Rating: M
Warning: Yaoi (BoyXBoy), SasuNaru
Disclaimer! I don't know any Naruto Characters!
Summary: Don't forget, you're the Sun, and you will guide the door open, for you make you're own sun set's, and a new day begins, but not like the last, you're the Sun,only you have the power, to make the ,Eventual SasuNaru, side pairings.
Beta: Shadow Shadowsong
Chapter 1 Rule one, Day of Recognition
The land of normal human beings. Governed by a king and laws, as well a voters on those laws. Like what we have in our democracy today, but not. The king called the Hokage ruled over the world, orrather a large portion of it and other continents did as they pleased, well ones not under the control of the Hokage's rule, or if it was during a war. The Forth Hokage died in battle, since he insisted he join the forces on the field, leaving the only heir to the throne and his wife. What he didn't know that his wife died that night from birth complications from earlier. Thereby leaving the Heir of the Hokage throne to an infant. Then the third Hokage stepped back into his old position and would stay there, hopefully until the young boy grew old enough to become the lands leader. This didn't work out when the boy was kidnapped and no one was able to find him. They looked for years but the results were still the same and the child was never recovered. The night of the fight King Minato Namikaze and Queen Kushina Uzumaki/ Namikaze, the King and Queen of the Fire Nation died. Their son was kidnapped and lost to the people of the Fire Nation leaving the throne to the Third Hokage. They still look for the Heir to the Fire Nation's throne, with a hope of finding him.
It was about this time that people with powers also seemed to show up. The government wanted these people for themselves to use the powers for themselves. They wanted the power sot hey could rule over the other countries. They hunted down whoever had these gifts and forcibly put them into horrible facilities. Some when into hiding and some went to other continents, to join enemy forces which were trying to take over the Fire Nation. Thegovernment dignified what they did as being right, however they did horrible things. Granted all the continents governments did, they use these people and the fear they created to have others obey their command. They would have no questions about that, however it wasn't like that when the Fourth Hokage Ruled, but the Third in his old age couldn't control everything. He tried to look for one of his students like Jiraiya, or Tsunade and not his rouge student Orochimaru. Also the third couldn't asked the next in line Uchiha's, because it would make some matters worse than they already were. Saruobi was at his wits end here.
16 Years later...
A tanned, blond haired, blue eyed blond with whiskered marks on his cheeks stacked another box in his new home. He was muscular, but you couldn't tell with his shirt on and he was skinny. He loved orange, he wore anorange T-Shirt, blue jeans, with dim orange and white sneakers. He wiped the sweat off his face, and went outside to get another box, to help his adopted dad Iruka. Iruka had long brown hair, pulled up, with a scared across his nose. He was also a bit tanned, and a little mother henly.
"Would you help me with this Naruto? Please,"Iruka asked.
Naruto obliged, helping Iruka with a huge box into their new home. It was a three bedroom, two bath, overall a nice one story house. It was the third house of the left side of the street, it was blue and white. With hard wood floors, covering the seventeen, hundred square feet.
A few days after moving in Naruto made a friend with a kid at the end of the block. Last house on the right side of the street. The boy's name was Kiba and they got to be friends immediately. They were almost as close as brothers. The only thing that Naruto didn't get was the forest beyond the dead-end of the street. There was a gulf size stream separating the Dead Forest from the neighborhood, but itstill caught Naruto's eye. The tree's were dead and so was the grass. One time Narutoeven swore he saw someone looking at him and it almost made him run home, lock his door and stay in his room forthe rest of the weekend. One Sunday afternoon, one week after they meet, Naruto got the courage to ask Kiba about the woods.
"Kiba, I wanted to know what's up with the forest?" Naruto questioned. Kiba sighed, knowing that his new friend would eventually ask about it.
"You never go there, it is said to be the home of some weird people, and even a witch. Even people who have the weird gifts come to hide there as well. Just don't go over there, because the last person living here went there on a dare and never came back," Kiba stated and Naruto gulped nodding.
"No problem!" Naruto squeaked, now he was scared.
Naruto's first day at Konaha high wasn't to bad, he made a whole bunch of friends, since he knew Kiba. So Naruto started to become friend with others like Shikamaru, Hinata, Choji, Tenten, Rock Lee, Ino, Sakura and others, as well as someone named Sai. Ino and Sakura were popular, so they didn't stay to hang out with the weirdos at school and mostly came to see what the new kid looked like. Naruto sighed, it was a fun, anxious day and it had wore him out. He couldn't wait for the weekend now. Since he and his new friends were going to hang out at Kiba's that weekend.
When Naruto got to school on Friday morning, every student and teacher watched the television with different levels of shock and horror. It was telling of an attack on the Royal capital a few miles away from Konaha City.
Television voice...
"Today a rouge group of hybrids attacked the capital of the Fire nation. It was said there where about twenty five in all. Three or four being A or B class, while the rest d, or lower classes. The Hokage is reported to be fine and in a safe place, as well as the other royals. Now however the culprits need to be located, because only seventeen out of the twenty-five captured. Investigations will be on-going, call if you seen any suspects. Also now the Government has taken even more measures to get the Hybrids of all kinds into their hands so that attacks are less likely to happen."
Television End...
Naruto's eyes narrowed and the teacher turned off the television and started to take roll call. Naruto knew today was going to be a very eventful and high strung day.
After he got home from school, Naruto told Iruka he was going to Kiba's. As he knocked on the door and it opened he realized that he was the last to arrive.
"Hey, buddy, what took you so long?" Kiba asked, wrapping his arm around Naruto's shoulder.
"I had to do some stuff, then I had to tell Iruka, or he would flip out." Naruto stated, as he made his goofy smile, while scratching the back of his head.
Around four in the afternoon, they went out to play ball. Kiba threw the ball too far and it landed in the forest across the small stream.
"Now what do we do?" Kiba asked.
"Don't worry we can find something else to do," Tenten started happily.
"We're not suppose to go across it's like forbidden, or something, well my mom forbids it. The place sets everyone on edge. Ino and Sakura you will just have to forget about the ball, ew can do something else."
"I wanna play Ball!" Sakura yelled angrily, "now get the Damn Ball back over here, you wimp!"Sakura yelled at Kiba.
"I can't, not..." Kiba didn't finish, he pointed sacredly at a weird looking lady behind one of the dead trees on the other side of the river, a few yards away. All the teens looked at her weirdly, until they heard a song. It was like she was singing, but not moving her lips, and it was hearing their heads, so they covered their ears to try and tune out the melody.
Come, come, to the wall, the power of your soul awakens.
Need be young, or old, the sword you have to safe the world is your soul.
Come, come, warrior of the sun, save the moon from harm,
save it from harm, and let it come, come
come to you, the power of your soul will lead the way, destiny waits, for the light to come come.
They could hear it clearly in their minds, and tried to stop it, but Naruto looked at the woman, not knowing what to do. His normally azure eyes, looked soulless, as he started to slowly move forward to the river, and to the ,
"Stop!" Kiba screamed moving to stop Naruto.
"Kiba !" This time Shikamaru, called out. Naruto was beyond the point of no return. He waded passed the rivers somewhat shallow water and up the hill into the non-dense dead forest, to the woman whom seem to have a grasp on his soul.
Naruto stopped in front of the old woman. Eyes still soulless and he had no idea what was happening. His friends were still screaming for him and him couldn't even hear them. The old woman raised her hands, and placed them on both sides of his face. She looked into his mind.
"You are unique indeed. You have gifts, that need to be awakened. You have the power to change what other people can't, you are different indeed." she said pressing her hands harder on Naruto's face. His eyes were still open and haven't changed.
Then he screamed, like he was in agony, and his friends on the point of disbelief, and trying to get their friend help. Naruto's eyes glowed a red-ish, blue color, fusing into purple and then he started to the old woman set him down gently.
"Only this will change everything for the better. Only you, the sun, can save the moon and both will unite, to change the world," the old woman said. Then she vanished as Iruka and Kiba's mother rantowards the unconscious boy.
"Don't worry, for the sun, and moon unite, the world will become anew.
Don't forget, you're the Sun, and you will guide the door open, for you make you're own path.
The sun set's, and a new day begins, but not like that last, you're the Sun,
only you have the power, to make the path.
To be Continued...
hopefully I did okay for the first chapter, a littler mysterious, but hey it'll get better, and there will be side pairings X3 Read, and Review!
Thanks to Shadow Shadowsong my new Beta Reader!