YES, I do realize that summary is very cheesy, I'm not good at them. Anyone who gets a better idea for one should throw it my way.

Disclaimer: I AM ONLY GOING TO SAY THIS ONCE, AND THAT IS IT. I do not own Kingdom Hearts, Square Enix && others do, so ha. Now, for the rest of the chapters I do will not do disclaimers, only the first one, because I AM LAZYYY.

Chapter One: The Prelude


Roxas stared out the hospital window; pointedly ignoring his eldest brothers gentle, yet commanding voice.

"Roxas..please look at me."

He continued to ignore Cloud.

There was a sigh. "Don't force me to bring Sora in here." A slight plead to his tone, nearly undetectable. Roxas flicked a glare over, but kept his mouth shut. He adjusted himself on the hospital bed; making his closed bed-ridden position more inviting to conversation, yet still not looking at Cloud. He didn't speak; just making himself approachable was enough to send the message.

"I'm sorry, this is the last time, I promise. I'll get you a better body guard." Adding as an afterthought, "One that won't fail so quickly."

Roxas' face snapped so furiously towards his brother, that it made him feel slightly nauseous, due to a previous concussion. "That's what you said last time, and the time before that, and even before that, Cloud. Frankly, I'm sick of it. I'm sick of this!" He held out his broken arm, which was in a splint, for emphasis. His other hand rubbed distractedly at the bandages around his forehead.

"I know," Cloud said softly, looking down. "I'm sorry, Roxas. I am sorry. I don't know how many times you wish for me to say it before you'll forgive me. I can't keep them from dying, I'm not God. It's in their job description."

Roxas looked away, glaring out the window into the lovely view…of the hospital parking lot.

"..but you are the one who picks them out. You could at least find one who is actually good at their job." His soft mutterings were as close as Cloud was going to get to forgiveness, and Cloud knew it.

Cloud stood up from the chair next to Roxas' bedside, gently ruffling his youngest brother's hair. "I promise by the time that arm of yours is healed, I'll have found you the best body guard possible."

'You better.' Roxas thought bitterly. He continued to stare out the window before speaking with a tone of curiosity. "…Better than Riku?"

A hint of a smile crossed Cloud's face as he made his way to one of his own forms of protection; Leon. "Better than Riku. I'll come to pick you up in a couple days, in the mean time Vincent will be watching over you." He promised.

Roxas nodded as the two men walked out the door with soft farewells.

"Sora, you may go in now."

Sora snapped his head towards Cloud upon his exit and soft approval of entrance, nodding briskly before bounding from his chair into Roxas' room, screaming the blonde's name at the top of his lungs, closely followed by a smirking Riku.

As Cloud and Leon walked down the hall to the elevators, all they could hear were Roxas' screams of pain and anguish as he was assaulted by his twin brother, not able to do much more in his bed ridden condition.


Ehh, chapter one, very short. Seems more like a prologue. I just started this fanfic randomly, out of nowhere. I don't even know where this will be going, so please bare with me. I have the general idea xD but some things are still a bit iffy. Also, vote whether you would like Cloud to be with either Leon or Sephiroth, because at this point it could go either way.

Uhhm. Review, and all that jazz? Tell me what you think and stuff, haha, so professional sounding, I know. I'm just that skilled.

Also, couples: Axel/Roxas, Sora/Riku, Demyx/Zexion, Hayner/Seifer, Pence/Olette, Rai/Fuu. Cloud will either be with Leon or Sephiroth depending on you guys. Not really sure about other characters like Namine, Kairi, Reno and stuff. Who do you think they should end up with? :]

Ehh, forgot I already put the most important couples in the summery orz