Author's Note: I'm done setting deadlines. There won't be updates every week. I'm sorry. It's my main slump of the year, because of holidays, school and other things, and I just don't have time to sit down at a computer and take the three to four hours it takes me to type out a chapter. I'll work as fast as I can on this story, and please, my faithful readers, stay with me until after Christmas holidays, and I should come out of my slump, go back in one around March, and come back out during the Summer, providing that I don't have to get a Summer job. I am no longer accepting OC's and this is final. I've got enough characters, unless you want to make someone who only appears in one chapter or something. Rivals, Gym Leaders, etc. are full. I need the Elite Four, but I will call for that when Melony is on her seventh badge, which might not be until next year or so.

Sorry for the rant, but I felt that everything needed to be explained. I'll start typing the chapter now.

Also, for those who like my Pokemon story, I'll be making an Isshu Region story when they release the English names for all of the new Pokemon.

Chapter Thirteen: Saving a Legend

Despite the bright sun trying to make an attempt to shine through the dark violet clouds overhead, still didn't look like much more than a barren, dusty land. The trainers departed from Eliza's farm after enjoying the first nice breakfast since any of them had arrived in Nicor.

"I wish we could hurry up and get off of this mountain," Sera pouted, once they were away from the farm, and hiking up a trail that Christian had informed them led to a cave. "I want to take Terra out of his ball. He's probably so upset."

"This mountain really isn't too enthusing," Kelly agreed. "Not to mention Zaye is probably going to start wailing when I let her out."

"I can't wait to get to the cave. I think I'll try my capture styler if we see any Pokemon while we're there!" Nico was the only one that was really energized at the moment. She was walking just a bit ahead of the group, notebook in hand, a smile on her face. She didn't seem to be phased by the fact that Eliza had woken everyone at seven in the morning.

Melony glanced at Blitz, who at the moment, had refused to go in her ball. She was hopping just in front of Melony, stopping every so often to sniff around. "You're probably used to their schedule, aren't you?"

"Mar?" Blitz through a glance over her shoulder, and smiled, not really seeming to comprehend her question too much.

"I really don't like waking up early," Xander punctuated his sentence with a yawn. "I don't see the point in it."

Nico was now walking backwards with little effort, her eyes scanning the area that they were passing, making sure that she hadn't skipped over anything. Her eyes stopped on Lauren, who still hadn't been speaking too much. "Hey, why did you go all quiet on us?" She asked, frowning.

Lauren's eyes had been on the ground below, but when Nico spoke to her, she didn't hesitate to speak back. "Nothing is wrong," then she hesitated. "I might tell everyone later. Now is not the time."

"Why don't you just tell us now if something is bothering you?" Melony asked, throwing a glance to her right, towards Lauren.

"We are busy. We must get to the small lodge that Christian spoke of before it gets dark," her eyes went to the clouds that shrouded the skies of Mt. Keevo. "I am most certain that it will be nearly impossible to see where we are going during the night."

"But if something is bothering you, then you should just go ahead and tell us, get it off your chest," Nico said, a hint of whining to her voice.

"Not now," Lauren's words were somewhat harsh, even though her voice was calm. She folded her arms over her chest and her eyes went back to the ground below that she was once concentrating on.

With a worried look, Nico stared at Lauren for a moment more before sighing and returning to her field work.

Melony glanced over her shoulder only a couple of times at Lauren before a scream that somehow sounded familiar echoed through the mountain. It was obvious that it wasn't very far away, just a climb over a seven or eight foot wall.

The group began to rush, Nico the first to skillfully scale the wall. Melony, Kelly, and Lauren followed close behind, but Xander had to hoist Sera up and then climb over himself.

The first thing they noticed was Nanda and Onna Glice, with their Plusle and Minun, Mo and Ma, standing their ground. Onna was screaming bloody murder at the scene in front of them, while Nanda simply fumed, her eyes narrowed.

Their were four people in Team Shockwave suits surrounding something. One appeared to be female and shorter than the others, and the others were males, though one about seven inches taller than the rest of them, and he didn't wear a hat. A few feet away from the scene stood Maer, appearing bare without her Glaceon or Mamoswine. There were a few electric Pokemon that probably belonged to Team Shockwave.

"What is going on?" Melony ran up between Nanda and Onna, and Onna finally stopped screaming.

"They have Raikou..." Nanda mumbled, turning towards Melony.

Melony realized now that the reason Nanda and Onna were holding their pokemon was because they were fainted.

"Arich, those kids from Keffi have followed us," Maer said. Melony couldn't see Maer's face, but she guessed that the Team Shockwave executive was glaring at her group.

The taller guy turned around and glared. His hair was short and a bright electric blue color. His eyes were a golden that could be noticed from afar. The most noticeable feature about Arich was the burn scar that covered his entire right cheek, ending just under his eye.

"So, we've got us more little brats to try to stop the plans?" Arich's voice was deep, and sounded somewhat maniacal. "Take care of the Pokemon," he said over his shoulder. He began to walk, and an Electivire, who also had burn scars over his right arm and face, began to follow him. He stopped in front of Melony.

"Marrr..." Blitz growled, trying to sound fierce, but sounding cute instead.

Arich snickered. "Pulse, let's just go ahead, and put an end to that useless little Pokemon..." he said.

"Viiiire," the Electivire, Pulse, growled, and in one swift mood, grabbed Blitz.

"Charger, go!" Xander called quickly, from behind Melony. "Attack with full force and save Blitz!"

"Jolteon!" Charger growled, his spikes standing high in the air. In a flash of wicked bolts, Charger tackled Pulse, pushing the huge Pokemon back and knocking Blitz out of his hand.

"Blitz!" Melony caught the Mareep, and turned to Arich. "Why are you trying to kill my Pokemon?" She snapped, getting as close to his face as possible.

Arich snickered, grinning crazily. "To distract you while we steal Raikou..."

"Charger, I know this isn't good, but go at full speed and attack the Team Shockwave members!" Xander called, pointing to the group of Team Shockwave members.

Raikou was visible now, and the group could see that Team Shockwave had the beast's paws tied together, and were securing a net around the Pokemon. Raikou wasn't completely unconscious, as its body was twitching, but it was too weak to get free.

Something in Melony finally snapped, and she threw her fist at Arich, letting it collide with his face.

Arich laughed as he grabbed her fist, and in one movement slammed her to the ground. "Silly child. People do not battle. Pokemon battle," he chuckled.

"Who the heck says?" Xander threw a sympathetic glance at Melony, nodded at Charger, and swiftly ran past Arich and Pulse.

Charger slammed into the female of the group and one male, and Xander tackled the other male, who cried out in surprise.

"I promise I wouldn't do this unless it were dire circumstances, and it is," Kelly threw two balls in the air, sending at Sabin the Houndoom., and Kamaria the Ivysaur.

The charge of the mountain zapped the Pokemon, paralyzing them, and making them both cry out in pain.

"I'm so sorry you two, but please overcome the shocking and save Raikou!" Kelly commanded.

Sabin and Kamaria gave their trainer sympathetic looks, and struggled to move, failing in the process.

"They're not going to be able to move... The electricity is causing them way too much pain," Arich said. He now stood with his arms crossed over his chest, one foot on Melony's stomach to make sure she didn't move.

Kelly grunted, and recalled both of her Pokemon. Her eyes were now on Xander and Charger. Xander had managed to get one of the grunts down, but he was cornered at the edge of the cliff by two Luxio and a Luxray. Charger was trying to hold his own against a Magnezone.

The two remaining Team Shockwave members had almost secured the net around Raikou, and their progress was speeding up as Maer helped them.

"We have to do something," she mumbled to herself.

"Sera, don't you own a Dratini?" Lauren asked, a ball in her hand.

Sera was huddled away from all of the commotion now, where Maer used to be standing. She looked up when Lauren spoke to her and nodded. "I have Hiro..." she mumbled, taking out a Luxury Ball.

"Okay, come here," Lauren nodded to the space beside her.

"Okay," Sera said.

She was almost to Lauren when Arich said, "Stop her, Pulse."

"Electivire..." Pulse nodded, and grabbed Sera in one hand as she passed. "Viiirre." Pulse held a struggling Sera above his head.

"Dahlia, Explosion," Melony coughed, grabbing the Pokeball that held Dahlia as quick as she could, and throwing it at Pulse.

The Ghastly burst from her ball, and just as she was zapped by the mountain, she exploded.

Pulse was hurled to the edge of the mountain, throwing Sera in the process.

"Stratos, catch Sera!" Lauren threw the Pokeball that she was holding and as the Altaria burst from her ball, she hopped on it.

Even though the Pokemon was being horribly shocked, she flew as fast as she could, and just as Sera was about to hit the ground, the Pokemon's cotton wing cushioned her landing.

"You will not save this Raikou," Maer spoke to the two trainers who had landed close to her. She and the two other Shockwave members secured the net, and a helicopter began descending from the sky.

"Sera, get Hiro to use something," Lauren whispered. She cringed in pain as the shocks were transferred from Stratos to her.

"Kay," Sera's whole body ached, and she wondered how she had managed to keep her Dratini's Pokeball in her hand the entire time. "Hiro, Dragon Pulse with all your strength!"

Hiro appeared in a flash of golden light, and with extreme quickness, he shot a green pulse from his mouth that caused an explosion of smoke.

Once the smoke cleared, the entire group was amazed to see that Raikou's net had been broken, and the Team Shockwave members were now a few feet away from the net.

Lauren recalled Stratos, and with effort, she pulled herself and Sera to their feet. Sera recalled Hiro, making a mental note to praise the Dratini later, and they both ran for Raikou.

Sera plopped down on top of the Beast of Thunder, and Lauren stood in front of it. "Team Shockwave, I suggest that you all leave now!" She snapped.

"Yeah, you're not taking Raikou!" Sera snapped. She was concentrating on getting a piece of net out from around Raikou's paws. The beast's eyes were watching her cautiously. "I'm not gonna hurt ya..." Sera cooed.

Arich had left Melony now, and recalled Pulse. He was now standing next to Maer and the other female from the Team Shockwave members, and they were talking among themselves in low voices.

While the three were talking, all of the group, even Xander who had managed to escape the Pokemon who were tormenting him, ran over to Raikou. Xander, Melony, Nanda, and Lauren stood guard, while Nico, Onna, Sera, and Kelly worked on getting the net off of Raikou without harming it anymore.

"This is not the end of Team Shockwave, though it is the end of Misson Raikou," Maer eventually called, as she climbed into the helicopter. All of the electric Pokemon that belonged to Team Shockwave were now recalled, and everyone but Arich was in the helicopter.

"Yesss... Do not expect that you will be able to stop Team Shockwave anymore after this," Arich spoke in a voice that full of insanity. "We were not prepared, but we won't be as stupid as to let our guard down next time!"

After Arich hopped into the helicopter, it lifted off, and in a matter of seconds, Team Shockwave was gone.

"Uhm, Nanda, Onna," Melony started, after recalling her fainted Ghastly, "do either of you know where that small resting lodge is?"

"We've got to get this poor pokemon to a Pokecenter," Sera said, running her hand through Raikou's mane. "I don't know what they did to it, but it's pretty serious."

"I do think that the lodge is pretty close, but how are we going to transport Raikou?" Onna's eyes were on the beast, and her mouth was curved into a frown. "We can't carry it all together."

"Maybe someone could catch it?" Sere suggested. She looked in the red eyes of Raikou. "Would you let me capture you, just for a little while?"

Raikou growled in response, and seemed to try and get to its feet, only to fail horribly. He let out a groan of pain and closed his eyes.

"I've got a few potions," Sera suggested. "Do you think they'd help him?" She looked around at all of her friends.

"It wouldn't hurt to try it," Melony shrugged. "Raikou is a Pokemon, so he should be able to use Pokemon medicine."

Sera nodded and dug into her bag, pulling out two Hyper Potions. "You think that this should do it?" She asked.

"That should overdo it, actually," Nico said. "Hyper Potions are the second strongest of the potions."

"Okay," Sera nodded. Aiming the bottle at Raikou, she said, "This may hurt some, buddy. Please don't get too angry with me." She sprayed the potion into the Raikou's fur, and at first, the beast merely growled and whimpered, but after a few sprays, the growls got stronger. Once Sera was done with the first bottle, Raikou climbed to its feet with ease, pushing the trainers that surrounded it away.

It made eye contact with every trainer, nodded, and in one mighty leap, disappeared over the mountain ledge. A howl rang through the mountains, a thank you from the Beast of Thunder.

All of the trainers stood, and exchanged glances.

"Uhm, I would love for me and my twin to battle you Xander again, Melony, but unfortunately, I think now is not the best time," Onna was the first to speak.

"Yeah... How about we agree to meet at the next Pokecenter and we have a battle? Nanda suggested.

"That will work," Melony smiled. She then turned her gaze to Xander, and instantly, her face flushed. After a few seconds of silence, she asked, "Is that alright with you?"

Xander grinned at her. "'Course it is!"

"Alright, well see you all soon," Nanda waved, and began to walk.

"Bye!" Onna yelled over her shoulder.

The group waved as the Glice twins departed, the image of Raikou still on their minds.

Author's Note: Hope you enjoyed. Sorry if its short. I'll update whenever I can get around to it.