Title: Between Us
Author: Nayeli
Summary: Just a little kind of poem like fic, about Ryoga's thoughts on Ranma.
Author Notes: Umm..yeah i was trying to work on my other fic but nothing came out, but this did...so yeah I hope you like it. Kind of angsty but i think is kind of sweet in way, well maybe not! ^^;
Please read and review! ^^
The sky is crying, the same as my heart.
Why did everything turn out this way?
Last thing I knew we were happy together.
And now what?
Is there even an us anymore. I don't think so.
As hard as it's to accept, there isn't anything left.
Being alone was hard before, but now is….unbearable.
Everything is dark and lonely without you.
But I have to stand tall and face life without your smiles.
I don't want to go on but I have to, just for you.
I know you wouldn't want to see me like this.
Ironic huh, you are the one that made me fall,
but still the reason why I stand tall.
Maybe one day I will forget this love…. I hope not.
The time spent with you is priceless, I wouldn't trade it for anything.
Even if I had another chance to change everything, I wouldn't.
Do you want to know why?
Because you are and will always be the best part of my life.
Please tell me what you thought about it, I love reviews! :D