Summery:One night Kate is upset and out in the bad part of town when she sees Ari and follows him. He later joins the team. How does the team react through this story? Read and find out!

This is set about a six months after Ari held Kate at the farm. Twilight and Kill Ari's never happened.

Disclaim: I do not own anything do not sue me. If I did own NCIS Kate, Ari, and Jenny would not be dead!

Dedication: To Kari fans and readers!

Hissing angrily Special Agent Kate Todd kicked a can across the street. She had been so pissed at Tony and Gibbs. It had been about 6 months sense Ari had kidnapped her for the second time and Tony had brought it up and began to tease her about how she couldn't stab him when Gibbs had decided to announce that to the whole team even Abby, and without thinking she had cussed Tony out along with Gibbs and had wondered off somewhere without thinking.

Damn she had been so angry she hadn't seen where she'd wondered off to. 'Oh well I'll find my way back.' Kate thought as she continued to walk down the street in the bad part of town in a black long sleeved shirt, jeans, and a SIG attached to her hip and a backup SIG on her ankle with no purse or jacket, which she had left in her car at NCIS, she just walked right out of the building and walked off to who knows were at 8:30pm. Suddenly a man caught her eye in a crowd.

He was wearing a familiar red and white motorcycle suite with a small bit of facial hair. I hadn't got close enough to see his eyes but I was very sure I knew who it was. Quickly I took out my phone out of my pocket and scrolled down to Gibbs speed dial number and hesitated .

'What was I supposed to say? "Hey Gibbs it's Kate you know that mossad mole Ari that shot you and Gerald, the one that Tony was teasing me about half an hour ago? Yeah well he's across the street." Oh yeah like I was going to say that.' I put my phone back in my pocket and watched the man.

Three others had joined him and they all looked foreign. I mean I didn't even know if this man was Ari. Talking in a different language Kate hid in the shadows so they couldn't see me, I crept close could hear them in case they spoke English. Still speaking in a different language none of them had seen her. They started walking down the street. Debating about what to do Kate sighed and followed them, she had to know if the man was really Ari.

The men had walked into an old abandon building closing the door behind them. I had failed to notice the security camera watching me as I found some old garbage to climb onto to get on the roof and slip in an open window. Crawling into a rather large vent space I rolled my eyes and thought,

' I feel like an idiot.' Crawling through a huge air vent is not something I planned to do today. Careful not to make any noises I looked through the area where the venting stopped and it was open so I could see through. I held back a gasp at what I saw.

The man was Ari! The bastard had changed and was now in a long sleeved black shirt like mine and black cargo pants. He was standing at the front of the room with an armed audience of 12, one of the men I recognized as Bassam, a bastard the hit me twice. Ari was now talking in English.

"I have been intrusted to lead all of you to attack and kidnap NCIS Director Morrow and in exchange NCIS will give us government secrets." Ari said to the men. I covered my hands over my mouth.

"But don't we already know most of their secrets?" Asked a man in the back.

"Yes Simi and they are all on this chip, but we have been instructed to collect all of there secrets." Ari answered for the man Simi as he took out a chip from his pocket and placed it on a table at the far end of the room.

"I hope we won't have to kidnap anymore agents." Bassam said in an irritated voice. Ari chuckled obviously remembering the memory.

'Damn I really should call Gibbs right now.' I thought as I debated whether to call him or find out more about this plan.

"Haswari!" Came a shout from the other end of the room as a man entered the door. "We were followed by a women our cameras picked up. We have identified her as Special Agent Caitlin Todd she is somewhere in this building!"

'Shit!' Kate mentally cussed herself. "I told you we should have taken her out when we had the chance six months ago. That whore has interfered with the last operation she will not interfere with this one!" Bassam shouted. Several others joined in on the shouting.

"QUIET!" Ari yelled everyone looked at him. "Have you searched the other rooms?" He asked the man.

"Yes there is no sigh of her." "Everyone re-mane quiet an listen if she is somewhere in this building we will know." He told them calmly as he took out his cell and began typing in a number.


My phone went off like mad in my pocket and everyone looked up at the vent. "SHIT!" I blurt and Ari smirked, he knew I was in the vent now. What in Hells name was I going to do?

Hi everyone! So this is my second Kari fic and I'm hoping you guys will review! So please review!