Disclaimer: I do not own DragonBall Z or any of its characters


By: Nova Starlight

9th Period: Say My Name and His In The Same Breath, I Dare You To Say They Taste The Same.

As Trunks flew towards the Son house he was not sure what he planned to say to Goten when he arrived. He knew that he would not be able to keep quiet about Ryoki and what he had seen that day. However, as far as everything else he was feeling, he did not know what he should say. When he landed and knocked on the door it was Chi Chi that answered, "Why Trunks, what are you doing here?"

He did not miss a beat as he answered, "I need to ask Goten something about an assignment we are supposed to be working on together."

Chi Chi looked a little surprised. "He has not mentioned any special assignment. In fact, he just called me from Ryoki's cell to tell me that he would be home soon."

At the mention of Ryoki's name, Trunks wanted to scream. He kept himself in control spare a small twitch of his face. After everything he had seen, he did not like to think that the two of them were together at that moment. What were they doing right now, while he waited for Goten? Images of the pair kissing in the locker room resurfaced in his brain, and he quickly pushed them away. "Oh…well I can just wait here for him if that's ok with you," he assured in his most polite voice.

Chi Chi stepped aside to let him in as she welcomed him, "Why of course you can wait for him. Come on in and make yourself comfortable."

When Trunks entered the Son home, he realized just how long it had been since he had come her for a visit. It was also the first time he was here without Goten right by his side. Chi Chi seemed to sense his hesitancy as he remained standing in the entryway. "Why don't you just wait for him in his room?" she suggested.

"Thanks," he remarked gratefully. "I think I will." Then he made his way up the staircase headed for Goten's bedroom. When he entered the room, his eyes searched every corner. Goten's room was sparsely decorated with the only furniture being a bed, dresser, and nightstand. With the bed as his only option for a place to sit, he elected to stand. Images of Goten and Ryoki kissing, touching, on that bed flooded his brain. He shook his head vigorously in an attempt to banish the images.

He busied himself looking through Goten's books and magazines, and staring at the digital alarm clock glowing from the bedside table. The time moved at a snail's pace and with every passing minute, his frustration was growing. Where would they be? As he was reaching his limit he began to consider going out and looking for them. Suddenly, a flash of light caught his eyes and he rushed to the window to see an approaching car. He focused in on the passengers to see that it was Goten and Ryoki. He took a deep breath and made himself stay standing at the window, waiting for Goten to come inside.

His eyes were fixated on the pair as Ryoki parked the car and they were talking. He would have given anything to be able to hear what they were saying to each other. Then as he watched Goten reached out and hugged Ryoki. Trunks's temper flared quickly and he could feel his body temperature rising. He could just imagine what his reaction would have been if they had kissed. Standing there at the second story window watching, he saw that Ryoki had noticed him out of the corner of his eye. Then Goten pulled away from their hug and looked up to meet his gaze.

Trunks felt his heart started pounding in his chest as Goten's eyes met his through the window. It was all too much, all too new for him. He turned away and began to take deep breaths. He had never felt like that before when he had looked at someone anyone. He had never once experienced such a rush of emotion just from looking at someone. How could he have been so blind all this time? How had he overlooked someone who could make him feel like this, right under his nose? All he could do now, was hope that he could convince Goten that this was as destined as it seemed to him. If not…he did not want to think about what would happen if he were rejected.

When he heard the sound of the car starting up again and pulling away, he looked down to watch as Ryoki drove off into the night. He stared at the lights as they faded into the night until he heard Goten enter the room behind him.

"You told my mom we were working on an assignment together?" he asked casually.

Trunks did not trust the expression on his face to remain disinterested so he remained facing towards the window as he spoke. "We needed to talk. I figured it was the easiest excuse for seeing you this late."

"So what did you want to talk about?" Goten asked him.

Goten's ambivalence was really starting to get him. "You really don't know?" he questioned. He could not help the way his tone began to change. His voice began to raise just a fraction with each word. "Is there anything you want to tell me…Maybe about why you have been avoiding me?"

He finally looked at him and observed that Goten really was a terrible liar. His face betrayed him as he said, "Avoiding you? What are you talking about?"

"Don't play dumb, you have been avoiding me for weeks now," he shot back. "What, all of a sudden you have an interest in joining the soccer team?"

"Why not?" Goten continued attempting to be convincing. "Just thought I would broaden my horizons before college."

Trunks scoffed, "Broaden your horizons huh? Does that include what's going on between you and Ryoki?"

Goten's last remaining composure dissolved instantly. His face was pale and Trunks almost felt sorry for him, but not sorry enough to let him weasel out of this.

"What does Ryoki have to do with this?" Goten finally managed to ask.

"That's what I would like to know," he mused out loud. "Especially since I went into the locker room today looking for you and saw you kissing him."

Goten was no longer denying anything, he fell completely silent. What could he say? Really? Trunks knew that he had backed him into a corner, but he still wanted to hear him say something. "Why didn't you tell me?" he asked Goten. "I mean I guess I should have wondered when you never got a girlfriend but it still seems unreal." The silence continued, and Trunks was getting desperate. "Look, Goten just tell me what is going on…tell me the truth. No more lies! No more bullshit! Just tell me what the Hell is going on with you!"

Goten was surprised at Trunk's vehement response. "If you saw me kissing him, then it looks like you know the most important part already."

"You mean you have been avoiding me because you're gay?" he demanded. "What the Hell kind of reason is that? How long have we been friends?"

Hearing Trunks say that being gay was not enough of a reason, had Goten's eyes brimming with tears. Trunks wanted to be his friend, he was only mad at him for avoiding him. He had done so much to put distance between them, but it did not seem that it had been necessary. Of course, Trunks did not know everything yet. He probably would never guess the extent of Goten's feelings for him, and if he did, would it be all over?

While Goten stood facing his best friend, his great unrequited love, he did not know how to proceed. He could only listen as Trunks continued to speak; asking questions that he would most likely never get any answers.

"Why didn't you tell me about this?" Then he paused and took a deep breath, turning his face back to the window. His voice became quieter, so much so that Goten barely heard what he said next. "What is so great about him?"

He could not believe his ears, but he did not dare ask him to repeat it. "It's not just about Ryoki," he countered.

"I know that," Trunks stated, running his fingers through his hair in frustration. "I just mean, why pick him? Even if you are gay, why did you pick him? Instead of…"

Goten suddenly remembered what Ryoki had told him earlier that evening; how he had felt that Trunks might have feelings for him too. Could it be true? Trunks's statement had trailed off, but he needed to know what he had been about to say. "Instead of who?" he questioned. "Who did you want me to pick?" He tried to search out the answers he needed in Trunks's face, but he was unreadable as ever.

The silence was heavy and the tension thick. "You are not the only one who wants answers," Goten rejoined. "You have to give me some answers too. So, tell me now, who you wanted me to pick?"

"How about me?" Trunks whispered, not raising his gaze from the floor.

Before Goten could speak, or even think of a response to that statement, Trunks had crossed the room and pulled him into an embrace. He was locked in Trunks' arms staring up into his eyes and knowing that he must have looked shell shocked. As he opened his mouth to speak, it was covered by Trunks, and he was being kissed. This was not like any kiss he had ever had before; not that he had a wild and varied repertoire to look back on. He was going weak in the knees, his hands reaching out for something to hold on to, they gripped Trunks's shoulders.

Trunks was losing himself in their kiss while trying to stay focused. His hands found Goten's ass and cupped it bringing them closer. He could hear Goten's little whimpers of pleasure muffled by his mouth. He was kissing Goten! He was kissing a boy! He knew he should be more freaked out by what he was doing but he could only think about just how good it felt. As Goten remained in their embrace, clinging to him he pondered to himself, "Maybe it was not too late after all." With that thought he felt rejuvenated; empowered. He deepened their kiss, sliding his tongue through Goten's lips to play with his.

As they kiss he realizes that his body is heating up and Goten is hardness is pressing into his leg. He pulls away, breaking their kiss. "Ryoki could never kiss you like that." The statement had meant exude confidence, but his voice was ragged and breathless from their kiss. To Goten, it had seemed to almost sound as if he were pleading.

Hearing Trunks' comment, he had to wonder if that was what was really motivating all of this. Did Trunks really want him, or did he just not want Ryoki to have him? Trunks had been the center of his world and his only close friend for so long, would he go so far just to stay that way? "It's too late," he commented. "I have made my choice."

Trunks' expression changed to one of anger. His hands moved into Goten's hair and pulled their mouths back together. Once again, Goten found himself clinging helplessly to Trunks. His lips, his body, it was all just a plaything for Trunks to use however he wanted. His resistance was crumbling and just as he was about to give in, Trunks broke their kiss. Even though he had separated their mouths, Trunks continued to hold him tightly. He leaned in and pressed his forehead to his and closed his eyes. "Is that really what you want?" he posed the question sounding breathless and confused. His eyes remained closed as he breathed deeply in his nose before making a sound bordering on pain. "If you really want Ryoki, I will…I will let you go." When there was no immediate response he continued. "You are meant for me, I'm the best for you. You are the one I want Chibi."

After saying what he had wanted to say, Trunks began to step back, releasing his hold. This time it was Goten that was not going to let him get away. He launched himself into Trunks' arms. "You are the one I want," he exclaimed.

Finally, it was Trunks' turn to look stunned. "What do you mean?" he asked.

Goten could not stop himself from laughing, he felt lighter than air. "I love you," he answered. "I have been in love with you for years. I never thought you would ever feel the same way about me."

"What about Ryoki?" Trunks continued.

"He had a crush on me," Goten explained. "We started spending time together because I was lonely."

"So you still love me?" Trunks asked with a smile that was sexier to Goten than it had ever seemed to be before.

"Yes," he answered. In a flash, they were kissing again and Goten wished that sunrise would never come.

The next day at school, Trunks was glued to Goten's side as they entered the building. Goten observed that he seemed to be watching everything and everyone around them very carefully. "What are you doing?" he asked finally.

"Looking for Ryoki," he answered quickly. "I am going to be right here beside you when you dump him."

Goten wanted to laugh as he realized that he had never told Trunks that he and Ryoki were already over. "That won't be necessary…you see…we kind of already broke up the other evening."

"What?" Trunks shouted. "So, what was all that stuff about you had made your choice?"

Goten smiled and said, "I had made my choice, I chose you.:" By this time they had arrived at Goten's locker and he opened it up and began to gather his books for his first class. "Besides, I needed to see if you really wanted me or if you just wanted me away from Ryoki."

Trunks smiled a little devilish smile and leaned in pressing his body against Goten's back. "It may have taken me a long time to realize this," he whispered breathily into Goten's ear. "But, you see I have quite a crush on you, and I am not letting you go."

The End

"Emotions, Drama, Broken Hearts, & Lies

And They Say These Were The Best Days of Our Lives?"


High School Yearbook Quotes

Author's Notes: I'm thankful to everyone who read/reviewed/subscribed/favorited this story. Thanks to all of you for keeping me motivated. I still have three Trunks & Goten fics I would like to write in the future so keep checking back if you are interested in reading more TruTen goodness!






The Fujoshi





North Winds









milk goku


























Midnight Rayne 13