Part: 1/5

Rating: M

Disclaimers: I own no part of the Stargate world, I make no money from this and I wish that I could make money from having such fun.

Spoilers: Post S5, Atlantis on Earth

Note: This fic was initially inspired by the S5 episode First Contacts. In that episode, Rodney is working with Daniel away from the rest of the team and that got me thinking… Vacation fun with John and Teyla, with very little in the way of clever plot, that somehow turned into a 30,000 word fic! Since it's all complete (after far too many rewrites!) I'll be posting the first chapter tonight and the others over the next 2 days to get them all up quick.


The hotel door clicked shut behind her and she attached the key card to her skirt's belt as she headed down the corridor. Her sandals echoed on the smooth hallway floor as she headed down its length, nodding in greeting as she passed those she knew or had met for the first time last night.

She passed under several archways until she reached the first of several lobbies, the high ceiling and tiled walls creating an oasis of cool from the heat of the day, which now it was early evening had greatly reduced, but not entirely. She had spent the morning out by one of the large sparkling bright pools of the holiday resort, lying under the sun along with others from the city. She and Jennifer had then enjoyed a light lunch under wide umbrellas, talking of everything but the city and their work.

This 'long weekend' break, organised by Home World Defence, had been greatly timed for her, for the rest and relaxation was recharging her deeply. As much as she loved her duties in the city and caring for her son, it was wonderful of have a short break like this, with no duties to attend to other than to eat and sleep.

Half of the resort complex had been taken over by Home World Defence and was filled with personnel from their own offices, from the SGC and from Atlantis. As Jennifer had commented – there were some definitely some 'perks' to the city remaining on Earth for a while longer. This had been the longest and furthest afield that Teyla had been on Earth outside of Atlantis, and she had to say that so far it had far exceeded her expectations.

She looked up at the turning ceiling fans above her, circulating the lobby's cooled air that was pumped out from the wall vents throughout the complex. The day had been hot, but she had missed most of the afternoon's heat, for after lunch she had retired to her own quiet hotel room to rest. She had woken only an hour ago, having slept right through for four hours! She had been left feeling a little groggy, but the uninterrupted sleep had been wonderful. She felt rested and happy, though she still missed Torren's presence, but she had spoken with him over a computer connection just prior to leaving her room. He had recognised her over the video image and had made his little noises that were so close to being his first words, his little face bright and happy. Kanaan was taking good care of him, as he always did, and he had been willing enough for her to take time away. Though they had ended their relationship over a month ago, they had remained on good terms, and he seemed not to resent the decision. It had been a little more difficult for her of late though, caring for Torren by herself in the evenings following a long day on duty. Torren was a good boy, but she had needed this break to recollect herself, and she looked forward to returning to her son and the city at the end of the weekend.

To one side of the lobby stood a board on which there were three long lists of names. She waited as others ran their fingers down the lists and turned away. She exchanged smiles with them, and stepped forward to inspect the lists herself.

Dr Murphy, Atlantis' psychologist, and her colleague from the SGC had been organising the evening events, which had begun last night with an inter-departmental 'mingle'. Teyla had thoroughly enjoyed meeting those from the SGC and HWD, and being the only Athosian, or individual from Pegasus, that many of them had met, she had found herself rarely without someone approaching her for conversation. John had rescued her a few times from conversations that had gone on too long and she had sent out a 'call for assistance' expression across the room. He always seemed to notice when she needed some 'assistance' and would arrive a minute or so later with some perfectly polite excuse to 'steal her away' for a moment.

They had also 'rescued' Jennifer at one point, since a rather too interested colleague from the SGC had seemed intent to keep her attention all evening. Since Rodney and Ronon had elected to remain in Atlantis, Rodney to watch over the additional science teams and Ronon to spend time with Amelia no doubt, the remaining three of them had watched out for each other last night. There were many others from the city here though, and Teyla had talked with them as well, taking the opportunity to speak with them outside of work and Atlantis. It had been a very enjoyable evening. However, she had no idea what tonight's planned events involved.

She found her name on the third list, which meant that she was to head to Dinning Room A. She stood back from the lists and headed down the correct hallway to where she believed the right dinning room was located. She was a little early for the start of the meal, but she preferred to seek out where she had to be with plenty of time.

The dinning room's doors stood open, with another copy of the list on a board outside. As she reached the doorway, she paused, looking into the room to see if she was too early. People had already begun to arrive, but, as she glanced around the room, she felt her stomach drop a little. The tables were all small and each set for only two people. There was also a vase of flowers and a glowing candle set at the centre of each table. Teyla turned her suspicious gaze to where she now saw Dr Murphy stood to one side, with a large clipboard in her arm. Teyla concluded that Dr Murphy was playing matchmaker for this evening.

Teyla frowned at the thought as she ran her eyes over the group already gathered. Dr Murphy was introducing Dr Kingman from the city to a shorter red-haired woman, who smiled at him as they shook hands. Dr Murphy gestured off towards the small tables. Teyla respected Dr Murphy, having had several sessions with her during and following her breakup from Kanaan, however Teyla had never taken stock in matchmakers and she did not like the forced nature of the meetings. She also had to wonder whom Dr Murphy thought to pair her up with, suspecting it would be a man from the SGC or HWD, since the theme of this weekend seemed to be to meet others across the forces. Teyla had been looking forward to a relaxed meal, not having to be polite with someone she did not know, the air filled with the possible potential from him as to whether she would like to see him again.

"Murphy isn't pulling her punches, is she?" John asked from her left.

Teyla looked round surprised as he stopped by her side, peering into the room along with her.

She had not seen him since breakfast this morning, since he had been enjoying a day out on the resort's golf course. He was dressed smartly now for dinner though, in a lovely bright white shirt with an open collar.

"Are you on this list as well?" Teyla asked amused.

He pulled a face as he pulled back slightly when Murphy glanced around the room. Teyla laughed lightly at him.

"And you are here?" She asked surprised that he had actually turned up at the dining room.

"She blackmailed me into it," he replied with a resentful tone, but it seemed that he was as equally as relaxed as she felt. His green eyes were sparkling with amusement as well as a shared feeling of discomfort to be included in a matchmaking evening.

"Blackmailed you?" Teyla asked doubtfully.

He glanced back into the room. "Apparently I'm supposed to set 'a good example', as a military leader I should 'appreciate that my people need time to be social and relax'," he replied, in a surprisingly close imitation of Dr Murphy's accent, making Teyla smile.

Several others arrived at the dining room's entrance and moved past with polite smiles of recognition. Teyla remained with John just outside the doorway though, deeply reluctant to enter. One of the men who passed smiled at her widely, and she remembered him from last night. He was an expert from the SGC in charge of studying some sort of alien material that had recently been found in this galaxy, she had not really stored much more than that for he had talked in a very technical language which she had not understood. She watched as he and the other three entered the dinning room and headed over to the growing group with Dr Murphy, though a few couples had already begun to sit down at the romantically set tables.

"I've never been a good example to anyone," John muttered, clearly reconsidering whether to stay.

"That is not true," Teyla told him.

He looked at her with a half smile. "You're supposed to help me make excuses to get out of this," he gestured to the room ahead of them that had far too many small tables for Teyla's liking. More people passed them to enter the room, nodding and smiling as they did.

"If I have to do this, then so do you," Teyla told him plainly, not even trying to control her smile.

Yet more people passed them, talking brightly and animatedly. John pressed closer to her to allow them to pass and together they pulled back further into the hallway as Murphy moved forward to greet the newcomers. Teyla smiled at the silliness of the situation.

Murphy distracted, they both peered back into the room.

"You know there could be a way around this," John said thoughtfully and she glanced at him hopefully. "We could team up against her," he suggested meeting her gaze.

She smiled at that and glanced back in towards their new 'nemesis'. "Pair up for the evening?" She asked looking back to John.

"That way we get to actually enjoy dinner," he replied.

Teyla nodded at that, liking the idea. She would much prefer sitting with John at one of these little tables for dinner, and the prospect of the evening lifted. "I think she has already 'matched people'," Teyla pointed out, noticing that Dr Murphy was consulting her clipboard again as she moved to introduce people.

"Her point," John replied quietly as more people passed them. "Is to pair people up, so we slip straight to a table at the back, what can she do?"

Teyla nodded, glancing to the far right of the dining room. More couples were now sitting down, filling the room further.

"That far table in the corner, she would not notice us for a while," she suggested.

John nodded beside her, the two of them looking back towards Dr Murphy. They paused as the good doctor turned to introduce a new pair.

"Go, go," John uttered, but she was already moving forward with him.

They headed straight into the sea of tables, weaving around others and chairs, until they reached the target table. They dropped down quickly into their seats, both of them smiling. John immediately lifted his menu, opened it and held it high in front of his face. Teyla chuckled at him as she glanced over her shoulder to where Dr Murphy stood at the far end of the dining room.

"She is far too distracted," Teyla decided after a beat and turned back to John.

He lowered the menu somewhat, revealing more of his amused expression as he tilted his head to look over Teyla's shoulder towards Dr Muphy. He frowned. "She's putting Kelso with Dr Legg."

Teyla glanced round as well to where the two very different people were smiling with forced politeness at one another. Kelso was the city's master at arms and Dr Legg was a botanist known for her strong opinions. Teyla knew her quite well from Ladies Poker nights.

"An interesting choice," Teyla considered and then ducked back away as Dr Murphy looked round.

"Wonder who she chose for you," John considered with a teasing look as he looked over her shoulder again. "That doctor guy in charge of rocks is still waiting for someone," he noted.

"He is a geologist," Teyla pointed out, knowing full well that he knew the title.

"Same thing," John replied smiling at her and then glanced down, ducking slightly lower in his chair as presumably Dr Murphy had looked in their direction.

Teyla chuckled again as she focused on her menu. "How was your golf today?" She asked as she pondered whether to have the crispy chicken or the stuffed peppers.

"Great," John replied with feeling. "You really should try it," he added, once again trying to tempt her into the sport.

She decided on the peppers and turned the menu to choose a dessert to go with it as she glanced up at him. "Perhaps another time," she replied, as she always did, and he smiled knowingly in reply.

"Colonel Sheppard. Teyla," Dr Murphy arrived abruptly by their table and they both looked up at her surprised at her sudden appearance.

"Hi, Doc," John greeted her, just able to hide his concern.

"Dr Murphy," Teyla greeted the doctor as well.

"I'm glad you both made it," the woman replied and Teyla sensed the 'but' about to follow.

"Indeed, it is such a lovely chance for John and I to share a meal alone together," she told the doctor quickly. Dr Murphy's expression shifted as she read into the comment what Teyla had intended, and across the table Teyla swore she could feel John's relief and amusement. Murphy's eyes shifted to John and his expression became serious.

"Not that we don't love having the rest of the team, or little Torren around," he improvised.

"But, it will be nice to share a quiet meal," Teyla finished for him.

Dr Murphy's eyes narrowed with suspicion, glancing from Teyla to John and back. Teyla was pretty sure that the doctor could see through their scheme, but at the same time she could not disagree with it, and she finally gave them a smile. Feeling the success on the horizon, Teyla smiled up at her in reply.

"Very well," the doctor replied. "I hope that you both enjoy your meal, and after the food there will be a guided tour through the gardens to the beach and back."

"That sounds lovely," Teyla replied.

"Great," John added with slightly forced interest.

Dr Murphy glanced between them again, before shaking her head slightly and moved away. Teyla watched her leave, heading over to talk to another couple, this time with a far wider smile. Teyla turned back to John with a victorious smile of her own and he grinned as he sat back with exaggerated relief, at which point the waiter arrived to take their meal orders. They ordered their food and John requested a light alcoholic drink for them to share.

"Did you win your golf?" She asked as she settled more comfortably in her seat.

John poured some water into one of her two clean glasses and then his own.

"Only just," he told her as he set down the jug. "Martins is a sore loser. What did you get up to today?" He asked as he rearranged the water jug, vase of flowers, and candle to one side, clearing the space between them across the table.

"I spent the morning by the pool," she told him as she reached out to touch the soft petals of the flowers in the vase. A soft delicate scent lingered over the table, which was not only the enjoyable scent John was wearing this evening, but was also from the flowers and possibly also from the soft coloured candle. She leant forward and inhaled the scent of the flowers.

"Sunbathing?" He asked after a beat.

She looked back to him as she sat back in her seat. "Enjoying the sun, the water, and a book."

"Enjoying yourself then," he concluded with a smile, his forearms leant on the table. He had folded back the sleeves of his shirt to reveal his forearms, as he always did, and she thought his skin looked darker today from his day on the golf course.

"I did," she replied honestly. "And then this afternoon," she continued amused at herself. "I went to take a short nap in my room and woke up four hours later."

He chuckled at that.

"Then I spoke to Torren briefly before coming down here," she added.

"How's he doing?" John asked as the waiter reappeared and set a new jug down on the table between them. Pieces of fruit and a large helping of ice covered the surface of the drink inside the jug. She pushed her other glass forward as John lifted the jug and poured.

"He is very well. I felt guilty at not having brought him with me," she admitted as John filled his glass. The jug was set down on the other side of the table from the vase and candle, leaving the centre between them unobstructed once more.

"You need your time away," John replied, repeating a conversation she had had with him and her other friends several times since the holiday had first been offered. "And you clearly needed the rest."

Their first course was set down in front of them as Teyla sipped at the fruity alcoholic drink. She had ordered a melon selection for her starter, which was beautifully arranged over the plate in long slices and a bright sweet sauce drizzled over the arrangement.

The rest of the meal arrived in good time, throughout which Teyla happily enjoyed John's company. The rest of the full dining room around them was forgotten as they recounted some Rodney stories and laughed together. She asked him more about this region of Earth, which led to several stories from his past that she listened to with rapt attention, asking questions as they occurred to her. The final course was served, both of them having ordered dark chocolate pots containing a pleasurably warming spice. As she scrapped the last of the dessert out from the small ceramic pot, she told him about the sweet offerings her mother used to make for her when she was young.

"It is a great shame that the sweet bean was lost with the scorching of Old Athos," she concluded as she set aside the entirely empty pot, wishing away the sudden sense of sadness to think of her lost world and parents.

She pulled towards her the cup of dark coffee and lifted the small cup from its saucer to her lips, glancing at John as she did. His eyes were on her, and she sensed that he too felt similar feelings. She wished she had not brought up the subject, for she knew that the fate of her world was something that weighed heavily on John, since he had played a large role in what had happened. She sipped the bittersweet drink, set the cup down and smiled at him.

"Tell me, did your mother cook you treats as well?" She asked.

He smiled slightly in reply. "Kind of, but the best was when Dave and I used to melt down caramel chocolate bars and pour the goo over a bowl of ice cream."

She narrowed her eyes with delight, imagining the combination. "That sounds good."

John nodded. "Real bad for your teeth though," he added as he leant a little further forward.

The light level had dropped outside, making the interior of the dining room darker and the brightness of the candles stronger. In that light, John looked more handsome than she had ever seen him before, his eyes dark and the strong lines of his face in sharp contrast between candlelight and shadow. She smiled at her friend - handsome, kind, and such good company. She narrowed her eyes at him with a thought.

"Torren has seemed a little too interested in Earth candy bars of late. I had put that down to Rodney's influence, but now…" She gave him an amused suspicious look.

"Wasn't me," he replied immediately holding up his hands. She kept her eyes on him, sensing there was something else that he was withholding. He glanced away and back. "Though I may have slipped him a few cookies."

"May? Are you not sure?" She teased him.

"Only one or two," he excused himself.

She smiled back. "Times or the number of cookies each time?"

He opened his mouth to respond, but Dr Murphy called for everyone's attention from across the dining room. Teyla leant further forward across the table towards John as the room quietened, keeping her voice very low. "I expect next time, that I should be offered a cookie as well."

John grinned at her as Dr Murphy called for quiet again, and the room finally fell into complete silence, all eyes on the doctor.

"I hope that you have all enjoyed the meal and each others' company. If you are all finished, we will now have a guided tour through the gardens lead by Mr Columbo." There was some light laughter around the room.

A tall dark-haired man stepped forward and waved his hand to everyone. "That's Mr not Lieutenant Columbo," he said with a smile and there was more laughter.

Teyla glanced round at John with a questioning frown. "I'll explain later," he told her.

Accepting that, she looked back to Mr Columbo.

"The tour should take at least three quarters of an hour. If anyone gets lost then simply follow the paths back towards the hotel, all the paths lead back here eventually. It's still quite warm outside, so if you'd all like to follow me."

The room was filled with the sound of scrapping of chairs on the floor and conversation as everyone rose from their seats. Teyla wiped her hands and mouth on the napkin one final time as she too rose, John standing opposite her, as everyone began filing from the room. John seemed to be likeminded in keeping to the back of the group, so as they edged from their table she looked up at him.

"Columbo?" She prompted.

John smiled at that. "It's from an old tv series. Lieutenant Columbo was the main character, a police detective who investigated murders." They moved through the room, John pausing to let her through gaps between tables first, so his words paused as they parted and resumed as he returned to her side. "Each episode he would find the killer and prove he was guilty."

"As I understand it, that is a very common theme of television programmes, and books," she added as they filed out of the dining room at the back of the group, turning through the lobby, heading out into the night air. It was indeed still nicely warm, and there was easily enough moonlight to see everything.

"The difference about Columbo was that the episode started out with the murder, so we know who did it from the start," John added.

The group headed down one long path heading straight away from the hotel, people walking mostly in their pairs. Teyla walked with John right at the back of the line.

"So, the enjoyment is in watching Lieutenant Columbo discover the murderer himself?"

"Sure, and the fact that he's a unique kind of character. Think of someone with say Colonel Carter's understanding of people, but who pretends he's as bumbling as Rodney," John explained from her side.

Teyla laughed at the thought. "And this is enjoyable to watch?"

"It's great. There'll probably be one on the tv over the next few days, we'll watch one. You'll see," he told her.

The path was turning through tall palm trees, vegetation growing on either side of the path, all perfectly cultivated and cropped in the high set flowerbeds. As the path turned into the thick of the beds, the noise from the hotel reduced, the night suddenly far quieter around them. She glanced back down the softly lit path to the bright lights of the hotel only just visible through breaks in the trees and shrubs. A new sense of relaxation seemed to fill her and she found herself walking slightly slower, breathing in the warm soft air as she turned back to the retreating backs of the rest of the group. John kept by her side and she remembered that by dallying that he too was held back. She looked up at him to see him smile down at her, seeming as relaxed as her was.

"You were right, this has been a far more enjoyable evening than I had feared upon seeing Dr Murphy's plans," she told him.

He chuckled in the growing darkness of the gardens. In the far distance, at the head of the group, Mr Columbo's voice could faintly be heard, but she did not care to listen, she preferred to enjoy the night air and John's continuing company.

"Though, I assume that there was not someone that you actually wished to sit with tonight?" She asked realising that perhaps John had actually wanted to find someone new to sit with despite his discomfort at the entrance to the dining room earlier. She did not like the idea of him having felt sorry for her and missing the opportunity for himself. She had not seen or heard of him dating anyone in the city, though she had tried very hard not to care if he had.

"I hate to think who Murphy would pair me up with," he muttered.

"Perhaps with someone like Dr Legg?" Teyla suggested with a smile, bumping her arm against his slightly.

He let out a huffed breath at that. "You mean someone from your Ladies Poker Night?"

She glanced up at his teasing tone. "And what do you know of our poker nights?"

"Only, that you all have something of a reputation in the city," he replied, equally as playful.

The path was darker now, lit only by tiny up lights set at increments along the sides of the path.

"Which is?" She asked, as he would expect.

"That you're a group of very free-minded, opinionated ladies," he replied with a grin down at her.

She smiled at his assessment. Ahead people were pausing, presumably to enjoy whatever it was that Mr Columbo was telling them about the gardens around them. Along the path around her, there were indeed lush beautiful plants with occasional bright large flowers in the flowerbeds.

"You do not like free-minded, opinionated ladies?" She asked, amused that they were actually discussing this subject, for John was very private about most things and his love life in particular. She could understand that, being that way inclined herself, but that they were discussing it in such relaxed manner warmed her, and she felt pleased with herself for being able to discuss it with him. Though she had always wondered what it would be like to have been closer to John, he saw her as a friend and his open nature this evening felt like a gift among a weekend of relaxation and peace.

"They're the best kind of ladies," he replied quickly and she grinned up at him. She did not doubt that men would likely prefer women far easier to tame or engage with than those who could beat them in a sparring match of any kind, such as with words, training, or across a poker table.

"You win much on your poker nights?" He asked.

"I do well enough," she replied carefully.

"Which means you clean up," he concluded.

"No," she corrected him, but smiled as she did, walking close to his side between the new press of trees on both sides of the path. His arm brushed constantly against hers as they walked; a teasing light brush one moment and then more pressure the next, as they moved around the tight twists and turns of the path. "The group is challenging, which I enjoy."

Mr Columbo's voice sounded even further away now, though ahead through some turns, Teyla could still see some of the group ahead. As conversation paused she realised she could hear the first sounds of the ocean in the air.

"I can hear the ocean," she uttered. "I miss the sound when I am away from Atlantis," she reflected quietly.

"I know what you mean," John replied. The tight turns of the paths evened out and ahead there was another long straight path, down which she could finally smell the saltwater in the air. "Nothing beats a beach though," John added.

"I rarely saw the ocean as a child, for we kept our camps well inland."

"I loved visiting the ocean as a kid," John added. "Surfing was always a way to escape away from my Dad."

She glanced up at him. "It seems that the ocean provokes a sense of escape for most people."

"I guess," he replied his attention focused forward as they walked. "You can see that distant horizon," he drew a line through the air with his hand before him. "You know that you could just head out straight for it and you'd end up somewhere else, somewhere far away."

"Is that what you wanted as a child?" She asked carefully, not knowing whether he would wish to share any more than he already had.

He smiled though in reply and looked up to the night air above them. "No, I wanted to fly." He gestured ahead of him again, but now in a straight line up towards the horizon in the sky. He looked down at her. "What did you want as a kid?"

She inhaled as she considered that, the strong varied combination of flower scents and seawater was somewhere between pleasant and too intensely mixed to be comfortable.

"When I was very young I wished to travel through the Stargates as much as possible, but older, I wanted to protect my people in any way that I could."

"You've done that," John replied quietly.

She frowned at that. "Not as well as I had hoped," she admitted honestly.

"I think you've done pretty well, considering everything that's been thrown at your people," he replied.

Ahead two shadows broke away from the group and she watched them head away down a side path that led away from the rest of the group.

"It appears that Mr Columbo's tour is not to everyone's liking," she said with a smile.

"Murphy may have gotten at least one match right," John added with a low amused voice as they passed the side path, both glancing down it, but only empty moonlight could be seen.

Teyla smiled to herself, considering now that these gardens, full of turns and secrets paths and seats set between the trees would be a preferred place for couples to sit alone together. She wondered if this had also been part of Dr Murphy's plan, if so then the woman was rather more devious that Teyla had thought.

She wondered who the doctor would have paired her with, running through those she had noted on the list, but she could not place all the names on the list or faces she had seen in the dining room. Perhaps, she had missed an opportunity by the doctor's assessment, but she personally saw the evening as far from a loss. She looked up at John beside her.

"Thank you for your company this evening," she told him. "I have truly enjoyed spending time alone with you," she quoted their excuse story that they had used with Dr Murphy. He looked down at her with an equally amused expression.

"What with Ronon and Rodney out the way," he added amused.

"Do you think she will say something to you tomorrow?"

The path rose slightly ahead of them and she noticed that the rest of the group had disappeared from view ahead.

"Doubt it," John replied. "I'll be on the golf course anyway, so just let me know what you tell her." She glared up at his smile.

The vegetation abruptly stopped around them and the path ended at the rise leaving them stood on the edge of another path that ran along the top of a reinforced bank that overlooked the wide sandy beach below. She sighed with pleasure, the sounds of the ocean now loud without the barrier of the bank, and the air was cooler and fresher. She had seen the beach yesterday morning when they had first arrived at the resort, but had not returned since. Now, she took in the beauty of it, stretching out in both directions as far as she could see.

To the left, down the beach, the rest of the tour group were wandering along in one long line through the moonlight, Mr Columbo's voice completely covered by the ocean's surf.

"Looks like Murphy may have got another one right," John said as he nudged her arm with his. She looked past him to where he looked, to see a couple walking close, heading away from the main group across the sand. As they watched, the couple slipped from view into one of the observational huts inside of which there were seats, beach blankets and water available, if she remembered the introduction talk correctly.

"We may have to give her more credit after all," Teyla considered.

"Down to the beach?" John asked, gesturing to the feet worn path down the bank to the beach below.

"Definitely," she agreed and they moved down the path, the dried hardened soil becoming sand as they neared the bottom. It was a steep bank and John moved a little ahead of her, down the narrower space with the offer for her to fall on him. She smiled at the offer, and when the path was particularly steep, she reached out and steadied herself on his shoulder in front of her. At a faster pace they made it down the bottom of the short, but steep bank.

They paused on the sand, and she kept her grip on his arm as she stood on one foot and then the other to remove her sandals so that she could walk barefoot in the sand. He supported her weight, waiting for her. She tied the ankle cords of her sandals together and secured them to hang from her belt so she would not have to carry them.

"We got another pair," John said to her as she secured her sandals and she looked down the beach to see two more shadows heading away from the rest of the group now further down the beach. This last couple headed back up the bank to the gardens above.

"I wonder who they were," she wondered as she stepped up to John's side properly. He had removed his shoes as well she noticed, now carrying them in his hand, whilst his other hand was in his pocket, her hand around that arm again as she brushed some grass from the path from one of her feet. They set off down the beach and she decided to keep her hand around his elbow, keeping close to his side enjoying his support in case the sand grew deep.

"I wish Rodney or Ronon would have joined us on this trip," she remarked looking off to the ocean breaking a few metres away.

"Trust me, Ronon's happy back there," John pointed out with a suggestive tone.

She bumped against his side. "You know what I mean. They could both do with some relaxation."

"I think Ronon's probably pretty relaxed," he added with the same tone again.

She chuckled this time. "I am pleased for him and Amelia," she said.

"They seem really into each other," he replied.

She glanced down at their bare feet walking deep prints through the cool sand. "I am surprised that Rodney did not wish to join Jennifer here."

"I tried to talk him into coming with us," John told her. "But, he was all paranoid that the city scans were going to do something to the city without him there."

"Jennifer was disappointed, but then I suppose even she can not compete with Rodney's first love," she pondered.

"Himself?" John asked.

"No," she replied with a smile.

"Always being right?" John guessed again, his smile warming his voice.

She looked up at him beside her, the sea breeze ruffling through his hair and the moonlight reflected in his eyes. "You may be right there," she considered and he nodded sagely. "But I was referring to his love of Atlantis and his wish to protect the city."

John nodded looking forward, his handsome face in profile now as she watched him. "I can understand that," he considered.

She nodded, for it seemed that all of them had spent the last years doing just that – protecting Atlantis and those within her walls. "I would imagine that it was most difficult for the Ancients to leave the city so long ago. To be forced from their home, which they had built themselves and loved."

John nodded, but his gaze shifted to the wooden shelter they were passing. He leant closer as they passed by. "I think that's Kelso and Legg," he said quietly with surprise.

Teyla leant into him as she glanced back, using his body to hide her as she looked back into the darkness of the open sided shelter to see two forms settled together on a swinging seat inside. One profile was faintly familiar from a distance.

"I think you may be right," she whispered back with a smile. "I suppose they do say that opposites often attract."

"Yeah, but there's opposites and then there's those two," John remarked, glancing back to the shelter falling behind them.

Teyla smiled at that, settling her hand further around his elbow, the soft folded material of his shirtsleeve warm under her hand.

"I will find out for sure at the next Poker Night," she told him.

He glanced back round at her. "What exactly do you all talk about at these poker nights?" He asked suspiciously.

"Poker," she replied up at him with a smile.

He narrowed his eyes at her. "And...?"

"We often discuss the latest events in the city, our duties and family," she told him.

"Your family?" John asked.

"Yes, I have even taken Torren along once or twice, though he tends to limit how much we can play."

"Tries to help does he?" John asked with a smile.

"That and he tends to distract everyone, and receives far too many sweet treats."

"It was only a few cookies," he protested with a smile.

She set her other hand around his elbow as well, to let him know that she did not mind him sharing food with Torren, and she knew that he would not over feed her son.

"Carson has suggested to me that when Torren is older that I may wish to give him the ATA gene," she told John.

"You don't want to?"

"Perhaps it is as a mother I am disinclined to alter him in any way, but it may not work anyway, as it did not with me," she replied. The success rate of the gene therapy was not all that high and she had to wonder if Torren would be unlikely to be responsive to the gene therapy as she had been.

"Maybe it'll have more of a chance of working if he has it when he's a kid," John suggested.

"Carson suggested the same. I have to admit, that it would be very useful for him to be able to use Ancient technology, and he could even learn to fly a Jumper one day." She looked up at John. "Perhaps you could teach him."

She saw John's grin as he looked down at her. "That'd be cool," he replied.

She smiled at his enthusiasm. "I thought you may think that." She looked down the beach where she could see the distant main group were now heading back across the width of the beach, heading back up the bank again. "I would feel happier if he could use Ancient technology and perhaps he would be able to live in the city even if something were to happen to myself."

She saw John glance at her out of the corner of her eye. "He'll always have a home in Atlantis, Teyla. You know that," he told her, echoing a conversation they had had over a year ago.

"I know," she replied. "But, even if I do remain in the city for all my remaining, hopefully long, years I would hope that he could have a connection to the city that your people would value."

He shifted next to her, uncomfortable with the subject matter. "He'll always be welcome in the city." He said the words because he meant them, but she also heard the tone to his voice that told her that he too had considered the far future. If the day may one day arrive when all those she knew in the city were gone, eventually transferred away or lost, then she wished Torren to be linked with the Ancestral city in which he was growing up.

She looked away to the ocean to their right, watching the water reaching up the beach and then falling back and away again. It was beautiful down here, the air cool, the sand soft and the air fresh. She looked back to see the rest of the group were at the top of the bank and disappearing back into the gardens.

"Could we stop here for a while?" She suggested to John. "I would like to remain on the beach a little longer."

"Sure," he replied. "There's another shelter up there."

She nodded and they altered their direction towards the thatched sloped roof of the shelter. "That is if a couple have not already taken residence," she suggested with a smile.

"We'll kick them out," John suggested in turn.

They reached the shelter and found it empty, with a large soft chair inside and a cabinet beside it containing the supplies. They decided that they wished to remain on the sand and so retrieved two beach towels from the cabinet, and laid them out before the shelter. They settled down beside each other, sat looking out at the ocean.

"It is so beautiful here," she remarked, as she wrapped her arms around her raised knees. The moonlight shone down over the wide dark stretch of water that was constantly moving, the sound repetitive and relaxing.

"Sure is," he replied quietly.

"I think this would have been good for Rodney to visit somewhere like this," she considered.

John shifted beside her, lying down on his back, looking up at the perfectly clear sky overhead. "He would find something to whinge about."

She smiled at that, most likely true. Comfortable silence fell between them and she simply sat and watched the ocean and the beach.

After some time, there was movement down to the right along the beach, and she watched the darker shapes of Kelso and Legg leaving the other shelter, heading back up the bank out of view. She smiled at them, glad that they had found good company this evening.

She turned back to the ocean, closing her eyes and just listening to the sound, letting it soothe her. John's breathing to her left suggested that he was dozing or at least very relaxed.

She thought resting here sounded very good, so she settled herself back as well, lying down onto the slightly cool blanket under her. The sand under her back gave slightly, but not too much that it was not supportive to her body.

She closed her eyes again, enjoying the air washing over her, John's warmth to her left and the ocean's sounds close by.

Onto Part 2 (to be posted tomorrow…)