The weeping forests beneath us whimper and are fading into the maelstrom of the past. A shadow in the light of the eternity that we all share is ravaging amongst the fierce phantoms of the night.
Continents perish in the uproar of Neptune's wrath. He throws, and spits his freezing mists upon the green lands of our old world and turns them to ash. Hungry, and destitute, he devours our homes.
The sun has misplaced its heat and the moon its guiding light. What do we feel if not the pleasure of the life of which we were born? The flower drips with its sweet nectar and bathes in the soothing midsummer's breeze. It taunts me, and mocks my diamond prison. What does this arrogant root know of life? Everything…
The horizons are not what they once were. When so long ago they waved their glowing goodbyes and went to sleep they filled us with the hope of yet another day. But now, we dread the existence of it and the return they make each new morrow.
What are we?
Dwindling down the cold path of immortality is the only destiny left for us. No one knows what it is like when the elderly lights of day and night are dead. When the elixir of innocence like the pearling grace of a baby's face lures you into the realm of a shrouded monster that wishes nothing more than to whisper the words that turn you into a slaughterer then you know that all is vain.
Where are the relics of old; the giants that began all of this evil? Why must we be so far away from white shores?
Why were we selected for this task? Why can they walk in the sun and laugh and cheer about their lives whilst we must suffer and thirst? Is it envy that thrives us? We would gladly sell our black little souls to the most vicious of demons to wipe them all out with but a finger snap of these long white claws.
Look at them. They are divided, leaders, and filthy down to the last one of them. WARMONGERS! MURDERERS! THIEVES! SCAVANGERS!
Are they the favorite? Does this world belong to them? They do not deserve it! They pillage everything, down to the last child they themselves even bore. It brings such sorrow to my dusty heart to think that this would be a world for humanity.
Why is it that we must linger in the shadows? Do we belong here or did we come from another world? These riddles that slither like serpents around my steps and never advise the road to the keys that unlock their treasures; I hate them.
Is there nothing left? Is there nothing to fight for?
This world was once green and good. It was so rich and pure and untainted by the malicious acts of those that sprang from the earth. Why did she allow them passage? They do nothing but drain her of that which she so graciously provides.
I can feel the depth and dagger piercing pain in my chest. It feeds upon my despair, and my sadness. It was a sacrifice that all eight made. An ancient evil that once dwelled above in the heavens and that truly belongs in the hearts of everyone now slumbers in the hearts of the eight.
We are bound by fellowship, strength, and compassion to one another. Yet we are alone. We have always been alone. We are not to be known to mortals or our own. However, I have foreseen our time.
A day in which we will emerge from behind the foggy walls that separate us from the living and the dead will come. It will be an era that we have waited for. We have waited so long…
On that day we will emerge out of legend and rise from the ashes of the past and illuminate all those that wish to see.
That day, though so sweet, is forever away.
Why do we fight…? It is…tiresome. What do we have left?
What… do I have left?
Standing alone on a rocky cliff and waiting for the crimson dawn to appear and hope that… that perhaps today will be the day in which I will hear your song?
I wish you were with me…
Is this my fate then? Forever bound in immortality and remembering, seeing, and foreshadowing all these evil days? This cannot be. There must be a purpose higher than that of us. There is a purpose. I know this purpose. But I do not understand it.
Why am I here? Why am I still here? Why not end it all?
A sob now escapes my withering lips. The tears come so easy to me now. Yet, they are evanescent and forever hidden from me. I cannot feel them, though I sense the aura of their presence.
I cannot end it. I cannot leave. I cannot get out.
I have… walked to long. I have talked to the trees for too long. Fire, it has lost its spell over me. I am bound to see the last days of this grayish earth.
The trees… There is such a wrathful laugh echoing through these white woods. They are the home to those ivory trees. I have known these trees from nothing but seeds. I loved to sing with them, and hear the stories as their voices chanted. But now, they are gone. Faded, and hollow. They have returned to life.
I feel weary. All those that I loved are gone. All those that I once knew have passed into memory. Those that brought me into this life, those that taught me life, and even he who showed me life returned to life.
In the end, I am alone. In the end, we are all alone.
I want to break free, and spread my wings and fly to where you now live. I wish to relinquish and obliterate these chains that bind me to the ground by the blood of my victims. I can still hear them…
I hear them screaming within me. Their voices were nothing but whispers at first until they grew and are now distorting my thoughts. They curse, and swear. They wish for me to die so they may be released from their underworld prison. Their faces of terror and fear drift around me like paintings. They are to remind me of the monstrous nature I withhold; remind me… always.
My heart, it beats. I rejoice when this rare event occurs but this one moment of pleasure must be fought and caged away.
He grows stronger. His chaos is spreading and infecting every nerve, cell, and limb of me. The black lightning that now surrounds my barren beat must be contained. It must be preserved and imprisoned forever. What if it flees I wonder?
It shall seek its brothers first and then once it is anew it will spread a terrifying wave of darkness all over an already darkened world. It will surround that which is still good and harbors love. It would feed and destroy that, and bring about the end of days.
Courage, wisdom, and fearlessness aid me now. They are the three elements needed to lock it away in the chasms of my forever. It, which has existed since the dawn of all things must never sway my mind or it will bring the end of all things.
I must continue down the route of enlightenment. It is the sacrifice that all eight made but not for glory, power, nor pity but for the freedom of our children's children.
It is our… purpose. Forever shall we live, and never will we fade. The stars that wait beyond the horizons we shall never look upon. The trees are the only ones that share our pain and suffering.
The rest of the world has forgotten about us and has forsaken us into the dirty abyss of unwanted things.
It was our choice. The light was before us and we all reached out. Each one made their choice on their own. Each one of us realized the danger, and very well knew about the ultimate sacrifice we were conspiring.
Now looking back upon things long done I know that if had the choice once more, I would not wander to it so easily.
If I did not have it within me… would I be able to hear your voice? Would I be able to smile upon your never fading memory? But a thought of you brings these tears to me. Why can I not hear you? Where are you?
Are you trapped? Are you wandering as well? Do you search for me as I do for you? I cannot let go. I will not let go. If I let go of you, I let go of that which I once was. It is only your memory that still links me to the white city, and to empathy.
Oh… How much longer? Are millennia not enough? Were centuries not enough for that matter?
I envy them. I spite those of our kind who know nothing of what we have done, and what we must eternally do. Why can I not live without anguish? Why must this heavy burden sit upon my shoulders? I chose this, and knowing all that I do I know I would choose it again. If not me then some other poor soul would have been assigned this task. I cannot get out. I would have wandered down that path so easily again though I deceive myself with false hope.
Oh heavens, Critias, Timaeus, and all you silvery spirits tell me the truth. What are we? Do I know these answers but simply deny the truth from myself?
Yes. It is my greatest fault. I know what lurks in the souls of those born to this new beginning.
We are nothing but the shadow of death. We view history as a story and fading day dream passing before our very eyes.
We are the paragon of ancientness.
We are… broken hearts.
Us, the Valar.
I wish you were with me…
-Celest Alathielle
ca. 412 B.C.E
Valar: (Vampires)
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