A/N: Here's Chapter 2! I'm thinking I should have something to munch on now ._. -rolls off-

Blame It All On Fate!

Chapter Two

A knock on the door brought him out of his sleep. He stretched a little before calling out for the maid to enter his room.

"Come in."

She went in quietly and wished Izaya a good morning, leaving a pile of fresh handpicked clothing by Izaya himself on the edge of his bed for him to change into.

"Would the young master like to dress himself today?" She blushed a little after asking that. Izaya could dress himself up perfectly well but being Izaya, he loved to tease his maids at every given chance.

He didn't really feel quite up to it this morning though, there was something that seemed to be bugging him. He gave her a smirk nevertheless and said, "Do you want to help me?" chuckling at the look she shot him and excused her soon after.

Sleep was still clouding his mind from staying up most of the night. That offending blonde that he met at the club kept invading his thoughts. He could still remember how it felt like to be punched by him – that was the first time he had ever been hit in his life, and he just could not get over it.

Revenge was needed here, he concluded. No one could get away with defying Orihara Izaya. Lengthy mastermind plots filled his complex mind as he slowly dressed himself, trying his hardest not to aggravate his still aching wrist.

Once his shirt and pants were on right, he shrugged on a favorite fur trimmed long coat of his on, thoroughly scanning himself in the mirror until he was satisfied with his appearance. The coat clung to his slender form with an air of elegance, further accentuated by the classy dirty brown fur lining on it. To Izaya, fashion was among some of his most important priorities. First being image and second being status.

After doing a small twirl to check the back of his coat, Izaya picked up his branded wallet and state of the art cell phone to casually tuck them in a coat pocket before leaving the room, all the while keeping usage of his right hand to a minimal.

He frowned as he made his way down the pearly white and gold spiral staircase to the dining hall where breakfast awaited; there were voices echoing from said hall. That was strange, his mother rarely chatted with the servants.

"A guest maybe…?" He muttered to himself.

"Thank you for accepting the job." That voice belonged to his mother. "I've heard many fine stories about your strength."

Izaya pressed his back against the wall just beside the entrance to the hall. His father had always told him that eavesdropping was bad, but that never stopped him from doing so to get extra information one would have a hard time getting otherwise.

"I thank you for the offer, my lady. I never expected to have the Orihara family call for my services."

Izaya raised an eyebrow in curiosity. He's heard that voice before.

"A friend of mine recommended you. I must warn you in advance tough, Izaya can be a little…hard to handle at times."

Izaya had to hold back a laugh at that. Hard to handle indeed. He turned to take the tiniest peek he could without them noticing him. The man stood in front of his mother who was seated on the left of the master's seat. He had painfully familiar blonde hair and was dressed in the customary bodyguard outfit, a pair of dark sunglasses covering his eyes gave him a look of professionalism.

The man chuckled and said, "I'm pretty sure I can handle him. Spoiled brats have never been much of a problem for me."

"Oh, you've not met my son yet. He –"

Izaya decided to step in the room just then. If this guy was going to be the new bodyguard his mother had talked about, then he should learn about his new master by himself.

"Good morning, mother." Izaya said as he walked with an air of confidence towards the long dining table, taking his place on the right of the master of the house's seat just beside the standing blonde whom he hadn't even spared a glance at.

Before he could motion for the maids to bring him his breakfast, the man beside him grabbed the top of the ornate chair Izaya was seated in and turned it around forcefully, causing everyone in the hall to freeze in shock, Izaya included as he stared up into those dark shades questioningly.

"What are you doing, Shizuo-san?" Mrs. Orihara exclaimed, fearing for her son all of a sudden.

Shizuo did not answer, he merely returned the man's stare, fingers digging into the wood of the chair in growing anger as he realized just who exactly his new master was.

"Orihara…san." He growled, mentally cursing the gods for this twist of fate.

"Is something the matter, Shizuo-san?" the lady was now standing, ready to call for security if something were to go amiss.

Shizuo considered the question for a moment before deciding to allow the 22 year old to do the explaining, hands moving up to remove the dark shades from his eyes, revealing his face to the now stunned Izaya.

It was now official. Heiwajima Shizuo was to be the personal bodyguard of Orihara Izaya, and both the men were far from pleased with the arrangement of things.

"I don't care about the contents of the contract you fucking signed. I just want you to stay the hell away from me." Izaya growled, feeling less than comfortable about their proximity from each other; his mother had called this a compulsory get-to-know-each-other session.

The corner of Shizuo's lips twitched a little at the tone of Izaya's voice. He was beginning to regret ever coming here in the first place.

"As much as I want to, I don't break promises nor contracts for that matter, and this one said that I can't ever leave your side aside during your private moments."

"Well, I don't give a damn!"

The young Orihara shot up and gave him the most intimidating glare he could muster, which obviously had no effect on the blonde.

"A job's a job and I'll be your bodyguard until the year's up, that's when the contract ends."

Izaya huffed and stormed out of the living room, ignoring his mother's shocked expression as he passed her, and made his way to his room upstairs, a frown pulling at his lips.

"Trust mom to find me another dumb dog…" He muttered, face hitting the soft pillow as he landed face first into his king sized bed.

Finally, he heaved a heavy sigh and shifted a little to reach for the drawer beside his bed. The first layer contained only a black book and a pen, both of which he took out and started writing the day's events in with a surprisingly neat handwriting.

"…and so I get a new pet dog, one that I'm gonna make suffer for a whole year for punching me in the face…" He voiced out the words as he wrote them.

It wasn't long before he was done since he only had Shizuo to write about for now.

A knock on the door startled him a little – no one ever dared to disturb him when he was in his room.

He merely glared at the wooden piece of wood, not bothering to answer.

"It's almost time for your class."

Right, his university classes.

"Go away, dog. And call me master."

He could almost smell the anger radiating off the other male behind the door.

"Your mother would not be pleased if you missed your class just to stay in bed."

"My mother doesn't score high distinctions in every subject she takes. Master, if you will."

"I'm being paid to look after your skinny little ass, not to be your slave."

Izaya snorted.

"The girls love my ass."

Was that a sigh he heard on the other end? Score!

"Alright, Izaya. You win. Just get going before I call your father."

And so he did, but only after screwing up his face childishly and opening the door fast enough to have it smack Shizuo in the face.

"My dad's a whore who's in Thailand getting shagged by random dudes as we speak."


Shizuo's transfer into the prestigious university was a quiet affair, as quiet as every other transfer in fact. The Orihara family had taken care of all the paperwork and all he had to do was step out of the car to open the door for his master and just not getting back in after.

Izaya's reaction was pretty much expected.

"I can't believe this."

Shizuo felt like saying that it really didn't make a difference, but the other would have probably turn a deaf ear to him with how he was practically glaring daggers at the piece of paper in his hands - Shizuo's new schedule to be exact.

"An ape like you even making it in…what the heck did that woman do?" Izaya mumbled to himself, conveniently loud enough for Shizuo and everyone within 4 feet of them to hear.

It didn't take long to click, only a few seconds really.


The subjects on the list were the same ones he was taking, and they were all taking place in the same lecture rooms and same time period as his.

"Call it karma."

The punch never reached its intended spot.

"You're quick, but not quite enough…rather weak too." Shizuo commented casually.

"How dare you speak to me that way." Izaya growled, his hand still caught between Shizuo's grip. "I'm your-"

"Course mateas of today, and I get to treat you like one while we're here; your mother's orders."

Izaya almost threw a mini tantrum then, just almost.

Phew! I wrote half of this last December so I only had another half to finish up |3 Hope it's okay~