Okay, this is my first loooong story, so I want man comments please. (Mind you, no flames!) My idea was, what if Zuko had a -kind of- guardian Spirit? This is also my first tribute to Zutara, although it's going to be a little slow paced. I'll try to upload once a week. A special thanks to my good friend Keren, who introduced me to the Avatar world and is currently correcting my horrible grammatical mistakes on the next charters. A big hug to her from everyone!

Disclaimer: All together now: Don't own it! I could have written a much more appropriate ending!


Ten-year-old Zuko was sneaking through the dark corridors of the palace. Every night, ever since his mother had disappeared, he would crawl out of his bed in the middle of the night and visit the turtleduck pond. There he lighted a single candle using his firebending. He would keep the light on as long as he could, repeating the same words: "Please, bring my mom back."

Tonight ended like every other night when he stood and headed back to his room. When the Fire Lady's garden was once again empty the candle lighted again on its own. Out of the flame sprung the form of a young woman. She strolled unnoticed through the halls passing room after room. When she reached the prince's room she smiled and tucked the sleeping boy in his bed. Before she left she turned and whispered: "Your wish will come true little Prince. Fire will see to it." The flame of the candle was extinguished and she vanished.

Thirteen-year-old Zuko was walking through the corridors of the Western Air Temple. His wound hurt and he felt unbalanced, being able to see only by his left eye. He reached a clearance and lighted a single candle. No matter that it seemed hopeless and childish. He would continue this practice until he saw his mother again.

He stopped his whispering when he felt another presence near him. It could only be his uncle, but it didn't feel like his uncle. He hesitantly opened his eye to see surprised, a woman sitting in front of him. She couldn't be more than eighteen, with long brown-red hair that fell free on her back and warm brown eyes. She looked like Fire Nation but Zuko had a feeling that they didn't come from the same land.

She was sitting cross-legged exactly in front of him watching him intently. It was quite a stare but for some reason it didn't make him feel uneasy. It felt almost welcome and although he knew this wasn't normal he didn't want the silence to end. Finally she spoke: "I could heal this" she said thoughtfully. "But then again" she continued "this was not your wish, right?"

The Prince looked at her incredulously. Of course he wished for the scar to heal. He didn't believe it would though. The damage was too great. Seeing his expression she smiled.

"I mean right now. You didn't ask for my presence so that I can heal you. You asked once again the same thing. Are you ever tired of it? It's been over three years. To be honest I'm amazed. I've never met a mortal with such dedication."

Her last sentence broke the daze. "What do you mean mortal? Who are you?" He looked at her suspiciously. Could she be the Avatar? Then his quest would end before it began.

"Oh relax! I'm not the Avatar. I am from the Spirit World though. My name is Lia."

"What do you want from me?"

"I should be asking this question. You were requesting my presence for years and now that I am here you are asking what do I want from you?"

Zuko was beginning to get angry. Spirit or not this girl was unbelievably annoying, acting as if her mere presence was some great gift.

"I never asked for you." He said standing.

Lia merely looked at the – still lit – candle.

"You have been asking fire to bring you your mother. Well, I can't begin looking with nothing."

She was now standing too, and Zuko spun to meet her eyes.

"You… you are…" he stuttered.

"The spirit of Fire. At your service." She smiled and made a small bow.

The Fire Prince rushed to bow to her but she stopped him immediately.

"No need for formalities. I've taken a liking on you. So here's the deal: I'm going to find your mother and teach you some aspects of firebending unknown to everyone else."

"But how can I pay you back?" the boy asked her desperately. "I have nothing that's worth anything to give you."

"A person can never be sure about the future. I only ask you to grant me a favor. When the time comes I will tell you what the favor is. Deal?"


For the next six months, while his Uncle slept, he would crawl out of bed and meet Lia. She began by re-teaching him the very basics of firebending (much to his frustration). Once she was satisfied she began to fulfill her promise. The idea was to gain a small control on the other elements through mastering his own.

They began with air. It was maddening for Zuko not being able to see the results of his bending. A few nights were left before he and his Uncle would leave to begin the search for the Avatar. Much to his surprise he realized that he didn't want to leave the peaceful temple. They had planned to remain there until he was healed and then begin their search, a search he was reluctant to begin. "At least not" he thought to himself "before I achieve something".

When the Prince arrived at their usual meeting point he saw Lia already there sitting by the fountain. She sensed his presence; she always seemed to do so. The Fire Spirit stood smiling as her student approached. They rarely talked, other than instructions, but both preferred it that way. Today though, she decided to make an exception.

"So you're leaving."

"Yes" he looked at her guiltily, before realizing what was happening and resuming his indifferent face.

"It's okay. After all we completed the first cycle of our lessons and it's time for you to test yourself."

"How so?" He couldn't help but feel a little nervous.

She had a mischievous glint in her eyes.

"Just fly a little around the temple."

"What? I'm not an airbender in case you forgot."

"You don't have to be. Didn't you listen at all while I was talking? You just need to find a way to use your fire less… conventionally. I'll let you think of it. We have all night."

With that she took off. She was challenging him and he wanted nothing more than to compete, but he still had to figure out a way.

"Think Zuko" he said to himself "It probably has to do with heat; you've been playing around with hot air all these…"

His eyes widened with realization. It was a technique they had talked about, but never really tried. It involved great concentration since you had to warm the air around you enough to float but not too much so that you wouldn't raise the temperature of the whole area.

Even though he had tried and succeeded in floating for a few meters, he hadn't gone to great heights or anything. It wasn't that Zuko was afraid. It was merely the fact that he was painfully aware of what would happen if he failed. But on the other hand he was going after the Avatar – master of all elements who had probably been developing his powers for the last hundred years. He was bound to take some risks eventually. The Fire Prince took a breath, closed his eyes and let the gravity drag him.

When he opened his eyes he was floating in the air. Zuko took a moment to savor the feeling. Then he remembered his "race" with Lia. He darted to her direction. Soon flying felt almost normal and he was subconsciously copying her – increasingly difficult – tricks in the air. Two hours later they landed out of breath on their starting point. Lia practically glowed as she turned to face him.

"I'm proud of you" she said "As much as air is concerned I have nothing else to teach you."

"But how? This was supposed… I mean I thought it would take years to master but one technique…" he said surprised.

"I never said you mastered air. This is an airbender's duty. But as far as you are concerned, well you are really, really good."

Her smile was now sad. She looked through her pockets and took out a small pedant with strange inscriptions. Lia handed it to her student.

"I want you to have this. I know you will be looking for the Avatar and maybe it will be a long time until we see each other again."

"What is this?" he asked scrutinizing the letter-like pattern on the small charm.

"It's a simple protective spell. I have its twin. If the carvings turn red I know you're in danger. If they turn black…" she paused for a moment and shook her head. "Let's hope that they won't. Promise me to keep it with you?"

Zuko felt touched. Lia was friendly, but that didn't change the fact that she was a Spirit and he a mortal. He had thought that he was just another way for her to pass her eternal life. But now she wanted him to be safe. She even took precautions to ensure it. He didn't dare to think about what this might mean.

"I consider you a friend of mine you know."

She had guessed his thoughts. She seemed to be able to sense whenever he needed reassurance and offer it openhandedly. Zuko smiled at her hesitantly.

"So we will be friends?" he asked.

"For as long as you can stand me." She laughed heartedly. "Now go to bed. No point in being exhausted tomorrow."

Later Lia entered his room. He was asleep and for the first time in years a small smile was in his lips. She smiled a secret smile herself. As she tucked him in she contemplated at the destiny she had seen laid ahead of him. She would definitely make sure that the happiness he deserved would catch up with him. Even if the consequences on her life would be dire.

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