Yeah. I own Soul Eater. That's why this is a FAN fiction.

(For those of you who didn't catch the sarcasm up there, I don't really own Soul Eater.)

"Hey Kid!" Yelled a boy with sandy blond hair that hung in his eyes. The death prince turned around from his locker and cocked an eyebrow at the boy to let him know he was listening. "Soul Evans asked me to give this to you," He said, barely hiding an evil grin as he handed Kid a folded piece of notebook paper. He then turned around and walked away to go watch the teen's reaction from a distance.

The shinigami looked down at the note in his hand and began to read it.

'I was thinking maybe we could go on a date sometime. What do you say?


He scarcely managed to keep his usual stoic face. His head felt dizzy from joy and he wanted to squeal and jump around, but doing something like that at school would be reckless. He carefully folded the note into a perfect square and slipped it into a pocket on the inside of his suit jacket and closed his locker.

Soul shook his head in disbelief at his best friend as the assassin tried to shove his fist into his mouth. "Towld Oo I culd!" He yelled around the hunk of flesh. The scythe was just about to respond when he felt something tap his shoulder. He turned around and saw Shinigami-Sama's son.

He was standing very stiff and straight, and held his school books to his chest. There was a faint pink color dusting his cheeks and he was looking at the ground. "Yes?" Asked the weapon.

"Yes," Said Kid, still looking down.

Soul waited for the boy to finish his sentence and gestured for him to continue.

"I'd like to go on a date with you," He finally lifted his eyes and focused his penetrating yellow eyes on his crush.

"...What?" Yelled the silver haired teenager in alarm. This was immediately followed by a lot of laughter from behind a near by tree.

A head of shaggy hair peaked out and the owner yelled over to the two boys "Ha! You fell for my prank!"

Soul looked over to Kid to try and figure out what was going on. The meister's face was crumpled and tears had just started falling from his large cat like eyes. He reached into his jacket and pulled out a little square of paper and threw it on the ground. "I should have known better then to believe you would really want to date an asymmetrical fool like me!" He sobbed, and began to turn away.

"Wait," The weapon said as he grabbed the other boy's elbow and turned him back to face him. He released his arm and grabbed the discarded piece of paper on the concrete. He unfolded it and quickly scanned what it said. He made a fist around the paper and glared at the laughing boy behind the tree. Playing on people's emotions like that was not cool. He looked back to the crying death prince and gave him a smile and a wink. "Sure I'll go on a date with you,"

Kid choked on air. There was no way he had just heard what he thought he did, but when he looked at Soul's smiling face he knew that he had. The scythe wrapped an arm around his shoulders and began to lead him away, and behind them he heard the boy who had played the nasty prank on him yell that he knew that the only reason the weapon had agreed to a date with him was because he felt sorry for him. Soul yelled back angrily that it was to a real date, and they'd be at the movies tonight at 8 if he didn't believe him.

The dazed reaper was lead over to the orange bike that belonged to the other boy, and then he was released. "Look, I'm really sorry but I don't like you like that," Explained the pianist. The younger boy's face fell at this, "But what he did to you was horrible and I'd like to show him a lesson. We can go see a movie together tonight and let him think that we really are on a date,"

He sighed but decided a pretend date was better then nothing and agreed. Soul said he would pick Kid up at 7:30, so there would be plenty of time to get to the theater. There was a bit of awkwardness as they said goodbye, and each of them headed to their own houses to go prepare for their fake date.

This is for Bibbits, because she's an epic friend and she wrote me a lovely SoulxKid story called The Gym Class Adventure, that if you have not read you need to go do so now or you will miss out on a wonderful story.

Next chapter will hopefully be up soon, but I can't promise anything. I have a lot of stuff going on this weekend. (And hopefully it will be longer :U)

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