Authors Note: Ahem. Welcome to my very first ever twilight story. I'm not new to fanfiction, but I am still fairly new to the twilight world. Please bear with me through it all, and I'm very open to your suggestions and comments :) Thanks lovelies. Continue on.

Chapter One: This Is Why We Can't Have Nice Things

The smoke from the cigarette mingled with the air above. Photos scattered across the ground, fluttering gently from the ceiling fans power. Outside people were scurrying up and down the streets, cars stuck in traffic just like any other New York morning. Phoenix leaned against the wall tiredly, the cigarette lying limp between her fingers. Her eyes were blank as she watched the people below, a small scowl twisted on her smeared red lips. The makeup she had done the previous night was now smeared across her face, making her look more tired and older than she really was.

It had only been last night when she found out it would be one of her last nights in New York, the city that never sleeps. Her older brother had been accepted into a university in Seattle but he didn't want to leave his younger sister in the big city by herself. Even if she had just turned eighteen in the past week.

Phoenix dragged her eyes away from the window, moving them along the walls to stop at the only framed picture hanging on them. There were two photos in the frame, one from when she was five and the other from her seventeenth birthday. Both were similar, both times she sat perched on her brothers Sebastian and Mason's shoulder, grinning like she had just won the lottery. The only difference was, Ryder stood brooding in the corner in only the picture from when she was five.

Her hand reached forward so her fingers could skim across the glass surface of the frame. It had been almost twelve years since she had seen her older brother, only receiving a phone call from him once and a blue moon. It wasn't that they didn't get along, Ryder craved for freedom and in order to get that he left at the young age at fifteen. It wasn't long after when her parents got divorced, leaving the family in shambles.

"Miss him?" A calming deep voice rang throughout the room, Phoenix nearly jumping out of her skin.

Glancing out of the corner of her eye, she gave Sebastian a once-over. "Sometimes. I'm just wondering how he'll be able to find us... If he wants too that is..." Her words sounded naive, as if she had transformed back into that five year old girl. "He may come home one day, you never know."

Sebastian crossed the room, his arms coming to rest comfortably around his little sisters shoulders. "Want to order pizza and drink a six pack?"

"You aren't supposed to be supporting under-aged drinking." Phoenix turned slowly, wrapping her arms back around her brother in an awkward hug. "But I'll take your offer and raise you a six pack each."

With tainted eyes, I stared out the window in complete boredom. Next in the drivers seat was Mason, his fingers tapping against the wheel as he mouthed the words along with some song on the radio. Somehow, Seb had managed to take his own car a day early to meet us up there. That way he could 'get a head start' as he put it, when all of us knew that he would most likely arrive three or four days later.

From the second I left the big city, I felt my heart yearn to go back. Living in New York was a piece of my heart, giving more definition that I thought possible. Without the city, I felt like I was just an average girl that didn't have much about her. Seattle wouldn't be too different since it also was a big city, right? At least if I keep telling myself it won't seem so bad.

When the sign for Seattle came and passed is when I started to get worried. "What exit are we getting off on?" I asked Mason in a testing tone, my patience wearing thin after the long car ride. Mason didn't respond, just turned off the radio and gripped the steering wheel tighter. "Mason? Didn't you hear me?" The tone had quickly turned bitter, the words slicing through the air frantically.

"There's just one thing I forgot to add to the deal." Mason responded, his face screwing up in thought. That was one thing Mason and I had in common, we were both like open books with the expressions on our faces. "You see, when I said I got accepted into Seattle I meant I would be living in Seattle..." A puff of air escaped my lips as I waited from him to finish. "But you and Seb are going to be living in La Push, it's a small town not too far away."

As I felt anger course through my veins, I decided to get even without using my voice. Instead, I grabbed the pack of cigarettes from my purse and did the worse thing that I could do to Mason. I started smoking in his precious baby. I watched him wince from the drivers seat as I continued to blow smoke in all directions, leaving no inch uncovered in the grey haze. When the first one was finished I moved on to the second, and third. By the time I had reached the fourth, the car swerved off the highway and onto a dirt road.

"Are you finished yet?" Mason asked, his voice a deeper tone then usual. I watched casually as he gripped and released the wheel, still trying hard to keep his temper in check.

I didn't respond with words but rather flicked the cigarette out the window and turned back to the crushed pack. Disappointment flowed through my veins when I saw that I had smoked the last one, now leaving my cravings and anger unsatisfied.

"For now, but to get me to cooperate completely it requires a pack of Monsters and a carton of cigarettes."

A look of contempt etched his face before surrender took over. "Only if you promise me you'll try to quit once we get settled."

"Don't hold your breath. Actually, do. I'm just glad I won't be seeing your face everyday." Boot clad feet kicked up against the dashboard, as words fell harshly. With nothing left to say, I grabbed my now charged iPod from the cup holder, thrusting the buds into my ears without worry.

I just acted like the upset look on his face didn't bother me.

Stopping at a convenience store was the best thing that had happened since we left New York. Not only did I get to stretch my legs for the first time in hours, but I was able to pick up the much wanted cigarettes and some Monster. Knowing that Mason would pay for it regardless, I walked around the convenience store like I owned it, picking up every piece of junk food that looked slightly appetizing. Did candy comas have the same effect as a hunger strike? Probably not, but at least I could muster up some form of happiness in the form of sugar and toxins.

I stopped to look into the shiny slushie machine, checking out my appearance like the narcissist I am. What? I think I'm pretty... gorgeous. Maybe not the mainstream form of beautiful, but definitely in my own way. I liked the way my naturally dark hair shined in any light, making it always look just as luscious as it felt. Or the way my brown eyes looked almost like melted caramel. Or just how I could pull of wearing just mascara and red lipstick on days I didn't feel like trying. Just like today.

Giving a quick fix to my hair, I turned away happily and charged towards the cold drinks. Mason was already waiting at the front, talking quietly with the older man that was in charge. Deciding to play a little nicer, I grabbed with my empty hand a pack of Monsters and then trudged to the front. With an exasperated sigh, all the items left my arms, falling onto the counter with several thuds.

Giving Mason I cheesy smile, I slipped my Ray bans from the top of my head to over my eyes. Not waiting to see his response, I left the store stepping outside to welcome the misty warm air. It had steadily gotten cooler from Seattle, dropping at least five or six degrees as we approached. Was it always like this? I don't know what I would do if it was always like this.

Especially since my wardrobe consists mostly of t-shirts, tank tops, and shorts. I only own about two pairs of jeans and maybe three sweaters. I never felt the need other than winter but even then I just wore a big warm coat to block the harsh winds and snow. Although the short shorts and off the shoulder Ramones shirt seemed to work today, making the cool breeze more refreshing then anything. I especially liked the shirt too, not just because it was the Ramones, but also because it showed a little peep of the swallows on my collar bone.


Oh hell no.

But yes, I do have quite a few tattoos and piercings (of the lesser variety). On my collar bone were two swallows in beautiful blue, behind my right ear were two butterflies and a star along with little sparkle like marks around them, the last of my tattoos being on my hips. On either side were a gun, pointing downwards and slanted; one read ebony while the other said ivory; and in the middle of the two just below my belly button was 'Only the strong survive' in western writing.

As for piercings, I kept to a more minimal just having my belly button done twice, and all up both ears in rings. Other than that, I wasn't a giant fan in having metal through my body. I feel like tattoos are more of artistic and hold more meaning. What are the meaning of mine? Well, that's something we can cover later.

"Come on miss Narcissist, stop thinking about how pretty you are so we can move home." Mason came out of the convenience store, bags in hand.

I pouted, pulling up my sunglasses to give Mason a glare. However, that all changed in ten seconds flat. "Well, at least you think I'm pretty too."