Hey, so if anybody reads this I just wanted to say that I actually really really enjoy normal life fics, but I just felt like writing this anyways because I read this story from harry potter and it motivated me. So please don't be offended. Really.

Disclaimer: wow I actually remembered. I'm not ally carter, all rights are hers and this plot is also based off of something I read in harry potter.

Normal Life

Cammie's life was normal. She had a twin brother named Grant and a younger sister named Macey. While the former is hot and athletic, the latter is obsessed with clothes and boys.

Mom: "Grant, Macey, Cammie, come down I have something to tell you."

Grant, Macey and Cammie come down the stairs, the author usually has Macey frown or grumble over what Cammie is wearing.

Mom: (thinks up some reason of why they must move to Virginia) "I got a job and for some reason it is relocating me to a tiny town in the middle of nowhere, so we are moving."

Grant: "No! All of my friends!"

Macey: makes a cryptic remark about how Grant does not have any and then complains about how she has to leave her boyfriend.


Grant: Grumbles over why girls take so long to get ready

Everyone gets in the car.

Cammie then turns her ipod on and it plays a popular song that the author really likes.

Readers: ooh I like that song…

They arrive at their new house, fight over bedrooms, and admire the pool in their backyard.

They then meet their new neighbors.

Bex: "Hi, I'm your new neighbor. Want to come over? I'm inviting some friends over and we are going swimming."

Cammie: "Okay, because even though school starts in 1 days and I haven't unpacked and I don't know you I will come over."

Bex: "Great!"

As soon as Bex leaves

Macey: "Oh great, now I have to find you something suitable to wear."

They arrive at Bex's house, and Cammie is in a cute bikini.

Zach is there.

Cammie and Zach start talking, and the author eventually comes up with an excuse for why Zach can still call her Gallagher Girl.

Readers: Aw, that's so cute and original that the author kept that. Yay!

The next day…

Macey: "Cammie get up! You need to get dressed so I can do your make up."

Cammie is now apparently turned into a hottie and admires herself in the mirror before going downstairs.

At school, Cammie is automatically hated by Tina.

Author: *thinks of the most logical way that Tina can hate Cammie, and Zach ends up being Tina's ex boyfriend*

Readers: "Ooh creative!" And a grudge is formed against Tina (even though in the books she is perfectly nice).

Cammie mysteriously is locker buddies with Josh and Zach. Josh flirts with her and Zach gets jealous.

Cammie also apparently has every class with Zach. Meanwhile Grant plays the overprotective brother role and growls and Zach every time he gets close to her.

Josh tries getting Cammie to like her and asks her to the dance, but the author comes up with an excuse of why she can't go with him.

The readers now skip over everything until she gets to school the following day. And of course Zach asks her to the dance.

Astonishingly, when Zach asks Cammie out she says yes and has no excuse.

Bex and Grant go. And Liz and Jonas (who so far have had nothing constructive to add to the story). And Macey and some random guy named Nick (who is Nick by the way? Why does he come up in every story?)

They all gossip together about their dates.

Macey does Cammie's hair and makeup and the author describes her outfit, while posting a link to it on her profile.

After this the author usually writes an author's note saying she has writer's block and the story is discontinued.

I know this was pretty stupid, but please no haters, constructive criticism is always good though! And again no offense meant to any of your stories because I do actually like them! And haha wanna review? Please?