"Much ado about Gargomon and the Icemon Cometh"
Disclaimer: I do not own anything but my own ideas.
Note: Sorry for not updating folks but I've been really busy plus I get so many ideas that it's crazy. Anyway I hope you enjoy this chapter.
A quick response to my reviewers:
Seimika: Yes I know my spelling and grammar isn't that great. Everyone misses things every now and again. I re-read my story fifty times then I leave it alone for a few days and then come back to it fresh so that I can see any of my mistakes. Though I still end up with mistakes. Either way I shall try my best to correct them.
Darklord7324: You are right I did rip off of KistuneDragon a lot in the last chapter. I talked to him about it and begged forgiveness like the little worm that I am. The reason why is because my story cannot never compete against a story such as his. His ideas are godly for lack of a better term. And yes feel free to giggle perversely whenever you wish to.
"Naruto Namikaze: Digital Affect"
Chapter 6
It was Sunday and the sun shone through Naruto's window in his bedroom. The sun decided to shine its golden rays into the sleeping face of our blonde hero thus causing him to groan.
"Ugh, sun...must destroy!" Naruto groaned as he rose from his bed. "Well seeing as I'm up, might as well shower" Naruto thought. The blonde shinobi-digi-warrior rose from his bed and went into the bathroom. As he walked out he saw Calumon lying down on the couch in his room with his mouth open with pink bubbly liquid foaming in his mouth attached to a straw that led to a green smoothie cup...and Naruto decided to not to wake him as he was too busy drowning in a puddle of his own hyper active making slush. Naruto showered and walked out of the bathroom which coincidently was the only one in the house. Just as Naruto stepped out of the shower clad in only a towel he had the misfortune or maybe fortune to walk into Rika as she headed for the bathroom herself also clad in only a towel with her clothes in hand or atleast they were in her hand before her and Naruto were sent falling to the ground. As they fell a great wind swept by them and their towels fluttered into the sky. Now nude; Naruto lay on top of a nude Rika. Picking themselves up and rubbing their heads they both opened their eyes to get an eye full of each other. Naruto already being used to such situations easily remained calm but Rika on the other hand couldn't help but pass out after a massive nose bleed.
"So big and wet…" were the last thoughts that entered into her mind. Sighing Naruto quickly grabbed the towels and wrapped them both up before carrying Rika back to her room. Afterwards Naruto left and changed into his attire, of a Blue t-shirt with an orange whirlpool on the front and a Caucasian jacket with a hoodie attached. The inside of the jacket was a dark red; he also wore bluish jeans, the belt with the symbol for fire as a buckle and his pair of black combat boots. He then pocketed his D-tector. He was ready for anything. Well except for when Rika woke up. None the less it only meant that he would need to keep away from her for the day.
"So what should we do today, Naruto?" Calumon asked as he gained consciousness from his smoothie induced coma.
"Well we could go to the park Calumon?" Naruto suggested.
"Nah... how about we go and play a game?" said the small white puff ball.
"You really wanna play...again?" Naruto asked.
"You don't like playing?" asked Calumon
"Yeah, but not all the time" responded Naruto
"Well why not?" asked the tiny digimon with a cute little pout
"Alright Calumon. I'll play with you but first I'll be right back." Responded Naruto as he replaced himself with a newly created shadow clone and just left to go explore the city some more.
Hypnos HQ
Yamaki, was looking at a file filled with videos about our favorite blonde hero. He had created on the hopes of learning about Naruto and his abilities. The picture Yamaki had of Naruto from his video recording yesterday was enlarged to show Naruto's full body. He played with the cigarette lighter in his hand as he watched the blonde boy fight digimon with interest. Yamaki's eyes narrowed. No human being could pull off the stunts this blonde kid was pulling. He quickly searched for information on the boy. Yamaki's eyes widened beneath his dark sunglasses.
"This can't be possible…for all intents and purposes this guy does not exist!" Yamaki roared.
He decided to keep these videos private and made sure no one but he knew of the boy's existence. He would find out this boy's true identity and if he didn't like it then…he would destroy him like any other wild one.
With Naruto
The blonde digi-warrior walked through the streets heading for Shinjuku Park. As he walked through the streets towards the park he was unaware of the many eyes that watched his every move. Many cameras watched as Naruto walked through the crowd. He felt a shiver run down his back as he felt himself being watched. Naruto smirked. It seemed that someone or something had taken an interest on him. He arrived at the park and then the blonde glanced to his left and his right. He noticed nothing in the shadows of the trees, nor anything hidden. Naruto had the ability to easily scan his surroundings and along with his heightened senses, let's just say that it wasn't hard to detect a person and yet somehow, some way, someone was watching him.
"Let's see them find me after this!" Naruto said with a foxy grin.
"Shadow clone Jutsu" Naruto said and then six clones formed. After that all of them flash-stepped out of the area.
"So I wonder how long I should wait before dispelling the shadow clones?" Naruto asked himself.
Naruto began to grit his teeth as he still felt himself being watched.
"I won't be able to do much of anything now that I know I am being watched. They are probably going to be monitoring me 24 hours a day, seven days a week. The question is though…who is watching me, how are they pulling this off and why?" Naruto thought to himself. Naruto then groaned in frustration.
Yamaki was playing with his cigarette lighter as he watched Naruto try and hide himself. He observed the movements of Naruto and studied him intently. He was very surprised by the boy's recent actions and wondered how he knew that he was being watched. Luckily now a day you only needed a satellite to spy on people or whatever the blonde boy was. While he looked human he obviously had abnormal abilities. Yamaki was even more surprised when Naruto cloned himself and then disappeared. The boy gave only more questions and never any answers. He was the ultimate enigma.
Streets of Shinjuku
As people were driving through the streets of Shinjuku, Henry watched from the crossover that allowed pedestrians to cross the street without really having to cross the street per say. Henry then looked on and noticed a thick fog developing over the streets. The traffic lights froze as well as the pedestrian electronic street crossing sign.
"Henry, what are you staring at?" Terriermon asked as the digimon sat atop his tamer's head. Then Terriermon's ears perked up as the digital field formed.
"There's a digimon down there" the bunny-dog digimon said. Henry's eyes widened.
"Are you sure?" Henry asked.
"As sure as I have long ears" Terriermon said.
"Then let's go" the blue haired tamer said and then he ran down the steps to the other side of the streets where the majority of the digital field formed. However, as the duo reached the end of the street, the digital field began to dissipate and everything turned back to normal.
"Huh...it seems that something stopped the digimon from appearing. That's very weird?" Terriermon observed.
"Apparently" Henry said.
"Do you think that it was Naruto?" asked Terriermon
"Naruto? Why do you think that?" replied Henry
"He has weird tricks plus he can turn into a digimon himself. So maybe he has a way of stopping digimon from appearing if he gets to a field on time?" said Terriermon
The only replied back that terriermon received was a quite hmmm.
"Sir, Yuggoth is successful, the Wild One has been terminated" Riley said over an intercom. Yamaki thanked his assistant Riley. He had forgotten to check down and run things around the place.
"I'm going to have to talk to this kid face to face." Yamaki said, "but that's for another time."
"Sir, there's another Wild One" Riley said.
"Deploy Yuggoth again" Yamaki commanded his red haired co-worker. Riley replied with an "Affirmative." and then pretened to type a few keys before pressing 'Enter'. Truthly it was the only button she knew about. Three circles connected by lines in a triangular formation appeared on the screen to represent Yuggoth, however before Yuggoth could reach the red dot that represented the Wild One, Yuggoth was destroyed.
"What?" Riley exclaimed.
"Riley, what happened?" the shades wearing man asked.
"Sir, I don't know how, but Yuggoth was destroyed before making contact with the Wild One...it's bio-emerging in T-minus 10 seconds" Riley explained. The blonde Hypnos director growled to himself.
"What the hell is going on?" he thought as he slammed his cigarette lighter on the ground out of frustration. "The program was supposed to be a masterpiece? Could this have been the work of that blonde boy? There is no way one of those monsters was to destroy Yuggoth."
With Naruto
Naruto was stilling running through Shinjuku Park. Naruto then stopped. It was then that a dense fog appeared and then Naruto's D-tector began beeping. Apparently a digimon was appearing close by. Naruto sat in a kneeling position focusing and waited for his target to make an appearance or at least until he can feel where his presence was. Then he would deal with it.
With Takato and Guilmon
The red D-ark wielding tamer gasped as he saw a digimon slice a car in half luckily leaving the driver unharmed. The digimon was a humanoid looking digimon with purple skin and wore a pair of tan pants with a dark brown sash wrapped around its waist. Over its entire body, minus the right forearm, were red samurai armor worn and a similar colored helmet with a golden colored demon face mask on the helmet. Its left foot was a large three toed monster's with three red claws on the foot and its right was worn with a purple sock and a sandal. In its right hand was a large sword which it held at the ready. Takato took out his D-ark and watched as the holographic image of the digimon formed.
"Musyamon, a Champion Level digimon. He can slice and dice an entire city with his shogun sword. Yeowch better not ask him to give me a haircut then." Takato said reading the information from the digivice before the image disappeared.
"Okay Guilmon, let's show this samurai how we do it" Takato said. "Digimodify…Hyper Sonic Activate." He yelled out as he swiped a card through his digivice. Guilmon nodded and then rushed at fast speeds towards Musyamon but it had no effect on him. The samurai digimon looked at Guilmon before grabbing the dinosaur digimon's face and slamming his knee into Guilmon's face and then tossing him into the air before kicking him backwards.
"GUILMON!" Takato yelled in shock, "Are you okay?"
"Yeah" Guilmon said shaking his head.
"I have confirmed the bio-emergence coordinates at the intersection of the Shinjuku big guard cable." Said Riley
"Excellent." Replied Yamaki before he ran out of the room.
"If I am lucky I can catch this blonde kid before he can escape. Maybe then I will finally be able to get some answers." thought Yamaki
With Henry and Terriermon
"Henry come on, we gotta help Guilmon!" Terriermon exclaimed as he and Henry arrived to see Guilmon fight Musyamon through the fog.
"No way, Terriermon there must be another way. There is always another way!" the blue haired tamer said to his digimon. Guilmon coated his head with fire and charged at Musyamon.
"ROCK BREAKER!" Guilmon roared before ramming Musyamon's waist, but the champion digimon blocked the attack before grabbing Guilmon's head and began spinning him and sending him soaring into the sky. Musyamon then jumps into the air and attacks Guilmon in the chest before slamming the blunt edge of the sword against Guilmon's head sending the dinosaur digimon soaring into the ground. The enemy digimon's sword was then surrounded by blue flames and then Musyamon aimed a slash at the virus dinosaur.
"WHITE BIRD!" Musyamon said and slashed with his burning blade, the sword's flames taking on the image of a bird's wing. However, Guilmon jumped out of the way before opening his mouth. A sphere of red formed in Guilmon's jaws.
"PYRO SPHERE!" Guilmon shouted and then the attack crashed into Musyamon and sent the digimon skidding backwards using its sword to block the attack. Takato quickly took out a modification card and held the D-Ark over his head.
"DIGIMODIFY...HYPER WING ACTIVATE!" the goggle wearing pre-teen yelled while swiping the card. Guilmon then grew six silvery wings before taking to the skies and avoiding the attack.
"PYRO SPHERE!" Guilmon said, but Musyamon dodged them all before jumping and slashing at Guilmon knocking the rookie digimon to the ground. Guilmon groaned in pain as his body skipped across the dirt.
"Henry, Guilmon's getting throttled out there; you have to let me fight!" Terriermon said. Henry thought about the time when Terriermon became Gargomon and went out of control.
"What if that happens again, I'd be putting people's lives at risk" Henry thought to himself. Then a young girl that was watching the digital field lost her red colored balloon which flew out of her hand and into the fog.
"Hey wait stop!" yelled out Henry as he chased after her. The little girl ran after it, but froze in fear when she saw Musyamon standing in front of her.
"Takato watch out!" yelled out Henry as he felt conflicted about what he should do.
"Henry help me." Replied Takato as he watched Guilmon try and fly away from Musyamon's attacks.
"What now…if I do nothing we are going die here…I can't talk us out of this one…what should I do?" Henry said confused
Musyamon glared at the small female before raising his sword. "Goodbye puny human!" said the samurai digimon.
"Hey, little girl get out of there" Takato yelled.
"Terriermon we gotta do something!" Henry yelled out as his digivice began to glow
"Well it's about damn time!" Terriermon yelled out
"Maybe this will help." thought Calumon who was sitting on a guard rail overlooking the fog on top of a building. The gem on his forehead glowed brightly.
In another part of town
"Where the hell did Calumon go? I told him I would be back with Nachos in 10 seconds." Said the Naruto clone
With Henry and Terriermon
Terriermon was surrounded by an egg of swirling green data.
Terriermon's skin peeled away to reveal a large green rabbit covered in wire frame pattern, or blue squares for a simpler term. The skin then reattached itself as Terriermon's body grew into that of a large rabbit, his face and ears were entirely green, the edge of the ears, the body and muzzle of Gargomon being a tan color, a red diamond lay in the center of the champion level's forehead. Two red slash like markings were on Gargomon's cheeks, his hands were replaced with Gatling guns, a string of ammunition was strapped across his chest and he wore a pair of navy blue jeans.
"GARGOMON!" Gargomon then jumped and kicked the red armored digimon away from the little girl. Musyamon growled before coating his blade with orange flames.
"Oh no not this again!" said Henry
"SHOGUN SWORD!" Musyamon sent the large fire blast at the now digivolved Champion digimon. Gargomon quickly back flipped out of the way and then the dragon followed after Gargomon before Gargomon held out his Gatling guns.
"GARGO LASER!" then multiple green bullets rapidly flew from the guns and the rotators in the guns spun madly. The bullets stopped the flame strike before the large rabbit landed on the ground and raced towards Musyamon. Musyamon roared before slashing at Gargomon, but the enlarged trigger happy bunny, using his new powered up reflexes and speed to dodge all the attacks before getting up into Musyamon's face.
"BUNNY PUMMEL!" Gargomon planted a powerful punch to Musyamon's head and sent him into the air, followed by rapid shots to the torso which suspended the samurai digimon in the air. A shadow then appeared and instantly passed by the floating samurai's body which then split in half and then dissolved into red flakes. The shadow then revealed itself to be none other than Naruto.
"He did it!" Henry cried out excited
Gargomon began to absorb the digital energy but was interrupted by Naruto who absorbed the energy into his digivice and sent it back to the digital world.
After the battle Calumon spread his ears and with a giggle flew away. "That was fun" the light of digivolution said to himself, "I better get back to Naruto, he promised me nachos…hmm nachos."
"Not bad guys but you still need to work on your form and execution. Overall I'll give you guys a B+ mostly because of all the bonus points you packed in." said Naruto
Henry looked in awe at Gargomon.
"You controlled yourself" he whispered.
"Yeah, I did didn't I, just don't doubt me again Henry, anyways we gotta get this little girl back to her mommy" Gargomon said. Guilmon quickly ran over to the little girl as the digital field began to disappear. Guilmon handed the child her balloon, which he snatched out of the sky as Naruto defeated Musyamon before the group of five ran away.
"Mommy look at the digimon over there, aren't they nice? They saved me!" the little girl said to her mother. The little girl's mother looked down at her daughter before looking at the streets where people were busy crossing and saw no 'digimon'.
None of them noticed a blonde man with black sunglasses walking away from the scene with a thoughtful look on his face.
"Uh they are very beautiful sweetheart, now where was I..." the mother then returned to her cell phone conversation. The five then stopped as they reached back to the hideout where Guilmon stayed and realized Gargomon was still...well Gargomon.
With Rika after school the next day
The fiery haired girl was walking around with her head bobbing back and forth as she listened to some punk rock music. However, there was a vibration in her pocket and then a large compass formed as her D-Ark detected the signal of a digimon.
"Renamon let's go" Rika said. Renamon who was standing unnoticed in a tree nodded and the two followed the direction of the digital signal. Suddenly she felt as if someone was watching her.
"Come on Rika, there are at least ten people walking behind you, why are you so jumpy?" she thought to herself. However, the feeling of being watched began to bring a fear in her heart, the phantasmal image of two icy blue claws formed behind her and nobody noticed this. However, just as she turned around they vanished as quickly as they had appeared. Rika gasped and cause some of the people who were walking behind her to stare at her oddly, but brushed it off and walked past the red head.
"Renamon change of plan…lets head home." Rika said then rushed home and passed her grandmother's room.
"Hi Granny!" she called out. Seiko nodded as she drank her tea, knowing Rika would never reply when she would ask how her day was. Rika then went into her room and changed into her regular garb before sitting at the table in her room.
"What was that?" she thought. She then walked outside and walked towards her grandmother. "Granny?" she asked. The elderly Nonaka woman looked up from the magazine she was reading.
"Yes dear?" she asked. Rika gulped slightly and looked at her grandmother.
"Granny, do you ever have the feeling that someone is watching you?" she asked. Seiko looked confused.
"What do you mean, dear? You mean figuratively or literally? Are the paparazzi bothering you again?"
"Both actually and no it is not the paparazzi…at least I don't think it is." the fiery haired girl replied as she shifted nervously. Seiko seemed to notice her granddaughter's distress and quickly replied.
"Well if you mean literally then it could be that someone is following you. Maybe another fan boy or fan girl" Seiko said, shocking Rika that her grandmother talked about 'them'. She shivered before her grandmother continued, "But in the figurative sense, there are those that believe spirits, or angels are real and they follow us every day to warn us of impending danger or to protect us from harm. Rika, dear I believe that these feelings are merely psychological and that there is no danger nearby. Therefore if you ever feel it just pray and make sure that the spirit that follows you is the one that aims to protect you" Rika nodded and then turned to leave. Seiko looked at the retreating back of her granddaughter as she turned around the corner. "Of course you can always run into Naruto's arms for protection."
Rika halted to a stop as a blush crept onto her face. Seiko laughed as Rika quickly ran to her room. Young love was such a pure thing. If only she knew how young Naruto truly was.
Early Evening- Hypnos HQ
Riley and her assistant were typing furiously on the computer keyboards as they had destroyed numerous Wild Ones using Yamaki's Yuggoth Program, only certain Wild Ones being able to break free from the Digital Realm by having enough energy to destroy the Yuggoth Program that or they got really lucky and as such an incident was about to occur now. Riley had managed to spot another Wild One appearing in the West Shinjuku area.
"Yamaki, sir, we got another one" Riley informed her boss.
"Do what we did to the rest of them" Yamaki said playing with his cigarette lighter. Riley nodded, but her fingers were getting tired from endless pretend typing.
"They don't pay me enough for this shit. I still don't get why we just don't let the program out to deal with these problems 24/7 instead of me having to press a button whenever a new wild one appears. They can't expect me to stay awake and be here in this seat forever." the red haired computer tech thought as she pressed the glowing violet button and Yuggoth was deployed. The spiraling circles neared the red dot and destroyed it only to notice another red dot to appear in its place and continue onward.
"Sir, Yuggoth has failed. The Wild One is bio-emerging" Riley announced. Yamaki gritted his teeth together.
"Damn it. How am I supposed to figure out about the problems here if these monster keep appearing to interfere with my work…unless…wait that's perfect" Yamaki thought with a smirk as he shut his lighter and began to walk out of the office.
"Riley send me the coordinates of where the wild one appeared and make sure to send Yuggoth into auto pilot. Then get some rest." He said as he walked out of the room
"Wait…did he just say auto pilot?" Riley said as she had no idea what button that was as they all glowed different colors. The only button she knew about was the one to deploy Yuggoth and the one to call it back. "Fuck my life." She said as she went about trying to figure out what button did what.
Meanwhile somewhere on a random street
Rika was walking around town seeing as she couldn't find Naruto anywhere when suddenly she felt the same eerie chill she felt earlier today. She still felt the presence behind her, like the arctic wind was blowing through her body. Phantasmal claws, both an ice blue color, formed out of thin air and reached to grab the red head, but at the last second she turned her head and the hands vanished. Rika felt the cold presence leave, but then with a panicked look on her face she took off for home. She reached her house and entered her room and shut the door. She was panting hard from running.
"Renamon!" she called her partner's name. The yellow fox blurred into existence.
"Yes, Rika?" Renamon asked. Rika turned with fright evident in her amethyst shaded eyes, something that surprised the digimon to no end.
"Is Rika...scared?" thought Renamon as she looked as her partner pointed to the door.
"Renamon is there someone out there?" she asked. Renamon shook her head.
"Well check again" Rika said with a more forceful tone. Renamon nodded and then slid open the door and looked up and down the hall before closing the door.
"Rika...there is no one there. I sense nobody in the house but us. Maybe you're seeing things, you've been running all the way home and the exhaustion is making you tired" Renamon suggested. Rika growled.
"Renamon I know what I felt. There's something out there! So check again!" Rika yelled.
"Rika, don't worry I'm here to protect you!" Renamon assured the fiery haired female. Rika's teeth gritted together as she glared at the blonde fox.
"I don't need protecting...I don't need you or anybody else!" Rika yelled. Renamon's blue eyes widened, never in her entire life had she thought Rika could say something so cold to her, the look in her amethyst eyes added salt to the wound. Rika opened the door and stormed out saying one last thing.
"I don't need anyone, especially nothing made out of stupid data." the door slammed shut and Renamon stood there still frozen from Rika's outburst before fading out of the room.
With Rika
Rika ran down the streets of Shinjuku before reaching the subway. She walked throughout the subway to blow off some steam, she probably shouldn't have yelled at Renamon like that, but she didn't always need protecting. Rika continued to walk and avoiding the many people that walked her way and continued to walk, but then she felt that chilling feeling. The unknown phantasm of two arms appeared again behind her and reached for her body. She reached into her pocket and felt the cloth wrapped kunai he had given her last night. It was a triple pronged knife, about the double the size of an original kunai, but just as sharp and was infused with many seals for certain protection measures including for her own protection.
Flashback- Last Night
Rika had just come back from digimon hunting and was heading to her room to relax when she noticed someone by the pond inside the compound of her home.
"Naruto what are you doing here?" she asked
"Well I do live here you know." Naruto asked with a foxy grin. Rika kept up an impassive look but inwardly she wanted to face palm herself.
"I know that but I meant what are you doing out here…at the pond?" she replied
"I came here to relax. This area surprisingly has been untainted. The natural energies around us are completely pure. Most of the city isn't like that. This place, it calms me, just like your Rika."
"Like me? What do you mean?" she asked surprised by his statement
"Your presence itself calms me Rika. You are enjoyable to be around." He said
"Thank you...Naruto. Your company is enjoyable as well." she whispered.
Naruto heard it. "You're welcome Rika. You know…you look beautiful with your hair let down" he said as he undid her hair and let it drop down. The two of them moved closer as the midnight moon shined upon them. Their lips were centimeters apart from each other. Their hot breathes began to dance across each other's lips. The wind blew by and leaf petals began to flutter about. Rika grabbed his arm to help herself lean in closer thus causing the blonde to freeze before he turned his face away from her. He then placed an object into her hand.
"What's this?" she asked disappointed from the sudden action of…well…getting no action.
"This is a special kunai, it has special seals that have a bit of my chakra stored into it. I made it for you, and if you are ever in trouble then I want you to throw it and I promise I will be there to help you. "I promise...that I will protect with everything I have Rika and I don't go back on my word." Rika held the kunai and without even thinking she wrapped Naruto in an unexpected hug, which Naruto returned a bit after the shock wore off but then it was followed by an even more unexpected kiss on the cheek. Rika backed off and smiled slightly as she saw his reaction, totally and utterly speechless.
"You're a good guy and an even better friend, Naruto." and with that Rika left and Naruto turned and left with his hand holding his cheek and a small smile on his face.
End Flashback
Rika looked at the kunai and was about to throw it away when she became annoyed with the chilling feeling. She turned around with an angry expression on her face.
"WHAT?" she yelled. She saw nobody.
"Come out, I know you're there!" she demanded. Rika sighed, but then two arms appeared from behind her with two large clawed hands. Its right hand wrapped around her waist, the other around her mouth. However, before Rika could be pulled through the wall she managed to grab her special kunai from Naruto and then threw down with enough force that it stuck itself into the floor. A glow came from the blade as Rika was pulled into the wall.
With Renamon
Renamon was sitting on the branch of a large tree staring at the silvery white moon with a far off look in her eyes. Then as she stared she felt a tingle flow across her very being and an itch in the back of her mind that told her one thing... Rika was in trouble.
'Rika' she thought and got, but froze as she remembered Rika's words.
"I don't need protecting...I don't need you or anybody else!" Rika yelled. Renamon's blue eyes widened, never in her entire life had she thought Rika could say something so cold to her, the look in her amethyst eyes added salt to the wound. Rika opened the door and stormed out saying one last thing.
"I don't need anyone, especially nothing made out of stupid data." the door slammed shut and Renamon stood there still frozen from Rika's outburst before fading out of the room.
End Flashback
Renamon sighed as she felt conflicted about what she should do before her eyes hardened and she disappeared into the shadows.
With Naruto
Naruto was sitting on the couch in his usual attire and got up to go for a little patrolling, but he then froze as he felt a pulse of chakra enter his system and that meant one thing.
"Rika is in trouble." He thought to himself as he disappeared in a flash of yellow
With Rika
Rika found herself in some kind of storage area that seemed to be made out of ice causing her to shiver with her arms wrapped around herself "It's so cold." A figure then slowly emerged out of the ground behind her that turned out to be a digimon. The digimon was ice blue and had glowing crimson eyes, with arm that nearly touched the ground due to their length. Torn and weathered looking wings of a similar ice were attached to her back. A skull like pattern was on her right knee cap and her arms along with most of her lower body were wrapped in a combination of belts and bandages. A large magenta colored bat symbol was displayed on her chest and left boot. The digimon then quickly wrapped her battered looking wings around Rika causing her to let out a gasp.
The digimon lifted her off her feet before looking down at her "Welcome to my humble abode."
Rika just asked without looking at the ice devil "Are you a Digimon?"
Rika then asked "So this is a digital field?"
Releasing a chuckle, the digimon just looked around before looking back down at Rika "Exactly, Beautiful isn't it? It suits you perfectly."
Rika just looks down at the ground "It suits me?"
A small grin appears on the demon of ice's face as she looks down at Rika "The way you treat people, how your thoughts are as cold as ice. You have no time for warm weak relationship. You always expect perfection from yourself and others, you demand it. It is who you are" Rika just shook her head no while backing away from IceDevimon before IceDevimon continued "I'm the only one who understands you, Rika. That is why we are destined to become partners."
Rika still looking at the ground just says "Partners, us?"
"No I can't. I... I... I already have a partner. Renamon." Rika finishes by looking over to the side.
Rika moved her hand over her digivice just before the ice devil placed her hand over Rika's "I want to show you something."
Rika just said half-heartedly and frightened at the same time. "What is it?"
The unknown digimon just looked back down at Rika "To prove I'm worthy of being your partner I've set-up a little show and tell, so you can see my power for yourself." IceDevimon then spread her wings out as ice pillars formed all around the area. Each pillar of ice had a Digimon frozen in it "For years I have hunted hundreds of Digimon and absorbed their data. They were friends to some, maybe even partners but none the less they all fell to my might." Rika's eyes widened hearing this before she continued "But as you once said, they are merely stepping stones."
Rika just looked around at the Digimon trapped within the pillars of ice "I never said that."
A smirk soon revealed itself to be on the digimon's face "Ah but you did. I fight to digivolve; you make your Digimon do the exact same thing."
Rika just seemed to freeze before saying "No, there's more to Digimon then just fighting. I would eat dirt before I ever let Renamon become what you are…a monster."
The digimon's smirk just seemed to widen at this "Better a powerful monster then a weak nobody..." however, before she could say more the wall was suddenly blown apart and a large smoke cloud formed along with the scattering of ice particles.
"Let Rika go you demonic ice bastard" a voice growled from the smoke cloud. The two stared at the smoke cloud before it cleared and Rika's eyes widened as she saw who her savior was.
"N...N…Naruto! He found me." she thought with shock
Yes there stood Naruto as the particles of ice flew through the air like broken pieces of glass. The light shined upon his back as the air made his hair dance around. Over all she had never seen a more bad ass entrance at least she would have said that if not for the next part. The ice suddenly broke from underneath him and sent him skidding across the ice…head first.
"Ow…" was all Naruto could say
"Is…Is this guy for real?" asked IceDevimon
"Naruto…" Rika said with a sweat drop
"Ah, it's you, the digi-warrior of fire. I have heard of you and I know that you are no match for my ice powers. It is hopeless to even try! Surrender now or I will end your life puny human." the digimon said. Naruto quickly got up like nothing happened and then his eyes flashed red and he growled.
"Not on your life" Naruto said as he took out his D-tector and scanned the digimon of ice. "IceDevimon, Champion Level, a fallen angel type digimon. She is a sadistic bitch, who takes delight in the pain she deals on others and relentlessly kills without mercy. Her attacks are Frozen Claw, Avalanche Claw and Tundra Freeze" Naruto read. IceDevimon chuckled.
"Fine...your life it is then"
"Well remember this and remember it well bastard...Naruto Uzumaki Namikaze, never goes down without a fight" the digi-warrior began to wave his hands about as a stream of digi-code circled around his hand.
"Execute! Human Spirit Evolution!" yelled out Naruto before he began to transform into Agunimon.
"TUNDRA FREEZE!" a beam of blue rocketed from IceDevimon's eyes and froze Naruto as he finished his transformation but the ice immediately melted from Agunimon's intense heat. Naruto raced towards the ice digimon, but IceDevimon threw Rika to the side and the girl crashed against the hard wall and frozen by IceDevimon, which gained an elicit scream of pain from the 16 year old female tamer.
"PYRO PUNCH!" he yelled and a large flame covered his hand. IceDevimon quickly avoided it, but his eyes widened as he saw Naruto's face in his own face.
"PYRO DARTS" yelled out Naruto as multiple spheres of fire rocketed towards IceDevimon. IceDevimon flew up and avoided the barrage of fire and then his left hand glowed a dark blue.
"FROZEN CLAW!" Naruto quickly dodged the attacks and then he saw one attack coming directly at him, but Naruto disappeared and then reappeared above the arm and sent a flaming axe kick onto it which cause great harm onto IceDevimon's arm and caused him to scream out in pain.
"You...you human filth...I'll destroy you" the ice devil roared as she removed the flames from his arm.
Outside the Building
Takato and Henry along with Terriermon and Guilmon were watching up at the large building with ice covering its upper structure.
"Henry are you sure there is a digimon attacking here?" asked Takato as he got tired from the running
"Of course I am sure Takato. Just check your digivice." Replied Henry
"So Henry, any words of advice?" Takato asked.
"Yeah" Henry replied putting on his shades as Takato brought down his goggles, "Don't slip going up these stairs because it is a long way back down." as they entered the building and began to climb the multitude of literal stepping stones.
Back with the Battle
Naruto dodged the many flying ice projectiles from IceDevimon's Avalanche Claw attack.
"You bastard!" the digi-warrior said. IceDevimon chuckled as he flew. The champion digimon was able to track Naruto's speed and grabbed Naruto around the throat as he reached him. IceDevimon smirked before slamming Naruto into the walls, then the ceiling and then the floor. Then his claws glowed blue.
"FROZEN CLAW!" the ice devil slashed at Naruto sending him to the ground. Naruto was slashed on his right arm, but he tried to dodge the second strike, but IceDevimon struck out with the same hand used to injure Naruto and slashed through Naruto's armor and caused his side to release the red liquid of life. He formed fire on his fist and rushed IceDevimon, but the devil of ice quickly grabbed Naruto's wrist and slammed Naruto onto the ground before holding him up and punching him multiple times on the stomach. Naruto was hit with a powerful uppercut before the power of the attack sent him skyward and then IceDevimon attacked with his Frozen Claws causing Naruto to become severely injured and fall to the ground beside Rika. Naruto was bleeding from his chest and arms from the numerous cuts that he could not heal since his digimon form was unable to use chakra to heal. IceDevimon then held Naruto and her eyes glowed as she prepared to freeze Naruto solid. Naruto began to slip into unconsciousness. Despite all of his stamina Naruto was quickly losing this battle since he hadn't used his digimon form enough and with nobody around to help him he feared he was going to lose this fight. He looked over to see Rika's face filled with worry…and fear. The girl was on the verge of crying as she could do nothing to help.
"Say goodbye boy" the champion digimon said. Naruto's eyes opened up and with new found vigor he grabbed IceDevimon causing IceDevimon to burn somewhat from Agunimon's fire abilities. Naruto freed himself before rushing IceDevimon. IceDevimon growled before avoiding a head-butt from Naruto and then punching Naruto in the face. The fire digi-warrior was then grabbed by his throat and thrown at a wall. Naruto righted himself in the air and then pushed off the wall, then Naruto aimed a "PYRO PUNCH" at IceDevimon, but the champion digimon dodged it and aimed a kick to Naruto's head, but Naruto pushed off the leg and leaped over IceDevimon. Naruto grabbed the devil's head and threw her away from Rika and him. Catching a quick breathe Naruto then grabbed IceDevimon's throat and punched her repeatedly in the face before kicking off her chest before running in a beeline and a flaming roundhouse kick found its way into IceDevimon's face. "PYRO TORNADO" The digimon was sent flying back, but by spreading out his wings he stopped his movement before going back towards Naruto and then shoulder tackled the blonde sending him crashing into the wall near Rika.
It was at this time that Takato and Henry entered the room.
"What the...Naruto!" the four cried out. Naruto's body fell out of the indentation in the wall and planted itself into the ground. He laid there motionless as a data stream began the spiral madly around Naruto's downed body. Naruto's own body was blackened as if almost being prepared to be erased from existence. They then turned to IceDevimon.
"He destroyed Naruto…He…he is a monster" Takato said as he took a step back in fear. Seeing the strongest and most able fighter beaten easily began breaking Takato's will to fight as he feared for Guilmon's safety as well as his own. IceDevimon chuckled.
"Why thank you but I am a girl." Said the ice devil.
"Take her down" Henry cried out as he drew a few cards to prepare himself for the coming battle, both Guilmon and Terriermon rushed forward to do battle with the ice digimon, but then two blue beams shot forth from his eyes.
"TUNDRA FREEZE!" IceDevimon yelled and the attack froze the two rookie digimon solid.
"No, Guilmon/Terriermon!" the two tamers cried as they tried to free their digimon.
Rika fell to her knees as she looked at the damaged Naruto.
"Rika, where is Renamon?" Henry asked as he tried to break the ice with a nearby rock. Rika's eyes dropped.
"She's not coming, she wouldn't even if I told her to" Rika said with a somber tone. However, the ceiling blew open and there stood the yellow and white furred fox herself.
"Speak of the devil, RENAMON!" the two young male tamers yelled. Renamon said nothing and then charged forward at IceDevimon.
"POWER PAW!" she yelled as her paws were surrounded by ghostly blue flames. The blue flaming strikes flew in from all angles, but IceDevimon dodged them all.
"FROZEN CLAW!" the ice devil digimon yelled and then struck out with her attack, striking Renamon in the stomach, followed up with two strikes to the neck and then one to the face. Renamon gasped as she fell to her knees at the might of IceDevimon. Rika stared with shock and sorrow towards Renamon. IceDevimon looked over her shoulder.
"Why do you look at this failure of a digimon with that look? She is nothing but pitiful data that deserves to be deleted." IceDevimon said
Outside the building
"Hmmmm Nachos I am on my way…" said Calumon as he flew around outside totally oblivious of the battle that was occurring.
Back with the Battle
"Because she's my friend" she whispered, "RENAMON'S MY FRIEND!"
Renamon was encircled in a blue egg of data and her skin peeled away to show her larger, stronger form beneath a wire frame pattern. Skin then reattached itself to give form to the champion level of Renamon. The egg then exploded as Renamon's form changed to resemble a large golden and white furred kitsune with the edges of the white fur that glowed with mystical blue flames on the paws.
"Ah so you can digivolve, maybe now I can have a challenge" IceDevimon commented and made a 'come hider' motion with her hand. Kyuubimon growled and spread out her tails, each one alight with blue fire balls.
"FOX TAIL INFERNO!" the nine tailed fox digimon yelled and then nine fire balls flew towards IceDevimon, but she dodged by flying up.
"Where are you going frosty?" she asked, Kyuubimon then jumped and spun in the air surrounding herself with fire. The blue flames then took the form of a roaring serpentine fox.
"DRAGON WHEEL!" the blue fox like dragon roared as it flew towards its target, but IceDevimon's eyes glowed blue.
"TUNDRA FREEZE!" she yelled and the fire dragon froze before it was shattered by IceDevimon's fist. IceDevimon flew down and crashed into Kyuubimon by planting a foot in her face before punching the fox in her throat stifling her scream. He then threw her upwards and flapped her broken looking wings.
"AVALANCHE CLAW!" icicle spike flew from his wings and impacted with the fox digimon and sent her to the ground. Kyuubimon fell and struggled to get back up and failed.
"Should we go attack?" Takato asked. Henry shook his head and pointed to the now standing Naruto.
"This is their fight, Takato." replied Henry
IceDevimon chuckled as she watched the nine tailed digimon; however, she was caught off guard by a cry of...
"RASENGAN!" Naruto then rushed forwards and ducked underneath a counter swipe from IceDevimon's Frozen Claw before charging into his feet thus increasing his speed and slammed the attack into IceDevimon's stomach causing the digimon to be sent flying back. Then Naruto grabbed IceDevimon by the back of his head and brought the digimon's face hard upon his knee. IceDevimon was sent into the air but when then sent slamming back into the ground hard as another Naruto slammed a "GRAND RASENGAN" into his torso. Naruto roared and pulled on the champion digimon's wings. He instantly ripped off the Ice devil's wings. IceDevimon let out a cry of anguish but quickly submerged herself into the ice and disappeared. No longer sensing any danger Naruto walked over to Rika and fell on top of her thus hugging the girl. He was glad she was safe. He felt angry at himself for letting things get out of hand. He had forgotten that in the world of Digimon a champion level was far stronger than a rookie especially when that champion had more experience than the rookie. He had greatly underestimated the digimon and it almost cost him his life as well as Rika's. Everyone had a look of happiness as the battle was finally over and everyone was going to be just fine.
"Hey, remember what I told you...I'll always be there to protect you Rika-chan" Naruto said with a foxy grin. Rika blushed at that, but then she noticed Naruto's eyes go from kind and sincere to serious.
Naruto's eyes suddenly widened. Naruto quickly pushed Rika away from him. He stared at Rika's falling form as a spear of ice pierced through him. He was hoisted into the air as the spear dug through his chest. IceDevimon came back out of the ice laughing as she saw Naruto's limp body on the spear. Everyone was surprised and felt a great pain in their hearts as they saw their teacher and friend killed.
"N…NARUTO!" she yelled out as she hit the ground. Her face quickly changed into one of surprise as Naruto vanished in a poof of smoke.
"W-what!" cried out IceDevimon but he was then split in half and as he fell apart into red flakes of digital dust Rika saw Naruto standing behind the now destroyed Ice digimon with his hand extended downward with a greenish glow to it.
"Naruto, are you insane?" she cried out.
"Of course not Rika. Ok maybe a little bit after all…I am the type of guy that makes the impossible possible!"
The others just shook their heads as Naruto laughed off what had just occurred. Everyone then came together as a feeling of relief washed over everyone.
Kyuubimon was waiting there as well, but far off from the others. Rika looked at what just occurred, her digimon nearly died at the hands of another and Naruto nearly also died by the hands of that frozen bastard. She suddenly felt a bubbling rage, the rage soon exploded and it became a hate towards not only IceDevimon, but to everything else as well.
"I hate them..." she whispered.
"Well don't worry Rika, he's gone now" Takato said.
"I hate digimon. I HATE THEM ALL! They are nothing but monsters!" Rika yelled. Kyuubimon stared at Rika and Rika stared back at Kyuubimon. Naruto froze as he heard Rika's statement. He looked at Rika disappointingly. She turned and was instantly paralyzed by his gaze. She felt a sudden pain in her heart and could no longer bring herself to look at the blonde haired hero.
"Oh come on don't be like that Rika." Takato said trying to calm the situation, but the two females turned away from each other. Kyuubimon took to the roofs while Rika walked downstairs and headed home. The males all looked at each other and no one said a thing.
The guys then bid goodbye to each other. Terriermon and Henry, along with Takato and Guilmon took the stairs down to go home. Naruto stood there and gazed at the battle field only to sigh and then disappear in a flash of yellow light.
As everyone left and the ice melted away our local secretive blonde sunglass wearing stalker stepped out of the shadows stunned by what had occurred. He felt angrier as he only gained more questions to pile onto his ever growing mountain of questions for our blonde hero.
Well people that is a wrap for this chapter. I hope you enjoyed it and please stay tuned as I continue to update this story as well as FOZ. Also be on the lookout for my new Naruto X Mass Effect Crossover that I will be writing as a favor to someone who PMed me. Any way I hope you enjoyed everything. Please read and review my stories and see you next time folks!.