The dare is set

As I walked into the Gryffindor Common Room I felt a familiar sense of security and welcoming over come me. You see since my parents were killed by you-know-who two years ago in my fouth year Hogwarts has seemed to be the only place that I feel at home and the only place that I feel safe in. I was wearing a black skirt, a red tank top and a pari of black heeled boots. My black hair reached my lower back and i wore it straight. Once I was fully inside the common room I heard a high pitched scream that could have only come from Hermione Granger one of my closest friends ever.

"Steph your here finally" she said whilst hugging me. Once she pulled away her face became a lot more serious and she said,

"And just where have you been? School started two days ago and we have been worried sick about you."

"Yeah Steph where have you been?" This came from Ron another one of my close friends with a hug also.

"Hi Steph" harry said.

"Hi guys. Im so sorry I havent been in touch its just that i've been travelling in America and friend of mine got hurt so I havebeen with him until he woke up. Oh, and don't worry Im not going to lose any house points or anything because Professor Dumbledore knows about it." I said with a smile.

"Oh, is he Okay? What happened? Was it bad? Why didn't you tell us? Well?" Hermione said all at once.

"'Mione breathe andlet the poor girl answer" Harry said with a smile looking at me.

"Thanks Harry and to answer your questions in order 'Mione yes he is fine. He just got into a fight and suffered from a few nasty hex's. It wasn't too bad but was bad enough for him to be unconcious for a few days. I didn't tell you because I was half way around the world and I was too busy worryingabout him to think about anything else whatsoever." was my reply.

"Oh okay hehe. Well lets go to dinner come on we have a lotto catch up on" Hermione said whist pulling me towards the Great hall. When we got there and walked through the big wodden doors I felt my breath catch in my throat. No matter how many times I had seen the enchanted ceiling it still took my breath away. So we walked along to the Gryffindor table when I saw professor Dumbledore motioning me over to him.

"Hey you go sit down Professor Dumbledore want me" I said departing frommy friends and heading to the front of the of the Great Hall.

"You wanted to see me Professor?" I asked.

"Yes STephanie my dear. I just wanted to ask you how your friend was doing?" he said with a sweet smile.

"Oh he's doing much better. He woke up last night and the doctors said that they wouldkeep in touchabout his progress" i answered also with a smile.

"Thats great. Well I have informed your Professors about your absence and they understand completly" he said.

"Thank you."

"Your welcome. Well go back toyour friends and have a gooddinner" he said motioning me towards the Gryffindor table.

So I walked to the Gryffidor tableand was greated by smiles.

"What did Professor Dumbledore want to see you about?" Harry asked.

"Just to ask about my friend and to tell me that the Professors know why I am late back to school" I said. "Oh, is it me or does Snape look particularly mean today?"

"Oh, he's just like that because he didn't get picked to beD.A.D.A teacher again" Ron informed me.

"Ahh I see" I commented.

Well the rest of the dinner went by normally and we went back to the common room. When we walked in we sat in the chair by the fire with seamus, Nieville and Ginny.

"Hey everyone" I said.

"H-helllo Stephanie nice to see your back" came the voice of Nieville.

"Yeah nice to see you Steph" Seamus and Ginny said in unison whcih was pretty weird.

"So what youguys doing?" Harry said stiing down next to Nieville. Hermione the sat down next to Ginny andRon sat down next to Hermione. So i proceeded to sit down on the arm of the chair where Harry was sat.

"We're playing truth or dare" said Seamus. "You want to play?" he continued.

"Hell, yeah" I said.

"Sure" said Harry, Ron and Hermione.

"Okay. Nieville Truth or Dare" Seamus said.

"Uh-uhm T-truth" he stuttered.

"Who do you have a crush on?" Seamus said with a raised eyebrow.

"E-erm w-w-well I-i Luna" hesaid whilst blushing the same colour and Ron's hair.

"Wow" i said.

"S-Steph truth or dare?" Nieville asked.

"Dareme" I said confidently.

" I-i dare you to.."

"Wait a minute Steph you seem way to confident. I have a dare for you" Seamus said nwith a dangerous smirk on his face. He the leaned over to Harry and whispered something.

"She can't do that thats gross" Harry said quite disguseted.

"Oh come on it'll be fun" Seamus said still with a smirk plastered on his face.

"Oh I dread to think what your planning on making me do" I said putting my face in my hands. Seamus then walked over to Nieville and whisperedin his ear and Nievlle started to blush slightly.

"I agree with Harry I don't think she should do that" Neiville said.

"Oh shut up both of you and just dare her to do it Nieville" Seamus said.

"Okay .Steph I dare you to seduce Professor Snape" He said quietly but I still heard him.

"WHAT"I practically yelled.

"I dare you to seduce Professor Snape is what hesaid Steph" aid Seamus still smirking.

"But why?" I asked

"Well one it may be funny, and two Ithink SNape will act differently if he gets laid" he said.

"What I thought you wanted me to seduce him not shag him" I said now standing up.

"Well that would be a bonus" he said.

"I can't believe I have to do this" i said.

"Well you do and you start your dare in the morning."