Marik's Legion of Villains PART 2


Nothing is mine

Summary: More bumbling mischief from Marik's Legion of Villains and new WWE and TNA Superstars and Divas plan revenge on Yugi Muto

-Somewhere in Chicago-

Yami Bakura: So it's agreed; after our evil meeting, we'll go to the Krusty Krab for lunch.

Michelle: Who'd eat at a place that's crusty?

Yami Bakura: That's just the name of the damn place for God's sake.

Marik: For once, that Plastic wannabe is correct. Who in the (belch) would go to some place that's burned to a crisp?

Yami Bakura: You're just her because Iima didn't go out with you.

Marik: I don't care! Now for some new villains that are joining us. Wade Barrett!

Wade: Wot the hell are ya tolking about! And why are we in a polluted toilet of a city like Chicago?

Marik: You joined us last night on RAW! We're in Chicago because Kane went insane and decided to put more of a beating on Vickie. I mean the damn walls were covered in blood for (fart) sake and looked like a damn Jerry Springer show with murder!

Maryse: (speaks French)

Yami Bakura: What was that you blonde Brittney Spears wannabe!

Maryse: Don't make me kick your ass!

Robert Rhoode: Would you PLEASE shut the (glass breaks) up!

James Storm: Both of you are pathetic!

Marik: Silence you morons!

Edge: What went wrong before we went to 'so-called' destroy Yugi Muto? And it came to me… He was hiding within plain sight!

Chris Jericho: Well nobody asked YOU Edge!

Yami Bakura: Why the (gun shot) did you bring Chris Jericho?

Marik: Because of his influences he gave Wade Barrett over on NXT and it was because of him that RAW is at war against the NEXUS.

Bandit Keith: And there hasn't been any Monday Night Wars since Vince (quack) McMahon (silent gun shot) it all up.

Marik: Bandit Keith is right. The last war was on TNA with that Main Event Mafia fiasco going on.

Yami Bakura: And don't tell me you brought that smug giant Matt Morgan!

Marik: No. Someone even better; THE MIZ!

Miz: That's right. Because I'm THE MIZ… …AND I'M-

Yami Bakura: A jackass!

Miz: Who the hell do you think you are?

Yami Bakura: Someone that didn't get his ass kicked by the Big Show, didn't run their (EFF!) mouth off to Bret Hart AND didn't got put in a Sharpshooter.

Miz: That was one time! And Show sucker punched me for who knows what reason!


Marik: Who let them in!

Robert Rhoode: Wasn't Earl Hebner on Security?

Marik: Damned Earl Hebner! You can't give him something so easy, a toddler could do the damned thing!

Madison Rayne: We asked you a damn question!

Yami Bakura: Because this is a Legion of Villains, not a (gun shot) high school clique!

Lacey von Erlic: Can I keep him?

Madison Rayne: Which one?

Lacey von Erlic: This snow white boy.

Yami Bakura: Touch me and die!

Marik: Silence! We need a plan to destroy Yugi Muto!

Chris Jericho: I say we use a car bomb and put it up his ass and watch him explode!

Marik: Damn! That's demented, we're not going to kill him, because the FCC and 4Kids would censor it.

Layla: Give him a bad hair cut?

Marik: What the hell is this, Mean Girls?

Maryse: (speaks French)

Marik: Well nobody (fart) asked you. And did you wash or take a bath?

Maryse blushes in embarrassment, pissed off, smacks Marik and walks away.

Yami Bakura: Finally, that stench was starting to get to me.

Marik: Then why didn't say anything?

Yami Bakura: Because I didn't want to get beat up by her boyfriend. Like what happened to John (quack) Morrison.

Marik: John Morrison got off easy! Now does anyone besides the Mean Girls have a better plan?

Edge: Why don't we just kick his ass, all of us?

Marik: So all in favor?

Everyone: AYE!

-Myrtle Beach-

Madison Rayne: What makes you think Yugi is in Myrtle Beach?

Marik: Because of Joey Wheeler's poorly drawn plans that Lacey was able to seduce out of him.

Shows her. It just says "Yugi and us" with and arrow pointing at Myrtle Beach

Yami Bakura: That's Wheeler's writing. And it's worse than Chowder's.

Marik: How do you know of this Chowder?

Yami Bakura: Because that damn squirrel-bobcat-raccoon thing made me play Chef with him. He's brainless retard, worse than Peter Griffin!

Marik: Lacey, where in God's bad grace have you been?

Velvet Skye: Don't ask her.

Edge: Looks like that damn kid escaped again.

Marik: DAMN! Back to the EVIL drawing board!
