A/N Hey

I'm really disappointed as I STILL haven't gotten 8 reviews on chapter 4 but because I'm nice I'm going to update anyway! I hope you like it.


After her bath I could tell she was still worked up but maybe she just needed a rest so whilst I drifted into sleep next to an already sleeping Claire I made my decision on what to do.

Over the next two days things with Claire were surprisingly normal, to the point where it was as if my dad had never shown up. We hadn't talked about what we were going to do at all the only thing we talked about were the twins as we have successfully named our son Dylan Michael (Thank you Katieeblaah) and that we were scared out of our minds of becoming parents. We also learnt that Eve and Michael would be having a little boy called Samuel James.

However I had already made my choice about the situation and it would be me being turned and not my beautiful wife as the twins will need a human mother growing up, they could get by with a vamp for a father right?

I was sat in the living room watching my severely pregnant wife pace back and forth while she thought I was playing on the PS3, I was doing this but I wasn't really as into it as I usually am. As she paced I could tell that she was becoming uncomfortable as I could see her feet swelling and she was unconsciously holding her back. I knew this was a good time to talk about the issue.


Claire POV (I know I said it would all be Shane but we need to know what's going on in her head)

I was pacing the living room while Shane was playing on the PS3 again I just couldn't decide what to do I mean I don't know what to do anymore, I don't want Shane to have to become a vampire, he hates vampires but I know he has already made his decision I can see it in his eyes, but I have known for a while that Amelie would change me anyway as she needs me to help Myrin (A/N I don't know if this is the right spelling sorry.) and the town. Anyway my children will need a human father and if I ask Amelie I'm sure she would let me stay human for a while so I can look after the twins properly. I need help!

"Claire?" Shane asked me which broke of my constant rambling


"I think we need to talk about the hole vamp thing." He started while pausing his game and catching me off guard.


"Look Claire the twins will need a human mom more that a human dad and I don't want you to have to go through the blood lust, I want to do this for you and the twins." Shane confirmed what I already knew.

"But Shane you hate vampires why would you want that?"

"Because I love you and the twins and would do anything for you" he said as he pulled me to sit next to him on the couch and held me close. Well as close as my belly allowed.

"But Shane Amelie will make me turn anyway so why wait and I'm sure that if we ask nicely she will let me wait till the twins are about six months old."

"But Claire I want to do, I need to do this" he argued, "But there is no way that I am letting Bishop do this I'm going to Amelie and asking her!"

"Shane, I want to do this to" I replied "why can't you just listen to me" I said as I felt tears rolling down my face Dam hormones!

"I do listen to you honey I just want the twins to be happy and they are going to need you human to care for them"

"But what about when Alyssa comes to you because she broke up with her boyfriend? She will need you human then!" I said as I pictured a teenager with Shane's eyes and my hair but with his mothers curls (A/N just pretend she had curly hair) like I had seen in the pictures crying into Shane's shoulder.

"Oh she won't do that! There will be no boyfriends EVER!" Shane said with so much confidence I couldn't help but laugh and tell him

"You know my dad told me that but I still met you!"

"Let's not talk about that!"

"OK but you're not going to Amelie it should be me!"

"Claire I am going and I will be turned! I need to be the one to be turned!"

"Why? What are you going to do when we are all gone?"

"I don't know OK? What would you do?"

That's when it hit me whoever is turned will have to watch the other grow old and eventually die while they live for eternity alone. Why couldn't we both be turned? Would they allow that?

"Shane why can't we both be changed" I asked while rubbing my back, it's been hurting a lot recently and I can't wait for the kids to arrive.

"NO! They need at least one human parent!" he said before letting me go and walking to get the phone that had just started ringing.

Shane's POV

Both vampires I liked that idea more then I let on! But the twins need one human parent right?

A/N OK I know its short but I just needed to update. Please review this chapter! Let's say 7 reviews for the next chapter! Criticism is welcome!

Love you all
