Encouraged To Love
The Early Years
Garen's Grand Idea
"I'm hungry."
"Reeft, you just ate a whole sweetcake." Reminded Obi-Wan.
Garen, Obi-Wan, Reeft and Mari were sitting in a circle in Reeft's room with a pile of sweet wrappers in the center. It was completely dark except for the couple of glowsticks scattered around them.
"Are there any cookies left?" asked the dressellian boy looking downcast, the soft yellow light casting strange shadows over his wrinkled face. Garen pretended to look shocked and backed away a few inches from Reeft.
"Reeft, cookies are of the darkside!"
"They are not!" retorted Obi-Wan rather loudly.
It was a well know fact that Obi-Wan loved cookies, especially the oatmeal kind.
"Quiet." hissed Mari. "Do you want Master Windu to find out that we're breaking curfew?"
That quieted down everyone straight away. The korun master had been even grumpier than usual when he found out he had hall duty for the next month.
"I don't mean to be rude but I really am hungry." whispered Reeft.
"Well I have an idea..." grinned Garen mischievously.
"No." said Mari and Obi-Wan simultaneously.
"I can't believe you talked me into this." grumbled Mari as Garen opened the refectory door. Garen ignored her as they crept inside. Their glowsticks shone a pale yellow around them, just enough for them to see where they were going.
"Alright, here's the plan," whispered Garen. "Reeft and I will sneak into the storerooms while you two keep watch."
"What if Master Windu comes?" asked Mari nervously.
"Lock the door." suggested Reeft.
"And hope he doesn't notice." shrugged Garen.
"That's not very reassuring." muttered Obi-Wan as Garen and Reeft snuck off. They waited for a moment in the shadows before hearing two pairs of footsteps.
"That's not Garen and Reeft is it?" asked Mari with a sinking feeling as Obi-Wan snapped off his glowlight. Hearing the footsteps stop outside the door they scrambled away and hid in a storage cupboard.
"Depa, check the storerooms." says a voice, tired and irritated.
"I have a bad feeling about this." Obi-Wan said softly.
The steps were coming closer to their hiding place, boots clicking slightly on the hard floor. Click. Click. Click. Pause. The cupboard door opened to reveal a very annoyed Master Windu.
Author's Note:
Sorry for taking so long to update! My muse ran away and school is busy and I have a cold, really! Part two of the kitchen story is coming. Ideas in the works: Creche sitting Xanatos, Flu/cold season, tournaments, secret tunnels... By the way I am also sorta kinda working on biographies for my OC stuff which I am thinking of posting separately from this. Does anyone want me to? It would contain major, major spoilers and might not be completely accurate as I am constantly changing ideas. Let me know if you want me to. Thanks so much to everyone reading this and to those who review even when I'm behind.
For your amusement (depending on your point of view):
Elfgirl9: J-E-D-I!
Vader: Jedi are weak Elfgirl9
Elfgirl9: What did you say Vady? *raises 600 page Science textbook threateningly*
Vader: Never mind. Have you seen my cookies?
Elfgirl9: *Hides cookies behind back* No...
Vader: *Pretends to force choke her*
Elfgirl9: *Drops cookies and runs away*
Vader: You don't know the power of reviewing!
The Jedi song is on YouTube somewhere if you wanted to listen to it. And of course I don't own it or anything in the Star Wars Universe. Mari is my own creation, please don't use without permission!