Finally I finished translating this "Season". It so... sad. Enjoy. And wait for Season 2 coming soon.

The next day I woke up really early to take the bus and get in time to the hospital. When I got to the street I was really surprised to see a brand new red bike with a big silver bow. Besides this there was Tyson Granger. When he saw me, he greeted me happily.

-Mister Ray. Long time no see. How are you?- he told me with a great smile.

-Hi Tyson, what brings you here?- I said a little ashamed how all the neighbors and passing people stared at us.

-Mister Kai asked me to bring you this bike, and this letter.-

I took the letter and read it carefully, my hands were shaking.

"Ray, I understand that you want us to end our relationship, but please accept this gift. You need transportation. As I suppose you won't accept the bike, I want you to know that you make me a favor in keeping it. I bought this bike, but I never use it, it's really just a nuisance. I know you need it. Kai."

I looked at Tyson, he just shrugged without saying a single word.

-But... I can't...-

-Kai told me not to come back with it, so you can either accept it or leave it here in the street, but I think it would be really useful.- Tyson said handing me over the keys of MY bike.

-Thank you.- It was all I could say.

He winked and eye, got on the black Masseratti and left. I looked at the bike, I put on the helmet, got on it and turned the key. Before the curious and expectant looks of the neighbors, I accelerated the bike and headed to the hospital.

When I got there, I looked for Dr. Bryan, I wanted to thank Kai for the gift but I didn't want to see him, so I decided to go and look for my resident trying to convince myself it was for the best. After looking around for a while, I went to the board where all the surgeries of the day were scheduled. There I realized Dr. Bryan was in surgery... but Kai, on the other side, had no surgeries for all the day... But what? In what was I thinking? I had to forget about Kai. I turned to my left and down the hallway was Kai walking. Speaking of the devil... I tryed to look oblivious to his presence, eventhought my knees were shaking hopelessly.

-Hello, Doctor Kon, good morning.- he greeted me coldly. My heart couldn't stant it. I felt a sting of pain.

-Hello, Doctor Hiwatari, good morning.-

Kai walked past me without looking at me or saying a word. Responding clumsily to my impulses, I ran after him. I saw him go into the on-call room. Without thinking I followed him. Since I was running I stopped at the middle of the room, it was empty. Behind me I heard the door being locked. I turned around fast. Kai was leaning against the door with his arms crossed over his chest and his eyes closed.

-I had the feeling you were going to follow me. - he said with a grin appearing in his lips.

He oppened his eyes, staring at me. Seeing him made my heart start beating so fast I tought I'll be having a tachycardia. Slowly Kai began walking towards me, like a predator. With every step he unbuttoned a button from his lab coat and then he continued with his shirt. I felt a big rush of heat running through my whole body and my cheeks were burning. Trying desperately to change the atmosphere I thank him for the present and he answered me with a "Now I want something in exchange". Kai's cellphone started ringing took it from his pocket, saw the number, and put it away without answering. I looked at him with curiousity.

-It's nothing important, don't worry.-

With great strenght he pushed me to one of the beds and started to kiss me passionately. I tried to stop him, but surrender to my impulses. Kai knew he had me under his power. With great skill he unbuttoned my lab coat and my shirt in no time. He parted from me for a moment and stared at me.

-Ray, there's something that I've been wanting to do for some time now.- I blushed thinking of what he ment. -But I won't continue if you don't want me to.- I was paralized. I loved Kai and wanted to show him my love, but at the same time I knew I had to end with this romance. Wich I tought I had already ended.

-Ray, silence is assent, if you don't speak I will continue.- he kissed me more passionately and then attacked my neck. I supposed that would leave marks. He kept going down until...

It was a magic moment, Kai and I loved each other that morning. Giving us completely to the other. Something that both of us had been longing for. It was almost perfect, but... Why does it have to be a but? Kai and I were hugging each other without letting go, when his cellphone started ringing again. Kai got up and checked the number, again, he put it away without answering. I got up and when I saw the time, I dressed as fast as I could, it was really late. Since I had spent too much time with Kai, I didn't make it to Dr. Bryan in time to tell him I was his intern.

Ozuma had had time to talk with Kai and immediately he had been sent to make analysis to the patients. On the other side, Bryan had no idea that an intern had chosen him. When I finally was able to find him, some hours later, and told him I had chosen him as my resident, he thought I was joking.

-Hold on, you really chose me? Me?- he burst out in laughter and was pointing me with his index finger, not even trying to hide the clear mock towards me.

-Yes, that's right, I chose Plastics.- I said firmly.

-And you said you didn't like it.- he laughed again. -And I know you are scared of me, and yet... You pick me?- his unbearble laughter sounded in all the hall, making some patients freak out. When he was able to calm down, he examined me closely.

-You should have reach me early to tell me, but I see you were kindda... busy.- he said pointing at my neck. By instint I raised the collar of the shirt and labcoat.

-Look Kon, I have no interest in your private life, but I won't allow that that...- he point to my neck again. -Interferes with MY work. Now, since you have a lot of free time to "play", you will acomplish all my demands and you will not go into surgery. So... now I want a mocha latte, with few sugar.- I was paralized, from surgeon I was reduced to coffee boy. -What are you wainting for Kon? Move!-

That was the first day of my week of torments, and the worst was just about to come. During the next days Bryan (Yes, Bryan, it annoyed him to be called Doctor Bryan all the time) tortured me with demands like going for coffee to a cafeteria two blocks away from the hospital, taking it to him, and then going to the laundry other five blocks away to leave his blood stained lab coats and picking up the clean ones, so then I could go and make some anal and urine analysis. And after that, I had to run all over the hospital taking samples and getting lab results. Now I could feel what being an intern was like, the lowest level of the food chain.

After a very tyring work day, I was able to recover with the moments I had with Kai, whether it was in the hospital or in my appartment. Even when this special moments were constantly interrupted by the calls to Kai's phone, whom refused to pick up. That made question the trust that Kai had on me, nontheless, the wort of that awfull week was the last day of it. Ozuma had been looking for Kai, and when he finally found him, he found me too. Locked in Kai's strong arms and our lips united in a passionate kiss. Of course Ozuma, couldn't keep his mouth shut, and told Brooklyn!

Bryan had decided to soften my punishment and he would be allowing me to get in a surgery to watch, but Brooklyn's rage had unlocked by Ozuma's news. I was away from surgeries for another week. During that time I decided to be really prudent and keep away from Kai, trying to convince Broklyn that everything was over and what Ozuma had seen was a meaningless kiss, that didn't mean anything. Luckily Kai thought the same way when he heard of the situation. After some more days, Brooklyn trusted me again, but I was feeling really guilty lying to him.

When the second week was coming to end, I received a heartbreaking news. My world collapsed entirely.

I was in the reception of the hospital, talking to Kai, planning a weekend just for us. We prepared to leave the hospital, Kai placed my big coat on me and fixed the neck. He turned around and saw a blond man watching us from the entrance. The moment he saw him, Kai became very tense. The man, who was taller than Kai and had blue eyes, walked towards us. Kai turned to look at me with guilty eyes.

-Ray, I'm so sorry.-

The blond reached us and stared at Kai, he stared back.

-Miguel. What are you doing here?- Kai asked coldly.

-You would know if you had answered any of my calls.- he answered simply. Then he turned to me. -Hi, I'm Miguel Hiwatari.- he said shaking my hand.

-Hiwatari?- I asked confused.

-And you must be the one who's been screwing my husband.- he added while pointing me and then Kai.

I couldn't say anything else. I felt how my heart broke into tiny pieces. I wanted to cry, I wanted to scream, I wanted to run away. All I could do was turn to look at Kai... he was looking firmly at his... husband... and viceversa.

Thank you for following this story. Keep up with Ray's Anatomy 2!