ffgtfgtr: Alright, here's chapter one!

These first two chapters are going to vary a bit from the rest of the story, in two ways:

1. The first two chapters are written separately. This one was my work, and the next one will be LF's. The subsequent ones will be written together. So yeah, Zane is my creation and the other guy is LF's.

2. While these two will end on the same thing, the others, at least in my head, will be constantly progressing, so you don't have to read both guys' points of view for each event.

Anyways, that's it for me, and enjoy!

"Today is it," I said, running through the thickly grown forest as fast as my legs could carry me. As the wind brushed my back, I whacked branches out of my way, mercilessly tearing them away from the trees for the crime of being in my path, and throwing them at other spectating foliage, as if they were judges who had given me a bad score.

I was not going to be late today. I couldn't afford to be late today.

You see, today, I happened to be receiving my first pokemon to train, and if I didn't get it, the rest of my plans were put to waste, thrown away like a failed story idea.

Logs, twigs, leaves, they all deserved the same treatment: a nice stomping. They didn't have feelings anyways.

Finally, a white building came into view, as did the end of this endless forest that blanketed the Kanto region, sparse in some places and dense in others, but always managing to show up somewhere along your path. I slowed to a swaggery stroll as I walked out of the woods like I lived there.

Oh wait, I did.

My name's Zane Black, and I'm starting my little pokemon journey at 18.

Now, I know what you're thinking, so don't even start with that "You're too old for this" crap.

This just means I happen to know what I'm doing, more so than those little brats with their Rattatas and Pidgeys. I could probably evolve my starter fully by the time I got to Cerulean City, and a rare pokemon or two'll be in my possession as well. Living in the wilderness rather than the city really helps one get a grasp of pokemons' behaviors, whether they're as common as Spearows or rare as Lapras.

I strolled inside the lab without knocking, and an aging man in the stereotypical lab coat turned to see his visitor.

"Hello! What can I do for you, young man?" he asked, the nametag pinned to the coat pocket dangling like the string of a kite stuck in a tree read "Professor Oak, chief of research, Kanto."

"I'm here to start the Pokemon Trainer program," I said confidently, and he looked me over, as if he could get my credentials simply by my clothing. I took off my gray baseball cap and brushed my hand through my red hair as he wandered to the back, muttering comments to himself that I couldn't pick up. He rummaged through a bunch of wooden drawers, finally finding what he needed, and walked over to me with a little red machine in one hand, and devices I recognized as Pokeballs in the other. He handed them to me, and said "These are Pokeballs, but you probably knew that already."

"Well, at least this geezer hasn't lost his mind," I thought.

"And this, in your left hand, is a Pokedex. You can record data for any pokemon we've discovered in here, and so far there are 493, though rumors of a lot more have surfaced of late," Oak said, and I smirked.

"You know, I could probably also use a pokemon, you know, so I'm not tromping around defenseless, at my age or not," I said, and he smiled, saying "Ah, yes, almost forgot! Here, you know the three Kanto starters, and even though a young boy already took a Squirtle, we have another if you'd want one."

"Actually, I've made up my mind on Charmander," I replied bluntly, and he picked up the pokeball holding the fire lizard, tossing it to me. I caught it with one hand with a grin plastered on my face, and he said "One last thing. I like to keep track of my new trainers for research purposes and all, so if you could just-"

"Of course, of course, I was wondering when we'd get to the paperwork." I walked over to where he had the pen and form, and signed my name, age and starter. Apparently Squirtle was the rage these days...

"Good luck... Zane," he said, reading my newly printed name off the piece of paper on top of his clipboard.

"Thanks..." I replied, exiting the lab and its artificial smells before he could ask anything else of me.

As soon as I walked outside, the crisp spring air hit me head on, and I couldn't help but smile. The scent of the flowers wafted away from a nearby house's garden, and it luckily found its way towards me. I stopped to smell the roses (literally), and as I did so, I let my new pokemon out.

"Char!" it cried, as if it was fierce or something. It was a fricking Charmander, the term "cute" or "weakling" better described it than "fierce." He looked up at me expectantly, and I simply said "Let's go."

"Where are we going?" he asked me, his tail flaring and waving behind him as he walked like a man and a torch trying to scare away a pack of Beedrills.

"Viridian City for now," I responded, still not looking at him directly. "What's your name, by the way?"

"Oh, uh, Pyre," he answered. "You can talk to me?"

"Yeah, so? Just a gift I've had, it's not unheard of..." I replied, and that seemed to suit him. We walked for another few minutes in silence before I saw a little kid training his Rattata. Perfect.

"Hey kid, battle. Now," I said forcefully, and he seemed more than eager to, not caring about the sharpness in my voice.

"Awright, you got it, mister!" he said back, calling his little vermin over.

"Pyre, use Scratch," I commanded, and my little lizard did just that. "Now Ember."

"I don't think I've learned that-"

"Do it. You're a fire pokemon, use fire," I cut him off, and he sighed. Somehow, though, he did it, and the Rattata was scorched by the attack, almost done for.

"One more Scratch should do it," I said, and that was that. I snatched the kid's wager out of his hand, and left, patting Pyre on the head.

"Not bad, my friend, not bad at all."

"Thanks, uh..."

"Zane, call me Zane," I said, and he did.

As we walked on, I looked at the little Pokeballs in my hands, taken out from their place in my pants pockets. Five of them were regular old pokeballs, but the sixth one looked different. This one was purple, with pink circles on each side. What, is this a pokeball specially designed for girls or something? I stuffed them back in my pockets, and commanded Pyre to go incinerate a Caterpie.

After a couple more battles with wild pokemon, Pyre was ready to take on anyone in the area with ease, so I continued on, though not without a couple more trainer battles. I tell you, I was surprised by his energy, he was just chock full of it. And once he reached Charizard form, that would make him one damn powerful dragon.

As we came within a mile of Viridian City, anyways, I saw another trainer. This one had jet black hair almost down to his shoulders, and piercing green eyes that looked like they could shoot lasers if he tried hard enough, and, inexplicably, he was wearing a suit. Tthe pokemon strolling beside him was an Alakazam, which automatically told me not to mess with him.

I sensed something different about this man, though. His aura seemed to emanate from him like the sun's rays, and they way he conducted himself told me he was a pro at everything he did.

Immediately, one thought came to my mind: "I could go places with this kid. He could really help out what I have in mind for the future..."

Without a second thought, I walked right up to him and tried to make small talk.

"Any particular reason you're wearing a suit?"

"It's just comfortable, I guess..." he replied, eyeing me suspiciously, probably surprised that he had been randomly approached. I'd have done the same thing, if not just blown the guy off... His Alakazam looked me over as I walked with him, and must have told his master something trough telepathy.

Why did I figure this? Because suddenly, the guy started questioning me!

"Did you just start training your Charmander there?" he asked, pointing at Pyre.

"Yep, just got him today. Trying to work him as hard as he can go and see how quickly he can evolve, and he's kept up through everything. Quite proud of the little guy, actually."

I was not an easy man to please, mind you, but this was actually the truth. I had obviously made the right choice in my pick.

"I see... where'd you grow up?" he followed up.

"Actually, I've lived in the forest around Pallet. My parents weren't around very much when I was young, and I finally just picked up my few belongings and left."

"Ah... well then..." He seemed to be looking me over as well, so I did the same.

"Would you like to travel with us, then? I'm sure you'll get in quite a few battles with us, and when we fight, it's for a good cause," he said, and I grinned.

"That'd be excellent. What do you think, Pyre?"

"All right with me!" he said enthusiastically, and I nodded to the man, who looked to be about my age, maybe a bit older.

"Let's go, then. Hope you don't mind if I try and train him up a lot on the way, though. I want him to be a Charizard by the time we get to Cerulean, and with his energy, that should be easily accomplishable."

"Cerulean? With my help, try Pewter City," he replied, and we shook hands, both grasping the other's palms firmly. "What's your name, by the way?"

"Zane, Zane Black. And yours?"

"You can call me Micah," he replied, "and this is Alonso, my Alakazam. Been with me my whole journey."

"Ah, nice to meet you two. Now, what did you mean, 'fighting for a good cause?'" I asked him.

"I'll tell you on the way. Let's go."

And with that, our travels had begun, and our fates were intertwined from that moment on.

Lucariofan: *ahem*

I've calmed down now. Hey, its my first collab, don't judge.

So yeah. I didn't write this. But its good! :D

Not much to say for me. Look forward to my chapter? ;)