So apologies are in order. I think the last time I updated was a little over three weeks ago. It was definitely closer to the beginning of September. And now it's October and this story is officially on Hiatus for a month. It's not that I didn't want to update it's just that I've had computer issues and I didn't really like this chapter. I re-wrote it a few times. Well I'm not going to take up your time any longer, if anyone is reading this.

Part Two: Winter Chapter Two

Thursday, December 3rd

Courting was an entirely new subject to Ivan. He had no clue what it was never mind how to go about it. When Yao had first suggested it he graciously explained the concept to him. He also, willingly admitted that he'd never actually done it before. So between the two of them neither could think of any good way to court Gilbert. Ivan didn't even know how he'd gained his friendship. So with lack of ideas he went to the school's renowned romance specialist, who also just happened to be an expert on Gilbert Beilschmidt.

Ivan found Francis at his regular spot during forth period study hall. He was engrossed in what looked to be the European History textbook. Surprisingly he was alone. "Antonio's trying to wear down Lovino," he informed without looking up as Ivan settled into the seat across from him. He nodded but didn't make to leave the seat. Francis peered up from his text cautiously. He wasn't used to being in Ivan's company without Antonio or Gilbert.

The bottom half of his face was buried deep into his scarf. His purple eyes were boring holes into the table. His left hand was tugging lightly at the ends of his scarf. Francis tilted his head to the side. There was something off about the usually terrifying boy that made him look more like a lost puppy. "What's wrong?" he heard himself asking. Ivan mumbled something into the cloth.

"What?" he asked motioning that he couldn't hear. Ivan gaze steadily traveled upwards to meet his, but they kept flicking away. It might have been his imagination but he was sure he caught a hint of pink on his cheeks.

"I said how do you…" the rest of the sentence ended in a whispered to soft for him to hear. Could he possibly be embarrassed? It was an emotion he'd never matched Ivan with.

"Speak up," he demanded now fully intrigued.

"How….how do you court someone?" His sentence was so rushed that it took Francis a minute to shift through the syllables to make words. When he did he could help keep his chin from smacking the table. Cold hearted, distant Ivan wanted to court someone! Someone had actually broken through the stone around his heart and tame the beast? "Will you help me?"

He sucked in a few breaths, a smile braking over his face. Of course he would help! It was the first time in a while that someone had asked for his advice in this particular subject. He wasn't about to let the chance pass him by just because he was shocked. "Well you'll have to tell me who it is. Different people have to be courted in different ways. So if you want my help you'll have to clue me in whom it is." He explained. Ivan shifted in his cheeks, his face defiantly taking on a pink hue.

"Gilbert," he whispered gently. The smile fell from Francis's lips.

"I can't help you," he said regretfully. It wasn't that he didn't want Ivan to try to court Gilbert. If it worked, which he doubted, he wouldn't even have a problem with them going out. He knew from what the others told him that Ivan wasn't really like the rumors depicted, though he was still wary. And God knows he wasn't homophobic, seeing as how he was as gay as he was straight. They might even be cute together. However he couldn't have a hand in setting up a relationship that would only end in tragedy.

"I'm sorry Ivan but I won't help you. In fact I think you should stop thinking about Gilbert like that. Maybe even stop being his friend for a bit, until the feelings die," he suggested. Ivan stood up so fast his chair hit the ground with a loud clatter.

"I don't care if you won't help me. But don't ever tell me to stop being his friend!" he said his voice rising with each word. He'd made a promise with Gilbert, no matter what he heard he'd always be his friend. Collecting his book bag Ivan left Francis with an image of the boy behind the talk.

Friday, December 4th

"Are you taking what I said to heart?" Gilbert asked peering at curiously at him. They were seated in first period listening to Ms. Miffin drown on about how spectacular English was. Ivan cocked his head to the side questioningly. "Well first period is almost over and you haven't talked me to death yet." Ivan truly hadn't realized. He'd been so caught up in his thoughts that he hadn't noticed the period was ticking away.

"Sorry, da?" he smiled.

"You don't have to apologize. I," he shifted uncomfortably in his seat, "just wanted to know if you were okay. West always tells me the things I say can come off meaner than I intend. No wait scratch that that was so unawesome."

His smile grew. "No need to worry Zaichik." A small flush appeared on his cheeks.

"I told you not to call me that!" he scowled looking back down at his 'notes'. It was too late however; he'd turned the Russian's attention to him. Leaning closer Ivan whispered the foreign word into his ear over and over until he'd successfully turned Gilbert's neck, ears and cheeks a lovely shade of deep red.


"What was that all about?" Gilbert asked as Ivan stepped out of the classroom. They had been about to exit the room when Ms. Miffin had pulled Ivan to one side saying she needed to have a word with him. "She wants me to tutor some of the kids in class."

"Really?" he asked. He'd noticed that Ivan was smarter than the usual people he copied from. "Are you going to do it?"

"No," he said his tone neutral.

"Why not?" he asked baffled.

"Don't worry about it, I'll continue to help you, though," he reassured. Gilbert didn't understand why Ivan wouldn't want to help others. He knew Ivan wasn't the most popular kid in school and he'd never heard any of the rumors before. He didn't listen too much of the school's gossip unless it involved him. So he was perfectly content to let the matter drop after Ivan put him at ease by telling him he'd still be there for him.

"Are you coming to sunflower house after school today?" he inquired. Ivan had made a habit of asking after the flowers every chance he got. Meaning every five minutes. It had driven Gilbert insane until he had finally broken down and told Ivan to just come see them for himself. The huge Russian had almost crushed him in a bear hug. He now tagged along on Gilbert's Friday expeditions to the green house. Ivan nodded vigorously, an excited grin on his face. He looked forward to the end of each week just because of this. Being able to just be alone with Gilbert.

Suddenly, Gilbert felt a hand wrap around his forearm. It jerked back, spinning him around to face a boy about a year younger than him. Noticing that his friend was no longer beside him Ivan turned around as well. His throat tightened as recognized the mass of sandy-blond spikes and dark eyes narrowed in his direction. This kid had made fun of Ivan for where his scarf in the summer during freshman year. It had meant to be funny but his sister's had just moved out and Ivan didn't take the jokes well. He'd broken the kid's nose and punched out a couple of teeth in a single blow.

"You shouldn't hang out with him," he warned jerking his head in the direction of the large frightened boy. A few other people who noticed the warning and who it was about stopped to agree. Ivan's heart almost stopped when he noticed hay blond hair, half-lidded green eyes that gave him a permanent bored look, flashy outfit, and the sassy walk of Toris's old friend join the group.

"What the fuck?" he growled, wrenching his arm out of the blonde's hold.

"Well, we…everyone's been noticing that you're becoming very close with him. You seem new, so you probably don't know much," a girl in the crowd piped up. Ivan wished they would all just shut up! He'd known the older German didn't listen too much of the talk that circulated throughout the room. He passed it off as luck too, that Gilbert had been away last year when the majority of it started, right after Toris disappearance. It had never accrued to him, though, that they would go out of their way to warn people away from him. They hadn't done this with the group he hung out with so why now?

"I don't know what?" he heard him ask. His heart lurched into his chest but if was different from the usual Gilbert related pounding.

"You don't know," Toris's friend started, pushing his way to the front. Ivan tried desperately to remember his name. "How much of a monster he is. How you're risking your life by being in his company. How he won't hesitate to hurt you if you make him angry." Ivan winced. He'd never once lifted a hand against his servants. The only times they thought he had been: once when Natalia broke ever one of Toris's fingers when he had repeatedly ask for a date during one of her visits. She broke one finger for each time he asked. Second was when Toris and he had gotten into a fight during school. He had stormed off in a huff only to be brought back by a startled yap, when Toris had pitched down the stairs. It hadn't been his fault but all people saw was a hurt innocent and the monster looming over him.

"Well it's a good thing I laugh in death's face. So do yourselves a favor and fuck off!" Gilbert sneered, turning on his heel and marching away, dragging an astonished Ivan with him. "How could you let them talk about you like that?" he snapped when they were out of the group's earshot.

"It's a good to be warned, da?"

"You believe them." It wasn't a question. It wasn't that he did but Ivan knew for a fact that when he became unstable he was very dangerous.

"You don't know everything about me, Zaichik."

Rosy lips pressed into a thin line but he didn't voice any further comments. In fact Gilbert stayed uncharacteristically quiet for the rest of Ivan's allotted school time, no matter how much he teased or prodded the older boy.


Ivan briskly walked through the now deserted hallways. His guidance counselor had pulled him out of his seventh period class towards the end to discuss a few kinks in his schedule. His school offered electives or extra class in things like art, music, ect., for students to choose as they like. Some of these classes proceeded through the entirety of the year but a vast majority were only half year classes. Ivan, who was currently enrolled in culinary, a half-year course, had no second elective. Wishing to do something with his time then sit in an extra study hall, he had shifted through what was still open for one he deemed the most interesting. In the end he'd picked photography.

He hoped Gilbert was still waiting at the front of the school. He also prayed the boy would not be too upset with him. He had still looked a little bit off to Ivan from his watching post during lunch, though Francis and Antonio had managed to crack a smile out of him. Secretly, part of Ivan was a little giddy that Gilbert was so upset by what he's heard this morning. He was happy that the silver-haired boy had been angry at what was being said instead of heading the message. It meant that he was more likely to remain his friend.

Even if he had listened and wanted to get away from him, Ivan didn't think he would be able to let him go. Admittedly it wouldn't be the type of friendship he wanted from the albino. Btu he wasn't about to lose him.

Ivan impatiently traded walking down the stairs to jumping straight to the middle landing. He paused for a moment to look out the glass window that gave a great view of the front gate. There were a lot more people out there than he thought there should be. Usually on Friday's the whole school cleared out in a matter of seconds. Then again the crowd didn't look like they were moving. They were standing still. Watching something.

He shrugged it off, starting to continue on his way when he caught a flash of blond hair shining silver in the sun. He turned back around, finding the familiar head in the center of the crowd. Unlike everyone else, he was moving around trying to avoid an arm that struck his face. Ivan immediately launched himself down the rest of the way, not noticing a familiar Frenchman on his way up. Landing strangely gracefully he darted from the building.

Ivan wasn't silly to think that Gilbert couldn't hold his own in a fight. He had seen him beat the snot out Alfred a couple days after the party when the American had accidently hinted at something that happened at the part. Gilbert had wanted answers from the suddenly mute man and had resorted to name calling, which Alfred responded to. Then it was a full out punching fest. But no matter how serious they claimed they were being they were friends and neither had walked away with any serious injuries.

Coming up to the crowd, Ivan for once was pleased about his size. It meant he could see what was happening clearly from over their heads. That didn't mean he was content to stand so far away from the fight. He watched Gilbert intently, almost mesmerized by how easily he moved around. Perhaps he shouldn't call him bunny any more but cat. Something that was ferociously graceful. He noted that Gilbert opponent: Feliks, he finally remembered his name, was holding up surprisingly well.

For a moment Ivan scolded himself for worrying too much. But only for a moment.

Everything seemed to happen in slow motion for Ivan. Gilbert's opponent charged at him, catching him in the stomach and knocking them both off balance. They fell towards the ground. Gilbert's arm lashed out trying to make contact with his foe's neck to easily toss him off. His back slammed into the ground and Ivan swore he saw his head bounce. The arm that was precisely aimed for the neck veered, landing on the side. Gilbert's nails dug into the skin underneath as he was unable to keep his arm up.

Something was wrong.

A/N: Hate me now? A cliffhanger! Any way I would like to say hello to all my new readers and thank you for reading it, and story alerting/favoriting it! Thank you all for reviewing! I have thirty five now! That makes my unexpectedly happy because I never thought there even be that many! So keep up the good work! As I have said in the last chapter and at the top of this one, I'm going to be taking a month off to write my friend (my beta) a couple of fictions for the BBC show Merlin. Anyway I'm looking for a beta but I don't really know how it works. Well I know how to find one but I don't know what to do after that. I find it really awkward since I don't really know them. But I'm still need one so if anyone's interested….

A special thanks to BlumeShullman for helping me with my French, not that I used any in this chapter….hehe