A/N- Hello my lovely readers, sorry this isn't an update for I finally got my baby boy but I promise I'm working on it and it should be out soon. Ok so this is just a one-shot I thought about and I figured it'd be funny. There is some sexual activity but nothing too serious I promise.
"Well there's an awful lot of headboard left-"
But I didn't finish. He'd already swept me up into his arms, and his lips silenced mine as he carried me with inhuman speed to the blue room. (page 117 from breaking dawn)
As soon as the door closed behind us he set me back down on my feet and pushed my against the wall as our lips molded together.
It wasn't long before we were both panting for breath and our shirts were on the floor. When he pulled me away from the wall so he could take of my bra I started kissing his neck, jaw line, chest, just anything I could reach.
After a few minutes I finally noticed that he was still fumbling with the claps on my bra.
I broke away and asked, "Edward, what on earth is taking you so long?"
He looked me straight in the eye and said in a very serious tone, "Bella, I think your bra is broken." I stared laughing as he tried to defend himself, "I'm serious, the dang thing won't come off."
I was still laughing as I reached behind me and took off my bra in one swift movement. I held it out to him as I said, "See, it's really not that hard."
"Easy for you to say, you've been doing it your whole life," he grumbled slightly embarrassed.
Turns out Edward Cullen isn't perfect at everything.
A/N- so there it is, I know it's kind of short but I hope you liked it all the same. Please review and let my know your thoughts on it.