Disclaimer: I do not own any of the Ben 10 character's they Belong to Man of Action. Much credit to him.

I was watching Stardust the other day and for some reason I can't explain I decided to make it into a Ben 10 fanfic... I don't know why

Stardust Part 1

This tale starts, as many tales have, In Bellwood.

The town of Bellwood stands different that it was two hundred years ago, having advanced with newly adapted technology and more comforting Luxuries available to its inhabitants, the houses that once stood, stony and chipped with ivy and assorted greenery climbing up that wall, lodging themselves between the thick bricks, had been replaced by plaster and dull coloured paint. Back in the days of Bellwood's so called Youth, there was but one road from the desperately dismissed town, winding into the surrounding forest, lined with rocks and small stones. Follow this road far enough South, out of the forest the track becomes a real road, paved with asphalt, followed further and the road gets wider, is packed with cars and trucks rushing from city to city. Yet follow the road North, through the desolate, seemingly lifeless vegetation you will reach a field. A field with an endless wall planted right in the middle, once guarded by a grey old watchman, who placed himself directly in front of the crumpling gap were the stones did not meet. On May Day, every Nine years the Guard relaxed, this was the day when the fair came to the meadow.

The events the follow transpired many years ago, at the beginning of the Twentieth Century, around the year 1901. Back then had you mentioned Magic, or anything of the sort to any of the people who lived outside of the Worn town, they would have smiled disdainfully, dismissing you as either insane or a beggar. People were coming to Bellwood that spring, they came in ones and twos, Men and Women from foreign areas, with skins as dark as Volcanic rock, skins as tan as leather, many speaking unrecognisable tongues, travelling by Steam Train, by horse, by cart and many of them walked, all piling into the Little town of Bellwood, all excited for the Infamous Fair.

At that Time Devin Levin was Eighteen, and he was alone, never having found anybody he'd really like to spend the rest of his life with, Unlike his friends who had pretty much been paired off since they were fourteen. He and nutty brown eyes, and skin baring the same resemblance, His hair was dark, like the night. He was strangely tall, having out grown both of his parents, and slightly dyslectic with a warming smile. He daydreamed in his father's barn, daydreamed of leaving the Predictable town and going somewhere more exciting, like New York or Washington, Somewhere his life wasn't planned out for him, where he wouldn't have to work on a smelly old farm. That was where he worked, owning nothing but the small outhouse of the back of his Parents land. With no-one but the passing Animals for company.

Devin Jumped up off of his bed, grabbed his jacket from the hook by the door and rushed out of his tiny outhouse, he ran through the crowded streets, ignoring the complaining people he bumped into and the obnoxious fanfare being broadcasted by the marching band, He ran along the road leading away from Bellwood, Seeing now as his only chance to finally get some excitement. He stopped at the circular clearing in the middle of the forest, Longing to wonder along the road leading out to the bigger cities. He didn't, that wasn't the plan, Devin was going to the Wall. He didn't know what was compelling him in the first place, he just wanted to go to the wall. To talk to the Guard, maybe get a glimpse of what was on the other side, and maybe somehow talk the Guard into letting his cross.

"I'm charged With Guarding the portal to another world" The plumb, grey haired Guard fumed, "And you're asking me to just let you through?" Devin nodded, intrigued "Yes." He smirked "Because Let's be honest. It's a Field." The Guard, whose name was Max wasn't buying it "Look." Devin put his hand on Max's shoulder, turning him around to look through the gap in the wall, at the dark trees and Grass "Do you see another world out there? No." He answered his own question "You see a Field, Do you see anything Inhuman? No." He turned to look at Max "Do you know why? Because IT'S A FIELD!" "Hundreds of years this walls been here." Max frowned "Hundreds of years this Gap's been under twenty four Hour Guard." "Well-" Devin started but Max cut him off "One more word and I'll find a way to silence you myself." Devin sighed, feeling a little deflated, "Well that sounds rather final" He wasn't ready to give up just yet. "I'll just go home then I suppose" He turned, ready to head back the way he came, "Right," Max said, patting his back "Night then Devin."

Then second he was sure that Max had looked away the turned on his heels and launched himself through the gap in the stones, Paying no attention to Max's protests. Devin ran, ran as fast as his legs would carry him, pushing the leaves out of his way, the forest this side of the Wall actually looked remarkably like the forest on his side, but then again all forests did. Devin only slowed down once the trees disbanded revealing a town, from first distant glance he could tell it wasn't like any town he'd ever been to, (Three, he'd been to three towns outside of Bellwood) It was kind of...Magical. It seemed there was a Fair on here too, the people here didn't dress like the people back in Bellwood, their clothes consisted of Bright colours and feathers. The stalls were different too, each covered in ornate, colourful objects the Devin didn't recognise or could have ever guessed existed.

A Yellow caravan caught his eye, he turned to face it, smiling at the beautiful girl sitting on the steps in front of it. Devin made his way over to her, curious to see what she was selling. "I don't deal with Time wasters." A greying crone stepped into his line of sight, "Get over here and tend this stall." She barked to the girl on the steps, "I'm off to the Slaughter Prince for a beer." The old crone shuffled away, Leaving Devin gaping at the Stunning girl. Her hair was dark, like his, but hers held a slightly bluish tint, her eyes shone onyx, creating the effect of black holes against her pale skin. A silky blue dress clung to her petite frame, emphasising the curves and contours of her body. "See anything You Like?" she asked twirling a strand of her bluish/black hair between her fingers, "Definitely" Devin gulped, staring intently at the girl, She laughed, "I Mean, I-I." Devin spluttered before starting again "What I meant was" he chose the first flower on the table that caught his eye "These ones, the blue ones, How much are they?" he returned his attention back to the girl, his eyes resting helplessly on her bosoms.

"They Might be the colour of your hair" she replied "Or they might be all of your memories before you were three." She was confusing him, how was that even possible, "I can check I you want. Anyway," she sighed "You shouldn't buy the Bluebells" she glanced down at the table, picking a snowy white flower between her fingers and holding it up, "Buy this one instead. Snowdrop" she explained at the confused look on Devin's face. He wasn't sure. "It'll bring you luck." That had him, Devin wanted it, and wanted it bad, but he wasn't sure if he had enough money with him. "But what does that cost?" he sounded breathless "A Kiss" the girl flashed a gleaming white smile. He swallowed hard, leaning over the table intent upon pecking her smooth cheek.

Devin's trip over the wall didn't work out quite as he'd planned, he clambered back through the gap in the wall, without casting a glance and the sleeping Guard. His thoughts clouded his mind, lingering on the events inside that Bright Yellow Caravan. Somehow he'd left that Village, -which he'd learned was called Stormhold- having both lost and gained something. He slumped onto his bed fully clothed and fell asleep instantly, twiddling the Snowy Flower from the Stall around his fingers.

Nine months Later

Thump. Thump. Thump. Devin Levin stomped to the front door. "What?" he whined upon opening it. Max, The Guard from the Wall stood before him, a basket on his arm. He handed it to Devin. "This was left at the wall for you." Devin peered down at the pink baby inside, and gulped. What had he gotten himself into? "Says His name is Kevin." Max turned on his heels and left. Devin shut the door, and took the baby, Kevin. Out if the basket, he let out a ragged breath. How the hell was he going to look after a child, His child, from a one night stand, -thought he wished it had been more- with some girl whose name he didn't even know over the Wall?