A Loving Distraction

The sky was pitch black when Ronald Weasley got off from Auror Training. He knew he was late and didn't want Hermione to get mad. While walking to their small London flat, he walked past a newly opened flower shop. He walked in looking for the one particular flower that he knew Hermione liked.

"Hello, how may I help you?" said the florist.

"Well, I'm looking for roses. The best of them all if you could," said Ron confidently.

In a little while, the florist returned with a dozen of the most gorgeous red roses he could find. Ron was thinking ahead to how much Hermione would enjoy them. Ron purchased the flowers and walked home to see Hermione.

Hermione looked at the clock wondering where her boyfriend was. It was far from the time that he was expected to be home. She heard the front door opening and was ready to give her boyfriend a yelling equivalent to a Howler when she saw the bouquet of flowers in his hand. She waved over a vase and filled it with water from her wand. She then put the flowers in the vase.

"Ron, these are beautiful." said Hermione.

Ron was glad that Hermione was distracted with the roses rather than yelling at him. "Thanks Mione, I'm glad you like them."

Hermione turned to her boyfriend and hit him in the chest hard. "Merlin Ron! Where have you been? I've been waiting here for two hours worrying that some crazy wizard decided to kill you."

"Bloody hell Hermione, when did you get an arm like that?" Ron clutched his chest and pretended to be seriously hurt by Hermione.

"Ronald Weasley, you're such an idiot sometimes," she said as she leaned forward to kiss him.

"I kno-" Ron had started to say, but was interrupted as he was kissed by his lovely girlfriend.

A/N: Yay guys! This is my first fanfic so don't be too harsh. Please, please, please review! Here's some chocolate frogs for all you reviewers! Eat them well. NOMNOMNOMNOM.