STUPIDITY ALERT! Just another one sprouted from my brain. Stupid plotbunnies!

One by one, the warriors were sent back to their worlds, crystals safely in their hands. Cosmos gazed at them, smiling wistfully as she saw them depart safely, but her smile turned into a worried expression when she heard a voice.

"So Chaos, the God of Discord has fallen," the voice said. "But do not worry; I will take care of your warriors for him."

"No, you mustn't," Cosmos pleaded as she turned around to face a figure in a black robe, white wings sprouting from behind.

"But I already have." Cosmos turned back to the gardens outside of Cornelia. The Warrior of Light had disappeared. "They are no longer under your power now, Cosmos, Goddess of Harmony. In my world, they shall suffer and die, with you no longer able to come and save them," he said, his voice fading.

Cosmos looked down, worried and panic. "No. Cichol…" The goddess wept in defeat. Her power could not aid her warriors in that world. They were helpless. Unless… "Morrighan, please hear me," she whispered.

"What is it my dear friend?" the Goddess of war and vengeance asked calmly, putting a hand on the other's shoulder.

"Cichol… he…" she whispered.

"Ahh… Yes, his plan to take over my world is in motion," she said solemnly. "And your warriors are in the face of danger, once again. Do not worry my friend; I will see to it that they will not be harmed."

"But how?" Cosmos asked.

Morrighan gave the other goddess a reassuring smile. "My own warrior will help. Surely she could help them get back, and prevent Erinn's possible doom…"

:D Told ya it was stupid! Well, thanks for reading this little bit. Tell me what you think by clicking the Review button. It's late here, so forgive the sloppiness...

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