Secret Night - Chapter 1: Tsume's Secret

Tsume's PoV

Tsume was lying down further back than the other wolves, his way of reminding himself that he isn't like them, he wouldn't blindly follow a flower and wolf that seemed obsessed with said flower and the thought of paradise. He scoffed to himself-paradise-what a childish fantasy, even with the flower maiden from the legendary tales a few feet away from him; he still refused to believe such ridiculous children's stories. Sometimes he didn't even know why he was still travelling with these stupid wolves. There was Hige, who annoyed Tsume with his food affinity, always complaining about how long it's been since they'd eaten and moaning about how long till they ate again, so Tsume would usually ignore him. Then there was Kiba, Tsume couldn't stand the bastard. They were getting along a bit better than when they had when they started this journey but he still insisted that the guy only spoke bullshit. Next was Cheza, the legendary flower maiden, she was stroking Kiba and Hige as they slept. Cheza was a girl actually made from lunar flowers. She was supposed to lead them to paradise, but when they met her she stank of the Nobles. Instantly, Tsume distrusted her. Even more so knowing that she had been created by a Noble, nothing was more untrustworthy than a Noble.

There was a soft whimper and Tsume's gaze shifted towards the smallest wolf of the pack, Toboe. He could still remember when he first met the red wolf in Freeze City. The kid was clearly inexperienced at living on his own. He could remember how the runt froze when that old drunk bastard had pointed his gun at Toboe, the though brought back the anger he had felt at the time. Looking at the wolf sleeping far away from him reminded him of how Toboe had followed him around the city, even back to Tsume's gang's hideout, and even after they had met the other wolves he seemed to have kept this attachment to Tsume. Toboe always seemed to stick with him, normally going after Tsume if he walked off from the others, even trying to help protect Tsume and always trying to lick the older wolf's wounds. Tsume's thoughts lingered there, as he remembered getting wounded by a machine not long after setting off on their journey and he had been in a cave hiding with Toboe. The runt had started licking at a cut Tsume had gotten on his leg, Tsume realised he was getting turned on as he remembered how Toboe's tongue felt against his skin. Tsume quickly banished that thought, getting angry at himself. What was he doing, thinking of the youngest wolf like that? He told himself that it was just that he wasn't used to affection from others. He was a loner wolf that was it, and he had no interest in a pup like Toboe anyway. But the feeling that seemed to be growing in his chest, and then settling in his stomach, implied otherwise. He mentally cursed himself at this and he refused to acknowledge that he might feel that way towards anyone, let alone a young, male wolf.

Just then he noticed the aforementioned wolf stir from his slumber. Tsume quickly adverted his gaze and focused on trying to sleep, but if he knew the younger wolf, which he annoyingly did, then the wolf would be making his way over any second. It was almost as if he knew Tsume had been thinking about him. The red wolf stood up and walked over to Tsume, nervously. Toboe clearly knew his company wouldn't be wanted. Tsume growled half-heartedly at him in an attempt to seem like he was warning off the runt but was swiftly ignored when Toboe realised Tsume was too tired to argue about having company. He was still being carful as to not agitate the grey wolf any further. "Tsume?" Toboe whispered and Tsume wasn't sure whether it was because he was scared or because he didn't want to wake the others. Tsume replied with another quiet growl, and again the always-energetic pup seemed to see it as a good thing instead of a warning. Wagging his tail he seemed to bounce over to the ever –growling wolf. Tsume closed his eyes, in an attempt to block out his company. Then there was a warm body curling up next to him. He could feel the kids warmth and felt at ease, not realising until now how on edge and lonely he had been feeling. He knew, and was sure Toboe knew as well, that Tsume actually loved feeling the warmth of another next to him as he slept, it reminded him of days long gone and the feeling of having a pack. Then there was a wet nose on the side of his face and he blinked his eyes open to see, what he thought was a fast asleep pup trying to bury its face in his fur. He felt the warmth grow and spread throughout his body. It took all his strength not to cuddle up to Toboe; he knew that wouldn't be a good idea. He was not giving the pup more fuel to be excited, he was to full of energy as it was. Then Toboe nuzzled into Tsume's shoulder, almost as if to say 'go on', Tsume couldn't resist the pup any longer and he curled himself around Toboe. The younger wolf snuggled closer to him. Tsume would never admit it aloud, but he rather enjoyed the feel of Toboe breathing in his ear as they slept. Of course the next morning he would put on his usual display of dislike and snap at the red wolf for getting too close. Keeping the fact that, somehow, the runt had managed to soften up the scar-bearing wolf, a secret. He couldn't stand the thought of Kiba finding out he was going soft. They all knew what was growing between the grey and red wolf, and Tsume refused to give anyone satisfaction by admitting it out loud, it would be his secret. Then there was a whisper in his ear, "Love you Tsume," and a smile grew on both the pup and Tsume's faces. Tsume then realised why he was still travelling with this dysfunctional pack.

~The End~