Dedicated to October Autumn for telling me I'm a jerk for not updating.
A bubble of rage filled her. It felt like she was being betrayed and it was hard for her to describe. She couldn't even remember who her mother was, how could she know some intricate plot some evil mastermind concocted.
Hitsugaya followed her down to the cells.
Kagome stood before the entrance. If she ran away now, would he chase her?
She considered how fast she could run... How fast was she when she ran after Kei? How fast was she when she ran from the Rukanogi to the outdoors?
"Oi, do you really think that I am working with Aizen?" Kagome raised her gaze from the cell entrance and locked gazes with Hitsugaya. He gave her an apologetic look.
"I can't pick and choose which rules to follow. You're not allowed outside of the walls."
She got the feeling that he was telling the truth, but avoiding the question. She really couldn't expect him to make any exceptions for some orphan girl who had popped up out of nowhere outside the outer walls. She looked at the opening to the cell again. Did she still have to follow the rules if they didn't make any sense?
"What are you telling Kei? What are you going to tell my family?" Kagome demanded.
She watched his frown deepen. He looked entrenched in his thought and Kagome took a step away from the cell. She didn't want her adoptive family to worry and she definitely didn't want to stay in a cell for a week.
"Kagome, I promise you that I will personally tell them what happened." Hitsugaya promised.
Kagome froze in her movement… Maybe Hitsugaya wasn't as bad as the rest of the squad.
"I'll see what I can do about this."
Kagome glanced back the way she came and sighed. "Thank you, Toshiro."
She stepped into the prison they had created for her and found that it wasn't actually solid bars or doors that surrounded the prison. Beams of light came up and blocked the doorway.
"I'll be back." Hitsugaya said before leaving, and another set of lights formed where the door should be.
Curiously, she reached out a hand to test the light.
Her fingers felt the blocks of light that were supposed to keep her in. She could feel it resist under her hands and the wall dipped where her fingers pressed. Applying slightly more pressure she found that her hand slipped through and the wall no longer dipped but maintained its shape around the hand that went through it.
Was this what was supposed to keep her here?
No wonder they were betrayed. If their prison system was so fallible she couldn't even imagine what condition their government was in. Throwing a civilian in jail for wanting to go outside and sticking her in this room with no guards… She almost felt like she should feel insulted.
And maybe she should be a bit angry at herself because she didn't immediately bolt.
Hitsugaya was telling her family, so she didn't have to worry about them getting worried for her sake. These "captains" would probably get suspicious of her if she ran and hunt her down no matter where she went. Or would they? Kagome debated putting her hand through the barrier a few times and then seeing if her entire body could go through the light.
It could. Kagome looked back into her cell and glared at it.
She walked back in with a huff and sat down on her cot.
Sleeping on the idea seemed like a good idea.
When she woke up she still hadn't decided to stay or leave.
She sighed audibly.
Someone else was here!
She sat up and willed the haze from her eyes to go away.
"You're awake."
Toshiro Hitsugaya.
She rubbed her eyes. "How long was I asleep?"
"It's been a day since I left you."
"This cell is highly sealed by bakudo. It is meant to suppress your own reiatsu so you must feel drained as a result. Only someone with the Head Captain's level of reiatsu can break out."
"Toshiro, this cell couldn't hold a mouse." Kagome rolled her eyes.
His eye twitched.
"Kagome, this cell was sealed by Captain Yamamoto himself. I assure you that unless Captain Yamamoto himself came bursting through the doors, there's no one who can get in or out."
"Are you sure?" Kagome got up and stood face to face with the frosty man in front of the lit up door.
For a moment Hitsugaya doubted himself. He tested its sturdiness with a kick and reached a hand out to feed his reiatsu into it. It seamlessly drained his reiatsu upon touching it as a warning.
"Positive." He stated.
Kagome rolled her eyes and took a step forward. Toshiro's eyes widened and he opened his mouth to tell her to stop. The words left his mouth when she just stepped through the door. She just stepped through the door. The door that Captain Yamamoto put up himself. The door that he, himself, would have trouble dismantling.
It just bent around her.
"Who are you really?" He asked.
"I'm Kagome. I woke up in the Rukanogi a few months ago. I met my family. I take care of Kei. Some Shinigami kidnapped me because they don't know what they're doing!" She huffed.
"Shiro-chan! What are you doing here?"
In alarm of the newcomer, Hitsugaya pushed Kagome back into her cell. He hoped that since he was in front of Kagome that the newcomer did not see that she could miraculously break out.
"I told you not to call me that Momo. I brought the civilian in, it's up to me to reassure her about the proceedings that will happen to her…." Hitsugaya explained. If anything he had more a reason to be here than Momo did… "What are you doing here?"
"I thought she could eat!" Momo excused herself by holding up a tray of food.
"She isn't with Aizen, Momo."
Momo's tentative smile fell. And now that Kagome peered around Toshiro and looked at her she could tell that that smile that she had originally put up was extremely fake. Momo had tried to smile through whatever pain she was holding on to. "I didn't say she was, Toshiro-kun."
She wasn't as catatonic as she was when Kagome has first seen her in the clearing. Kagome could still see that something was wrong, anyone would be able to tell. Was Momo related to this Aizen character?
"Eat up!" Momo passed the tray through a slot under some of the bars. "Good luck," She whispered to Kagome before leaving. She didn't look back at Toshiro or Kagome, she just left.
A silence fell upon them.
Toshiro was caught up thinking about his childhood friends obsession with the psycho Aizen. Why was she so deep in this delusion that her Captain was somehow innocent. She was holding onto this perfect image of this guy. Maybe Momo thought she was in love. Maybe he had twisted Momo so firmly around his finger that she would do anything for him. She certainly did not think twice about attacking himself…
"Shiro-chan?" Kagome teased.
"No." Toshiro denied the name.
"Nee, Shiro-chan~"
"Stop it."
"Doushite, Shiro-chan?" Kagome tilted her head to go along with it. She had seen a dark look come over the petite man and she did not like it. She didn't want to see him look torn. To look betrayed.
"I won't tell you about what your family said." Hitsugaya crossed his arms and glared.
"Cruel and unusual punishment!" Kagome cried.
"Chiyo almost hit me… The only thing that stopped her was Mamoru, but he looked like he stopped her because he was the one that wanted to attack me first. In the end neither of them touched me. Kei popped out and came to your defense."
Kagome's heart clenched upon hearing about how her family reacted to the news.
"Kagome, you obviously have spiritual power. It is unsafe for you to go back. I don't think you're related to Aizen, the timeline doesn't add up. I don't know how you are able to get past the Head Captains bakudo but weird things usually happen around new students at the academy who don't know how to use their powers… Soifon or someone from her unit will come an interrogate you. They are not to put a hand on you, otherwise you yell for me. When that's over, I highly recommend you join the Shinigami Academy. You don't know how to control your reiatsu and that can attract monsters that want to hurt you and your family… Got it?"
Did she want to go to the Shinigami Academy? Mamoru was there… But Chiyo and Kei were home?
She was happy as she was. She got to cook. She got to hang out with people who she loved. She got that faraway longing whenever she went outside the walls.
She could remember flashes of wind in her hair.
There was a beautiful red steed that brought her around the world.
There was brash laughing, the sound of clinking rings on a staff, and warm steam with girly conversations.
She felt the grass beneath her feet, happy and healthy.
It endlessly reached for the beautiful sun that turned her skin a dark complexion.
And every time she opened her eyes she was back in the meadow.
"…I have to talk to Chiyo about it first."
Sooooo bored. Kagome thought staring at the stupid ceiling.
At least there was a window that looked out to ANOTHER WALL.
Which of these lucky walls get my attention today? She mused.
"Miss Kagome?"
This was a new voice!
"My name is Giga. I have a few questions I need to ask you…"
Procrastinating school work by writing fanfiction, procrastinating fanfiction with life, procrastinating life with schoolwork, procrastinging school work by fanfiction. What a vicious cycle. It's been a while. No promises. Hints, tips, likes, dislikes? Hate my grammar? Drop em off.