Death and All His Friends
Disclaimer: I do not own anything or anybody from Big Time Rush or any elements borrowed from Ben Sherwood's novel.
"Home is not where you live, but where they understand you." ~Christian Morganstern
Chapter 21
"Took you long enough." Logan joked as Kendall stepped into heaven forever.
Kendall looked down at his hands. He opened and closed them. The wrinkles that had been etched into his skin for years were gone. Kendall took a step forward and found he walked like he did when he was sixteen. James stepped out from behind the smiling Logan and held up a mirror. Kendall grabbed it and gasped: he was his sixteen year old self. His blue eyes darted from Carlos, to James, to Logan. James and Carlos were also their sixteen year old selves
"But…how?" Kendall asked Logan.
"You can look however you want up here. Your entire life, you always wanted to go back to that time before I died. So, now you can." Logan stated.
"And you know that how? I only told that to Jo!"
"You didn't really think I spent all my time up here, did you?" Logan said winking.
Carlos ran forward and threw his arm around Kendall.
"Don't worry, Kendall. We were all confused when we first came up here. But you get used to it."
Kendall nodded and the four boys walked up to a glass door. James opened it and the boys stepped into the Palm Woods lobby.
"Welcome home Kendall!" James exclaimed. Kendall looked at James with confusion. "You can look however you want up here and be anywhere you want." James said, gesturing to the lobby.
Kendall smiled and ran all over the place. He ran by the pool and touched the water he hadn't touched in decades. He ran up the stairs to their apartment, flinging open the door to find it exactly the same it had been in his Big Time Rush days. He used the swirly slide and bounced on the orange couch. James, Carlos, and Logan walked into the apartment as Kendall came down the swirly slide for the twentieth time since he had entered the apartment. The three boys laughed at their blonde friend's excitement.
"Having fun?" Carlos called out to Kendall, who was preparing to go down the slide again.
"Your going to get nauseous if you go down two many times. Carlos learned that the hard way!" James added.
Carlos hit James playfully in the arm and Logan laughed. Logan was so happy Kendall was finally there with them. He felt happy, complete again. For so many years he felt emptiness, but he felt like the puzzle that was his life was finally whole again.
Kendall rode the slide a couple more times before he finally collapsed onto the orange couch. The other three boys joined him. Kendall breathed in hard, and then released it again. He repeated this a couple times till he felt like oxygen was cooperating properly with his lungs.
"So...Logan. Before you said you didn't spend all your time up here. What were you doing?" James asked.
"Yeah, what did you mean by that?" Carlos added in.
Logan smiled slyly and Kendall sat up, just as curious as James and Carlos for Logan's answer.
"In heaven, there are paths that lead to nowhere and everywhere. I stumbled upon this movie theater one day where I could watch my memories of you guys on a screen. One day, this man appeared next to me and the next thing I knew, I was in a graveyard. Jo was there and you were approaching her. I watched your face Kendall. You look so crush watching her walk away again. So I gave you that little push." Logan said.
"That was you?" Kendall asked in surprise.
"Yeah, that was me. I was also there when you held your daughter at the hospital James. You asked me if she was beautiful, and I responded yes. Lila was one of the most beautiful babies I had ever seen. I was there at Asher's baseball games and Alicia's recitals, Carlos. I cheered them on. And I was there at the hospital when Little Carlos was born Kendall. That was really me that you saw in the mirror. And every time you read Winnie the Pooh to Baby Logan, Kendall, I sat there and listen. We did make eye contact. I was there for everything."
"Thank you." James said out of the blue.
"Why?" Logan asked in confusion.
"For being there. For being there for our children and our families. For being there for us."
"James is right Logan. Thank you." Carlos said.
Logan smiled.
"Your welcome." He responded.
"Thank you, Christopher Robin." Kendall whispered.
"You're welcome Pooh." Logan whispered back.
Kendall wrapped Logan into a hug, with James and Carlos joining in shortly after. They remained like that for a few minutes, and then pulled apart.
"Now, we have the rest of eternity together." Logan said rubbing his hands together. "What do you want to do tonight?"
"Swirly slide!" Carlos shouted.
"Hockey?" James suggested.
"Anything we want, as long as we do it together?" Kendall said smiling.
James turned towards Kendall and smacked him across the head with a pillow, making the blonde fall to the floor.
"You're such a sap." James said laughing.
Kendall picked up a pillow and threw it, accidently hitting Carlos instead of James. Carlos picked up a pillow, stood up on the couch and screamed "Pillow Fight!" at the top of his lungs before hitting Logan onto top of his head. Logan threw up his hands in defeat, but then picked up a pillow and hit James, who screamed his hair was going to be ruined. Kendall, Carlos, and Logan teamed up on James who tried fighting back, but finally gave up. The boys all collapsed on the couch laughing, while trying to remember the last time they had this much fun. They fell into a silence, till Carlos starting humming Big Time Rush's first ever song. James joined in, then Kendall, then Logan. Then they all sang at the top of their lungs.
"It's the only life you got so you got to live it big time!"
And Kendall, James, Carlos, and Logan had the rest of forever to live their lives big time.
The End