I'm back! Thank you for your reviews, they motivated me to make this longer! I also appreciate the ideas. Enjoy!

The demigods had dinner, and then they all went to their cabins or the sing along. Thalia was walking behind the Stolls, and they were suspiciously lurking behind the camp store. She crept behind them and whispered into their ears "Watcha Doin?" The Stolls freaked out and screamed.

All of the gods were laughing.

"So manly, anyways, you know how you told me to make a list?" They nodded. "Well, I got the Underworld boy to help me, and we made a list with forty different things on it. Do you know where I'm going with this?" Now the Stolls had excited smiles on their faces, and Conner said "When do we begin?"

Zeus was once-again proud, Hades was mad about her calling his son "Underworld Boy," no matter how appropriate it was, and the gods just wanted to see what happened. Poseidon was worried.

The next day, everyone watched as Percy was awakened by "Under the Sea" blasting under his window. Everybody laughed as you heard a big thump, as Percy fell from his bunk, the top one of course. Thalia and the Stolls ran away laughing as Percy got up. Percy immediately went to the Zeus cabin to confront Thalia. When he opened the door, a ninja throwing star sailed past his head. (Where she got the throwing star, I have no idea.) Percy let out a girlish shriek, then exploded "Why did you throw that at me... And where did you even get it?" Thalia replied "oh sorry Percy, I didn't know it was you. You startled me. As for where I got it, I have no idea. "Ookaayy then." Talia then gave Percy a once-over and asked "What happened to you, get up on the wrong side of the bed?" Percy then remembered why he came there. "Why did you do that?" "Why did I do what?" "You know what you did!" "I do?" "Yeah, you blasted "Under the Sea" under my window. Thalia pretended to think. "I didn't actually do that, but that does explain why you aren't dressed." Thalia said, holding back laughter. Percy's face reddened, he looked down, then stalked off to his cabin. "Let the pranking begin." Thalia said to herself while quietly closing her cabin door.

"What did my son do?" Poseidon asked. Nobody answered, they were too busy laughing. "Oh she's good." Apollo said between chuckles to Zeus, who was also laughing.

A very disgruntled Percy came out of his cabin to go to breakfast. When he ordered Blue food, everything came out red! "What the heck!' Percy said before requesting Blue food. All he got was even redder food. To taunt Percy, Thalia and Nico made sure that everybody else ordered blue food. When Percy looked around at everybody else's food and saw that it was blue, he got an incredulous look on his face, and stomped away from breakfast. While everybody looked at Percy, Thalia and Nico looked at each other and gave each other thumbs up.

Even Poseidon was laughing now, especially when Thalia mouthed "Operation breakfast complete."

Thalia strolled up to Annabeth, and said "Hey Annabeth, I can't believe you forgave Percy so quickley." Annabeth turned to Thalia "What?" "I said I can't believe that you forgave Percy so quickly after he bad-talked your mom." "He did what?" Annabeth asked, her voice rising quickly. "Oh," Thalia said, acting surprised, "You didn't hear him yesterday? He was just ranting on and on and o- "I get it… or rather he is going to get it." Annabeth said, stalking to her cabin to plan. She had a really scary expression on, and Thalia let out the breath she had been holding while talking to Annabeth.

Up on Olympus, Athena said "You know what? I think I like this plot after all."

Meanwhile, Percy was taking a shower when Nico sneaked into the bathroom and stole Riptide from his shorts…

Percy was on his way to the arena when Annabeth walked up to him and said "I challenge you to a duel!" "Ummm, okay, Annabeth, are you okay?" Percy responded. "I'm perfectly fine; you're going down, Jackson!" "Okay then." They arrived at the arena, and Percy checked his pockets, but couldn't find Riptide. "Where is Riptide?" he asked. At that moment, Nico strolled into the arena, holding Riptide, and making light saber sounds with it, "Wah wah, Kckk" "Umm, Nico? Why do you have Ripti-?" was all Percy got to say before Annabeth pounced. Needless to say, Percy got beat up

Poseidon covered his eyes, Athena was cackling evilly and manically, and everybody else looked scared about Athena.

Nico then ran away.

During that episode, Thalia and the Stolls were in Percy's cabin, with several sharpies, writing 'I love Annabeth' all over everything he owned.

Percy came back to his cabin, screamed, and then ran out his room, almost crying. "What's wrong Percy?" Rachel asked Percy from right behind him. "Ahhh! Rachel, when did you get here!" "Percy, I've been following you all day" Rachel responded flatly. "Ahhh, Stalker!" Percy screamed, running away.

Percy was later sitting on the beach, when Nico shadow-traveled behind him, whispered "Athena is watching you," then disappeared before Percy turned around, while gasping, but seeing no one, muttered to himself "It's okay Percy, you just imagined it." Nico then shadow traveled behind him again and whispered into his ear "No you didn't. Now Kronos is also watching you." Percy screamed…again, and started running around the beach. Clarisse then walked up behind him with two of her siblings and grabbed him, then held him in the ocean, struggling. "Drown water boy, drown!" Clarisse shouted into his ear. "I can't drown!" He spluttered while in the air. "Well I don't care!" After ten minutes, Clarisse and her friends got bored, and dropped him, leaving him writhing on the beach. The Stolls were laughing their butts off in the nearby bushes.

While Percy was writhing on the beach, Thalia, Nico, and Arianna, one of Hermes' kids, were pranking the Ares cabin. First, they took down the Boar and replaced it with a heart, then, when the Ares kids noticed, Thalia quickly released a knockout gas before they could see who was there. "Now for the inside." Thalia said cryptically.

Needless to say, most gods where laughing while Hermes was very proud, Ares was grumpy and yelling insults and threats to no one in particular, and Poseidon was pitying his son.

Connor and Travis walked into the Athena cabin with mischievous smiles on their faces, while Thalia, Nico, and Arianna walked out of the Ares cabin.

Clarisse and her goons- ah, siblings- walked back to find a pretty cabin, all of their weapons with pretty ribbons on them, their bedding pink and red, little hearts everywhere, and good things about love painted on the walls. The whole room smelled of perfume, and there were Twilight posters everywhere. The room also had seaweed on it. Hmmm. Nico walked by and said "Whoa, what happened to your cabin guys?" "When I find out who did this, I will beat them to a pulp!" Clarisse replied. "It's pretty obvious who did it; I mean their seaweed in there. Whose nickname is 'Seaweed-Brain,' who would want revenge?" "Percy" Clarisse hissed, "Let's go get him!" "Wait a second," Nico replied, "why don't you give him a taste of his own medicine? You could prank his cabin back, or you could take it to the next level… Have the Aphrodite cabin prank his cabin…"

Percy was limping back, when he was ambushed by the Athena cabin. They were pretending to have tears in their eyes and were looking proud, saying things like "Percy's growing up," or "I'm so proud, he actually wants to learn!" They dragged him into their cabin, and you could hear his screams throughout the camp.

Later, when Percy walked out of the cabin dazed, and mumbling something about the variables x and y, support beams, and the Pythagorem Theory, he found out that everybody pranking him had been busy, for his cabin was pink. Just then, the Stolls ran by and threw water balloons with colored water at Percy. They were chosen to do this, as it was normal behavior for them. This may seem insignificant, but it was part of the bigger plot.

Before Percy had the chance to go into his cabin, Thalia and Nico strolled up to him and each put an arm around his shoulders, steering him into the opposite direction. "Hey, what's up cuz?" They started, making Percy scared. "I dunno, the sky? Where are you taking me?" Percy said nervously. "You don't trust us?" Thalia asked, pretending to be hurt. "Umm, not really." He replied. "Good. See, he's not always such a seaweed brain." Thalia said, now talking to Nico. Now Percy was really freaking out and struggling to escape. "Let me go!" He shouted. "No can do, bro." Thalia replied. "Bro?" Nico questioned. Thalia shrugged, "It rhymed." She explained. "Oh," Nico replied in understanding. "Hello?" Percy asked, "What are you going to do with me?" "Oh, almost forgot you were there, Perce." Percy just glared at Thalia. "You know those glares don't affect me." Thalia said. "Ah, here we are." Nico said as they stopped in front of the Ares cabin. "Wait, what are you doing- AHH, help me!" Once again, Percy's screams could be heard throughout the camp…

As they walked away, Thalia requested "Pen," from Nico. What for?" Nico asked, handing over Riptide. "Oh, I have some ideas. Now let's hurry up to finish these pranks." Thalia said to Nico while jogging away…

"Wow," Apollo said, pretty much summing up all of the gods thoughts.

Hey, me again! Next update, I'm gonna finish up the pranks on the previously shown list, and I also have a major prank -not mentioned before- planned for later. Please send ideas, and read my other story and send ideas for that one too! Thanks! Reviews mean a lot to me and motivate me! Wow, that was an exclamation point enriched message…

Until again!
