearing a navy blue tank top, and a jean short skirt. I slipped my feet into my flip flops and walked out of my trailer, Libby following after me.

The guys were waiting for us outside, both of them wearing button-up shirts and jeans. We all climbed into Libby's red Challenger, then drove out to the beach.

We pulled up to the beach, and thousands of people were standing under tents, running in the water, and dancing around stereos.

Libby and I went to the bar, while the guys went to the dance floor, hoping to meet some girls.

I didn't recognize many people, but I did see the band, Boys Like Girls, I waved to them.

I ordered an apple martini, then I realized Libby wasn't with me. I looked around for her, and I found her grinding against some guy.

"Lib," I shouted, trying to get her attention.

She and the guy stopped dancing, and they looked at me. My blood froze when I saw who the guy was.

"Hey Jack," I said, starting to freak out.