Author's Note: Okay, so this is going to be a Pokemon story that takes place with my own original characters and if people want to send them in, other people's original characters. It's going to be in a region called the Nicor region that I have made up myself, and it will be described throughout the story. Everything will be described throughout the story. You can send in OC's. I'll accept traveling buddies, gym leaders, bad guys, rivals, and random people. I do not own Pokemon stuff, that is a disclaimer. Remember it.

Chapter One: Farewell Fuchsia City! The Journey Begins!

Melony Chast opened her eyes to see that the clock on the wall said 8:00am. Her dad was supposed to be home at 9:00am, and she wanted to be up waiting on him. Letting at a groan, she rolled over and set up, her platinum blonde hair falling into her almond shaped bright red eyes. She tossed her feet over the bed, and wobbled her way out of her room to the bathroom, grabbing some clothing on the way.

She showered quickly, and dressed. Her attire consisted of a white tanktop, a pastel pink jacket with one black stripe on each arm, and a black zipper, along with black hip-hugging jeans that let her belly show a bit. She slipped on white sneakers, and brushed her chin length hair, that got shorter the closer to the back that you got. She was ready for the day.

She walked downstairs to the kitchen, made herself some Chesto Berry jam toast, poured herself a glass of Moomoo Milk, and sat down on the sofa in the living room.

At 9:00am, the door opened, and the tall, rugged, dark haired man walked in, a broad grin on his face. He had a package tucked under one arm. "Hey, my little girl is awake!" he said, cheerfully. He plopped down on the couch and handed Melony the package. "Ya know, I think it is past time that you received this, since you're fifteen and all," he said. "I went to Pallet Town to get it for you."

Melony stared at the package for a moment, before opening it. Inside was a black bag that was to be strapped around her waist. "Thank you, Daddy!" she smiled, thinking about how she really did need a new bag.

Her dad laughed. "Open it, you silly thing," he said.

Melony unzipped the bag and stared. Inside, there was a black Pokedex, a hot pink Pokegear, five potions, five Heal Balls, and a Pokeball. Around the pokeball was a silver necklace with a flower pendant that appeared to open.

"The Pokeball has something in it," her dad told her.

"Really?" Melony beamed. She picked the Pokeball up, took the necklace off, and pressed the button on it.

The Pokeball opened in a flash of white, and a Squirtle came out. "Squirtle..." the Squirtle noticed the two people, and backed away.

"Hey..." Melony dropped to a kneeling position on the floor in front of the Squirtle. "It's okay, there's no need to run. I'm your new trainer... I won't hurt you," she held out her hand, and Squirtle, with uncertainty, took her hand.

"Are you gonna nickname it? It's a girl," her dad spoke to her now.

"Uhm, Izumi... It's a water – type, after all," Melony smiled. "Thank you so much, Daddy."

"No problem, sweetie, but do you know why I bought you all of this stuff?"

Melony stared at the bag for a moment. "Wait... Do you really want me to follow in Mom's footsteps?" she caught on after a moment of staring.

"Melony... Your mother was an excellent pokemon trainer. She had traveled throughout Johto, Kanto, and Hoenn, and if she hadn't met me when she returned here to Fuchsia, she would've went to Sinnoh. We got married and when you were born, after she named you, she proclaimed that you too, would be a pokemon master, and learn to love pokemon..." Mr. Chast looked down, tears filling his eyes. "You were only three when she had the accident, and left us. But she would always tell me that even though training is what caused her to have the accident in the first place, she wanted you to be a pokemon trainer, and she told me that even though she knew that I didn't want you to be, that she hoped that I would respect her wishes..."

"So, I've got to carry on Mom's legacy?" Melony asked.

"Yes... I've waited too late. This should have happened five years ago, but I just couldn't stand the thought of you leaving me..."

"So... Where are me and Izumi going to go? Are you going to send us to Pallet Town or New Bark Town, or maybe even far away to Sinnoh or Hoenn?"

"None of the above..." Mr. Chast shook his head. "Today, in about two hours, there is a boat leaving to a newly discovered region known as Nicor. It sets sail from Fuchsia. In Nicor, there aren't any new species of Pokemon, like in most newly discovered regions. Instead, there seems to be almost every pokemon living there, some from every region. Oddly colored pokemon are also more common, though they are still very rare. Eight gyms and the Nicor Region have been set up already, but not every part of Nicor has been explored. There aren't too many cities, and there's a lot of wilderness. Lot's of opportunities to catch pokemon. I know your mom would've loved it, and would've wanted you to go there, so that's where I'm sending you."

"So, I've got about two hours to get down to the beach with Izumi?" Melony asked, standing up.

"You might want to leave a bit earlier to ensure that you have a nice room..."

Melony let go of Izumi's hand, stood up, and through her arms around her dad's neck. "Thank you so much, Daddy, and I promise that I will make Mom proud of me. I will become the best trainer ever!"

"I know you are capable of it. After you finish the Nicor region, you can come back and then start exploring the other regions, if you so feel like it."

"I might do that..."

1 and a half hours later...

"Dad... I'm going..." Melony hugged her dad, who was now standing at the kitchen sink, washing dishes.

"I know you are. I'll miss you a lot, lil' girl. I'll keep in contact via the Pokegear, if you can get reception out there. That's the latest model, so you should be able to, though," Mr. Chast hugged his daughter back.

"Squir... Squirtle?" Izumi stared up at the two with huge eyes. She seemed to be saying, Are we leaving? Where are we going?

Melony knelt and picked the tiny turtle up. "Izumi, we're setting off on our own journey now!"

"Squirtle..." Izumi blushed, but seemed sort of happy at the thought of traveling.

"I'm leaving now. I love you, Daddy," Melony beamed at her dad, who hugged her once more.

"I expect to see you with a full team of Pokemon when you come back," Mr. Chast said, a teary-eyed smiled on his face.

"You will," Melony giggled, turned, and headed out the door, her bag strapped around her waist, packed with a warmer outfit, and a cooler outfit that she could change into if needed.

The boat wasn't huge like Melony expected it to be. It appeared to have no more than five or six rooms in it, and there weren't people lined up to board it.

"Ohohoh... We have a little trainer, do we?" A man in a captain's suit with a white beard walked up to her.

"Yes, sir," Melony felt shy all of a sudden, for the first time in her life. Melony was usually outgoing, social, and friendly.

"Okay, well, you're the third trainer to want to board the boat. I'm Captain Logerly and it's a pleasure to be taking you to the Nicor Region," he smiled at her.

"Is this the only boat that is sailing to the Nicor Region? If so, then there aren't going to be many trainers there," Melony eyed the boat.

"There's one sailing from every region. They'll all be arriving at different days, though, so the trainers on this boat will be some of the only trainers that you see when you arrive. Nicor is populated, but not as populated as the other regions. People are still settling though, so one day, it will be," Captain Logerly said. "You may board the boat now. There aren't any cabins in the boat, we'll all be sleeping in one room, and I hope no more than seven people board this ship, because we have eight beds, and one is mine..." He glanced around. "Doesn't look much like there will be more than three, though. We set sail in twenty minutes. Go meet the others."

Melony nodded, and headed for the boat.

She entered in a dimly room with four bunk beds. There were two people, both sitting on the top bunks.

One of the people was a male with dark brown hair and what appeared to be blue eyes. He looked like he would be taller than Melony, and he had an average build to him, not much muscle, not much fat. He was dressed simple, in a dark red t-shirt, and blue cargo pants, with black and red tennis shoes. There was a yellow pokemon, with big ears and spiky fur curled up beside him on the bunk.

"It's cute," Melony smiled, taking out her Pokedex, opening it, and pointing it at the pokemon.

Jolteon, the Lightening Pokemon and the evolved form of Eeevee. It concentrates the weak electric charges emitted by its cells and launches wicked lightening bolts. The Pokedex spoke in a monotone, robotic voice while showing a small image of the yellow pokemon.

The person on the other bunk was a female, obviously younger than Melony. She had cute, big bright caramel colored eyes and light lavender hair that was pulled up in two buns on the top of her head, tied by two bright pink ribbons. She was dressed in a sleeveless, pastel blue dress that had a pink ribbon on the neck that matched the ones in her hair. It also had a bunch of mini white ribbons around the bottom of the dress. The girl had light blue slip-ons with pink ribbons on the ankles on her feet. Draping from her shoulders was a light blue snake-like pokemon that appeared to be fast asleep.

Dratini, the Dragon Pokemon. It is born large to start with. It repeatedly sheds its skin as it steadily grows longer. The Pokedex spoke once again.

"Ah... So we do have one more trainer, Charger," the male spoke, looking at the Jolteon beside him.

The Jolteon, Charger, lifted his head up and looked at Melony with curious eyes. "Jolt," he seemed to be saying Hi.

"The name is Alexander, though you can call me Xander. This is my buddy, Charger," the male patted the Jolteon's head.

"Hiya! I'm Sera, and the Dratini around my neck is Hiro!" the little girl introduced herself.

"She claims to be ten. I really don't believe it," Xander smirked.

"Hey! I am ten! My big bro gave me Hiro to start my journey with!" Sera pouted.

Melony smiled at the bickering. "My name is Melony, and this is my Pokemon, Izumi," she put her chin on the Squirtle's head.

"Squir..." Izumi's eyes were big, and she seemed scared. She introduced herself in a small voice.

Melony took her bag off, put it on one of the top bunks, set Izumi on the bunk, and climbed up.

"Am I the only one here that has more than one Pokemon with me?" Xander tilted his head.

"Think you are," Sera said. "Do you have another Pokemon with you, Melony?"

"No..." Melony shook her head. "I just got Izumi today."

"Okay, then. I'll show off my other two Pokemon when we get off of this boat," Xander said. "Now, why are you two going to the Nicor Region?"

"I want to take on the Gyms in Nicor," Melony said. "I have a legacy to fulfill for my mom."

"I'm gonna be a coordinator!" Sera smiled.

"Ah... I might take on the gyms later, but I'm simply going because I think that someone that I'm looking for might be there. I've been looking for them forever, and I've got twenty-four badges, so I'm going to take a break this time, I think," Xander said. "Also, how old are you, Melony?"

"Fifteen. Why does that matter?" Melony asked. She was astonished at the number of badges that Xander had, but she wasn't going to say anything at that moment.

"Because, you wanna start a legacy. Aren't you a lil' old to just be starting out?" he arched a brow.

"My dad didn't want me to leave, that's all. I can still live up to my mom's expectations, I know it," Melony frowned.

"Hm... So, you're doing this just because Mommy told you to? That's kinda, trying to live in someone's shadow, isn't it?"

"No! My mom's dead. She wanted me to be an elite trainer, like her. She told my dad that before she left..." Melony's voice cracked, and tears filled her eyes.

"Squirtle, squirtle," Izumi put a hand on Melony's leg, as if saying, It's alright, it's alright.

"Oh... But you don't want to be a Pokemon trainer?"

"I do... Dad was just scared to let me start training. My mom died in a training accident."

Xander seemed to examine Melony now. "Huh... Your last name is Chast, right? Your mom's name was Melissa. Melissa Fallor before marriage, right?"


"I've heard of your mom. My uncle knew her, loved her until she got married. He was there when that Pokemon hit her. Devastated him, almost," Xander sighed.

"Really?" Melony wiped her eyes now, trying hard not to cry anymore.

"Yeah. She was battling a Hariyama with her Houndoom. The Houndoom dogdged the Hariyama's Take Down and the pokemon kept going and crashed into Melissa, threw her against some rocks. She died from the injuries two days later. A lot of people were watching her, because she was back in her hometown of Little Root, and people were excited to see the champion battle," Xander explained.

"Dad never told me any of that. He just said that she got injured and didn't survive," Melony sighed.

"Hmph. What happened to her team?" Xander asked.

"I dunno... I think dad gave them away or something. I can't remember seeing them or my mom, ever," Melony's voice cracked again.

"I was seven when your mom died. I've met her. Imagine yourself with long hair and more curves, that's what she looked like. Taller, too, I think," Xander said.

"So I look like her?" Melony sighed. She picked up Izumi and cuddled up to the tiny Squirtle.

"Can we please stop talking about this? It's so sad," Sera whimpered.

"I agree that we should stop..." Melony mumbled.

"Alright. My parents are both breeders. My uncle's the only trainer still alive in my family. My grandfather was one, but he served his time in this world and so did his Pokemon," Xander said.

"My big bro is a gym leader here. He's the third gym leader!" Sera grinned. "My mommy is a coordinator and my dad is a Ranger."

"Who are you looking for, Xander?" Melony asked.

"My uncle. He disappeared when I was sixteen. He taught me all I know of Pokemon. He said that he was going to a faraway region and that I might run into him one day. I miss him, and I want to battle him," Xander said, shrugging.

"How do you have twenty-four badges with only three pokemon?" Melony asked. It seemed odd to her.

"I've got more than three Pokemon. I've got a Pokemon from every region that I've been to. Charger is my very first Pokemon, and then I have my Scizor, Dagger, and my Mawile, Angel," Xander explained. "I've got quite a few pokemon in my PC."

"Oh..." Melony nodded.

"I want more Pokemon!" Sera said. "I've got to get one more before I start coordinating."

"We should travel together," Xander spoke in a flat voice, but now held a sparkle in eyes.

"We should! That would be so much fun!" Sera grinned.

"What do you think, Melony? You gonna travel with Sera and me?" Xander asked.

"Sure... That would make things easier, I think..." Melony nodded.

The door opened to the room now, and Captain Logerly walked in. "We set sail now, you three!" he smiled brightly.

"Yay!' Sera and Melony exclaimed at the same time.

Xander chuckled. "You two are cute, though two different forms of cute, I think."

"Huh?" Sera gave him a questioning look.

Captain Logerly had now left the room to the Captain's room.

"You're little kid cute, Sera. She on the other hand, she's cute with her looks, and personality," Xander smiled.

"Are you hitting on me?" Melony sounded almost offended, though secretly, she was flattered.

"Maybe..." Xander smirked.

"Aww..." Sera grinned.

Melony glared at her.

The motor to the boat started up, and the boat was now moving.

"We're heading for the Nicor Region, now. Can't wait to see what happens..." Xander patted Charger's head. The Jolteon seemed sort of frightened by the moving of the boat.

"Squir..." Izumi's eyes were on the small, round window. She seemed amazed by the vast ocean that was now surrounding the small boat.

"Yay! The start of coordinator career will begin soon!" Sera grinned widely.

Melony let out a sigh. "I'll make you proud, Mom."

Authors Note: I am aware that this chapter was rather boring and drug out, but it was just to get a good bit of introduction to the main characters over with. The next chapter will be better, though there will be a lot of detail and long paragraphs as I explain the Nicor Region. Also, I'll gladly accept OC's, just review with this outline filled out, or you could send it to my inbox. I'll bring the characters in when I get the chance. I need seven gym leaders, since the third is taken, and I need some rivals, bad guys, and maybe one or two more people could travel with them or something. Just fill this out:





Pokemon Team:




Brief History:

Anything Else: