A/N: Well, I was looking through the romance section for Dead Rising, and I was VERY mad at the stuff that was on there! "Why so much yaoi and yuri?" I thought. So, I decided to make THIS, my very own HETEROSEXUAL Dead Rising fanfiction. Yes. You're WELCOME. XD Don't get me wrong, I'm a fan of yaoi, but I get tired of it sometimes. I want passionate stuff that also has a good story line. Although, I can't promise that this will be good. :P


More Than Love in the Air

Chp 1

Heart of Gold, Brains of Steel

I was working hard on capturing the shot that would make my day. I was a singer, but I did photography on the sidelines. When I first heard of the disturbances in Willamette, I rushed down to the town. I just strolled right in, but then they began to close off the town. I wasn't worried. There was some way out of it, and if there wasn't, I'd wait it out. I was one tough cookie. I ran around with my camera shooting pictures of random things, blood streaks, dead bodies, dead animals, the normal stuff for me. I liked to photograph violence and gore for my collection of photos from all around Colorado.

I hadn't seen the real disturbances yet, because Ihad only just gotten there. It was boring and lonely. I roamed around, and the quietness turned to a slight violent atmosphere. As I got farther into town and buildings became visible, I realised that this place wasn't just in a riot. People were being EATEN. Oh, man, CANNIBALISM? Damn! I HAVE to get this!, I thought to myself, snapping pictures. But soon, it became apparent that these people weren't just crazy, cannibalistic cult members. They were something else entirely- zombies. My heart raced with excitement and fear as I put my camera away.

"Damn... Real-life zombies?... It sounds so crazy, but... I LOVE IT!" I giggled, and all the zombies saw me. They came after me, slowly at first, then charging, and slowing down again. I panicked, running wherever I could to try to find a weapon. They're slow, it's okay. You have an outbreak of slow, stupid zombies... We got the good ones! Just don't get bitten... I grabbed a large metal pole from a parking lot and battered my way through the undead crowd.

The moaning, the smell of blood and death, the thrill, the footsteps and screams... It was so exciting that I didn't even realize when I had started to run through the hordes of zombies, screaming and smiling. Pretty soon, I reached the mall. I stopped on a hill that was clear of zombies and stared at the parking lot, panting. My face was blank, and my eyes were half-closed. I just stared, thinking, I'm screwed. I tried to think of a back-up plan. THEN, I saw my saviour, a ladder leading up to the roof. All the zombies were crowded around the doors to the shopping mall where unaffected people could be seen baracading the only way to the outside.

I ran out to the side of the hill, passing behind a bush. I stopped to think my plan over and come up with a plan B. Then, I had a great idea. Hell, they do it in movies, I could do it, too! If I act like a zombie, maybe the real ones won't be able to tell the difference! I already have blood on my clothes from killing zombies. I can do this! I got ready, gripped my pole, and let my arms fall to my sides. Moaning and making sounds in my throat similar to the sickly noises the real zombies made, I stumbled out and down the hill.

The zombies paid no attention to me. I stumbled across the grass, reaching the concrete, then the side of the building. I was out of sight of those zombies, now. I frantically shot up the ladder, and I was on the roof in no time. I stood and caught my breath, looking over the crowd of risen dead as they tried hopelessly to break into Willamette Parkview Mall.

"Hello, there." A man's deep voice startled me, and I whirled around. Relieved to see that it was just a man, a LIVING man, I just sighed and let my gaurd down a little.

"I thought you were a zombie," I said, casually chuckling. The dark-haired man stopped leaning against the wall he was leaning against and chuckled.

"You seem at ease."

"Enh, I don't mind this place. I got them beat, anyway. I have brains of steel, you could say, haha." The man walked over and circled me like a lion might circle around his next meal. I frowned at him angrily as he did so.

"You never answered my question," he said softly, stopping next to me.

Turning to look at him, I said, "You don't need to know that right now. All you need to know is that I'm not going to be here much longer, and I will kick your ass if you try anything, smart guy, okay?" He looked me over and laughed, his voice echoing in the distance.

"You? You're too small to be tough-talking me, little lady."

"I'm stronger than I look. I'm no wimp," I spat at him, looking him over, too.

"You sure can put up an argument... We'll just have to see if you have the strength to survive... and the will." I huffed and left, angered by the man. I left through a door that led into the mall. I walked down some stairs and into the main part of the mall. Going down some stairs, I saw the uninfected people blocking the doors with stuff. There was mall music playing in the silent mall. Faint crying and sobs could be heard, and every now and then, there would be a loud noise or two. I stood there, smiling at all the people. I'd never been so happy to see a crowd of people before. Soon enough, somebody noticed me.

"Who are you? Where did you come from?" the man said, surprised. Eyes turned and looked at me awkwardly.

"I... I'm Francissa. You can call me Francis, if you like." I shook the man's hand, and he stared at my spiked bracelet. I rolled my eyes slightly and put my hand back down at my side.

"How did you get here?"

"Well, I fought my way through town and came here when I saw you guys baracading." The man nodded his head and looked at the pile of heavy items. I decided that I had nothing better to do, so I'd go looking at the stores. I left without saying a word. The man began to question me, then he just let me leave.

When the people were out of sigh, and I was on the second floor, looking at stores just beyond the balcany, I slipped my shoes off and carried them with me. I walked into a store called Falcon's Claw. It was dim inside, and Slipknot was playing inside. I looked clothes over, and I picked some out. No use in paying when we were stuck in the middle of a zombie outbreak. I chose a white button-down shirt with a black and red striped tie and a black mini skirt and combat boots. Basically, I picked out stuff that would look nice with blood. Slipping on some fishnet gloves, I grabbed my pole and left the store.

Wandering out into the mall, I sat down on a bench, facing the stairs and putting my feet at the other end. I laid my pipe down and relaxed. Closing my eyes, I sang Amazing Grace. I hadn't sang a hymn in years. I heard footsteps as I finished the hymn, and I opened my eyes. A man with brown hair and a camera was walking towards me. Smirking, I picked my purple plaid duffel bag and pole off of the floor and stood. The man clapped after taking a picture. I reached in my duffel bag and pulled out MY camera, snapping a picture of him. He smiled at me when I did.


"No, I-"

"No, wait, I know you. I swear I've seen you before... You're a singer, aren't you? I mean, for a band."

"Yep. Brass Petals. Haha, stupid name, but we're better than that. Went to one of our concerts, mister?"

"Yeah, I think so. You play guitar, too, don't you?"

"Sure do! Like a pro!" I laughed, hanging my camera around my neck. "What's your name?"

"Frank West. I'm a photographer."

"So it would seem... Francissa Parker. You already know my job." Frank walked up and shook my hand. "Well, Frank, I'm slipping off to grab some snacks, care to join?"

"Sure, why not?"

"Alright then!" I started off into a store near the stairs that sold candy called Candy Mountain and grabbed two huge bags for myself. Frank grabbed a small one. I knew what I was there for, so I started filling one bag completely with chewing gum and the other completely with random gummy candies. I had a huge smile on my face as I did this, and Frank was just picking out choclates and other stuff. I tied the bags up and stuffed them into my duffel bag. Then I grabbed three packs of stick gum and a can of lemonaide.

Frank finished filling his bag, and I put a bubblegum ball into my mouth and chewed it. I smiled at Frank as he tied his bag up and put it in his pocket. When we walked out of the store, I popped my gum, and some guy came running up the stairs. I heard zombies moaning now, and people were screaming. Something had happened. Something BIG had happened.

A/N: Okay, I started to make it too long, so I had to end it here and begin on chapter two with the second bit. It's probably horrible, but I wanna know what you think. PLEASE REVIEW! Even if it's just one word, "good" bad" "horrible" "great," it all works! I'd love it if you'd elaborate, though. I'd like to hear some suggestions for the plot and some thing I must fix. Thank you!