A/N: I wrote this as an assignment for Halloween in class last year. I just remembered it and decided to submit it. The category is incorrect (not Crossovers at all) but it did not fit anywhere else. I hope you have as much fun reading this as I did writing it. Enjoy!

She ran down the hall as fast as she could, slamming into the glass window as
she tried to turn. Her heartbeat drowned out the sounds of her pursuer, which
only scared her more. She still couldn't imagine what she could have done to
warrant this, she was a good person and never tried to hurt anyone, why would
this happen to her?

She got out of her car and looked at her map again; she couldn't believe her car
had broken down, now she needed to walk to the nearest town, three miles
away. She headed down the dirt road and eventually started to see signs of life.
Nope, definitely not Kennebunkport, she thought as she looked around the small
town- all you needed to do to see all of it was turn around in a circle.

"Can I help you miss?" a man asked, interrupting her thoughts, "You look lost."

"Oh, yes I am," she replied, relieved someone relatively normal was there to help
her, "I grew up in Maine but moved away when I was twelve; I'm ashamed to
admit that I cannot find my way to Kennebunkport. I need to get there soon,
someone is waiting for me; but unfortunately my car broke down. Is there anyway
you can help me?"

"Well actually I was just heading there, your welcome to ride with me if you'd
like;" he offered, she quickly agreed, "I'll call a car repair service on our way."

"They call me Aaron Hayes, what's your name?" the man asked with a smile, after
a little while in the car.

"I'm Leigh, Leigh Porter. It was very nice of you to give me a ride." Leigh said.

"So, what family thing do you have that has brought you up here?"

"My sister sent me a letter asking me to care for our house while she went on
vacation. Our parents were to selfish to sell it when we moved away, even though
its been fifteen years since they've been there." Leigh explained, "Luckily my sister
wanted to move in."

"Oh really? Well that's nice."

"Mmhmm, I miss my sister and it will be nice to see her again." Leigh smiled to
herself as she looked at the car window and started to see the buildings she
knew so well from her childhood; she was home.
"Now where is your house?"

"So this is where you live, huh?" Aaron asked after pulling up to a mansion
secluded at the end of a cul-de-sac.

"Yeah; small and subtle really isn't my parents' style. Would you like to come in?"
Leigh asked, "It doesn't look like my sister is here, but that's all right."

"Oh that's nice of you, but I really can't stay," Aaron said, "I apologize but I came
here because I need to take care of some work, and I come here so rarely that I
can't waste the time." Leigh's face fell.

"Oh alright then, well maybe we'll see each other again?" Leigh asked, because
despite the short time she has known him she felt an instant connection.

"Definitely." He replied, smiling at her.

Leigh got out of the truck and watched the stranger drive away. She turned and
looked at her childhood house; she had forgotten how much she missed it.

Up until that moment it had been a nice and warm spring day, but the wind
suddenly picked up and the temperature dropped drastically. The wind whistled
through the trees and she heard a screeching sound from behind her, she
whipped her head around to see if someone was there, but there wasn't. Leigh
decided she didn't want to stay outside anymore; she couldn't shake the feeling of
someone behind her.

"Hello? Is there anyone here?" Leigh called out once she entered the foyer, "It's
Leigh, I'm here for my sister." She looked around her until the front door slammed
shut; there was no wind and no one there. She didn't like where this was going,
she felt something wasn't right.

She started walking down the hallway to the kitchen; she stopped short and could
hear foot steps behind her.

"Whose there?" She asked, panic starting to rise in her throat, she looked around
her again only to see no one there. She started walking again, but this time she
could here not only the footsteps but breathing, followed by a clear young, female

"I don't appreciate trespassers" she said, malice laced every word, "But then
again, you probably don't think you are." Leigh looked around, trying to find who
the source of the voice was; there was nothing. She couldn't grasp what was
going on; a voice without a body, how was it possible? She tried to calm down,
but as soon as she continued walking the window next to her shattered,
scattering glass everywhere and cutting her.

She screamed and started running down the hallway, hearing the girl's laughter
the entire time as the lights burst and went out. She didn't know what was
happening or how it was possible; she just knew that it was.

"You know it was all your fault, but you try and justify it- they deserved it. They
were in the wrong, you were right." The girl said, punctuating each word with
shattering a window. Leigh could hear someone following her; hear the repeated
soft footsteps on the hardwood floors. She couldn't escape the girl, no matter
where she went.

She turned around to be face-to-face with a mirror. At first it reflected her image,
but then it reflected a young girl covered in blood, her true self. She screamed and
kept yelling at the girl, saying it wasn't her.

She ran down the hall as fast as she could, slamming into the glass window as
she tried to turn. Her heartbeat drowned out the sounds of her pursuer, which
only scared her more. She still couldn't imagine what she could have done to
warrant this, she was a good person and never tried to hurt anyone, why would
this happen to her?

As she ran she came to a dead end, but knew that there used to be a door there;
she couldn't believe she spent so much time running, to just come up short on
finding an exit.

She turned around from searching the wall to see she had somehow been blocked
in. I can't believe this is happening, Leigh frantically thought as she tried to figure
out how to get out of the small box that somehow formed out of nowhere.

She fell to the ground; she couldn't take it anymore, she couldn't handle the
pressure and psychological torture she was faced with. She closed her eyes and
awaited her inevitable death.

"Leigh? Leigh, are you okay? What the hell were you thinking?" Leigh opened her
eyes and bolted straight up, expecting to be still enclosed with in the walls, or at
least in the house; but she looked around to see she was in a hospital.

"Oh Leigh I am so glad your awake!" A woman who appeared to be in her forties
hugged Leigh; her eyes were full of worry and concern.

"Mom? I'm so happy to see you!" Leigh exclaimed, suddenly not caring why she
was in the hospital to begin with; she continued to look around the room, "Dad,
Anna! You guys are all here! I can't believe it; we haven't all been together in years."

The three people looked at each other with concern before looking back at Leigh.
The man was the first to speak.

"Leigh, we aren't your parents; they died when you were twelve, remember?" He
tried to explain it to her as easy as possible; she couldn't believe what she was
hearing, there was no way it was possible. Her parents couldn't be dead. She
looked at the girl.

"Is it really true Anna?" she asked.

"Leigh, Anna died too- you were the only one who survived." No, it's impossible,
she thought, her sister couldn't also be dead.

"How- how did I end up here?" Leigh asked, still trying to comprehend everything.

"You were on your way to your childhood home in Maine, the one your parents
were trying to sell the night they and your sister were murdered; but for some
reason you pulled over to the side of a highway, an oncoming car didn't see and
hit you, which knocked you unconscious," the girl Leigh had called Anna
explained. "What were you doing going there anyway?"

"Anna sent me a letter saying she was going on vacation! I swear I'm not crazy, I
really mean it this time!" Leigh said before she started ranting. The man looked at
her with concern before he called for the doctor; as soon as he walked into the
room her eyes went huge and she started to yell.

"It's you! Aaron, you helped me get to the house, you know I'm telling the truth!"
Aaron Hayes stared at his young patient, trying to understand what she was

"I'm sorry Miss Porter, but up until two days ago when you were brought in I had
never seen you before.

"No, that's impossible!" she screamed, "you gave me a ride, you asked what I was
doing here and I told you! I said my sister sent me a letter! You have to remember
this, you know it is true." She continued to scream until a nurse came in and
sedated her.

"I apologize for her outburst doctor, we didn't know she had escaped the
institution," the older woman explained, looking at Leigh with pity. "We are still
trying to figure out how she got a hold of a car, none of our patients can get
access to a car."

"Well as long as you keep an eye on her, she should be fine. We are all very
fortunate she didn't hurt someone or herself."

"Yes. She just hasn't been the same since the accident. Don't worry though, we
won't let this happen again," the man stated, before leaving the room with his
wife and daughter.

After Leigh had left with her caretakers, Aaron started cleaning up the room she
had been in. As he moved the pillow a piece of paper fell out, he saw it was a
letter addressed to Leigh, and signed Anna, but the writing looked like Leigh's:

I know you didn't mean to. Why don't you come home so we can be
together? We haven't seen each other in a long time, and I need a vacation from
this house. Leigh, I forgive you. Come back home.
